Wednesday, October 17, 2018

"Flowers Do Wonders"

Such gorgeous mums my neighbor shares. Just part of a lot more. 10-17-2018 Perryton, TX

I walked two doors down and took this picture of my neighbor's beautiful orchid mum's, today. She has this many more along the walkway to her front porch. These mum's will stay pretty for several weeks yet. We appreciate their endurance to cold, frosty weather. They really help to liven up the neighborhood. I am very fortunate to live in such a nice neighborhood.

This day went by far too fast. I didn't get done all the things I had planned to do. I probably will find myself working in the kitchen tonight instead of reclining in front of the television. But I will manage to get things done that are necessary before I go to work tomorrow.

I visited a friend in the hospital that I didn't even know was there until today. She has come back home to be in the hospital here while having therapy with her back after surgery in Amarillo, and staying two weeks in the hospital there. She is always going to have to use a walker, and she and I cried at that thought. Until about a month ago this little lady never hardly ever sat down. She was a traveling blessing deliverer, and she walked many miles each day until her bag was empty. This back decease came upon her suddenly, and it was not to be fixed beyond help of a walker. Sometimes the enemy uses the strongest parts of our lives to weaken the faith God has given us. The sweet little smile didn't disappear from her face, but the sorrow was so evident in her eyes. I prayed for her. And I am sure God heard my prayer. I felt a slight grip from her hand as I held it while I prayed. I can't tell you all the sorrow, and grief, this child of God has been though lately, but it is overwhelming. She lost her husband, then her only beloved son fairly close together. Now she has a daughter that has had serious heart, and other issues, and has been hospitalized for nearly three months. This dear Christian worker is still in the hospital and cannot take care of her mother which is double sorrow for her. Another daughter, who lives several miles away, is having to handle the full load now. There is no other children. With all of this being said, and a lot more unsaid, this faithful little angel is still super hopeful for recovery for her daughter, and herself. We will not give up, because there is no reason to. When the mind is extremely bright, and the faith unwavering, what is a little help from a walker going to do to slow you down? Slow, sure, but stop never. God will make a way, and I will forever be thankful to Him. We the people of the Senior Citizen's Center ask that our dear friend, and encouraging soul, continue to live a happy life for a lot longer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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