Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Welcome Cousin Minnie Pearl From Grinders Switch"

Debbie the dentist had to check Minnie Pearl's teeth. The dentist's teeth needed to all be pulled. 10-31-2018 Perryton, TX
What a great time at the Center today. The Halloween party was a blast. I was Cousin Minnie Pearl from Grinder's Switch. The dentist had to check my teeth before I could be admitted. Mine was o k, but hers all needed to be pulled. They don't show too well in the picture because she was too seriously checking mine. I love, love this group of people. They all are A+ retired, students. And there's no way to fact check that. Some of us hasn't been in the entertainment business for long. Minnie Pearl was the oldest one there. She is 106 years old. She handles her age well. I'm sure I will still be laughing at this time tomorrow. The bake sale was a success, and happy faces were showing everywhere. God Bless the best of the best, still left on this planet.

Now we are looking forward to the next big party. Thanksgiving will be celebrated November the 14. It is sure to be the best cooked Thanksgiving dinner in Perryton. The turkeys are all starting to hide, but these cooks have a way of finding them. Dressing, and pumpkin pies are surly the best you will find anywhere. The decorators started clearing the tables before we left today, getting ready to put up the Thanksgiving decorations. These ladies do a super nice job making the tables look pretty and impressive. They are carrying out the traditions of the Pilgrims. We must never let this great inherited, blessing be taken from us. We are the off spring of the brave pioneers who battled the storms to give us the freedom we enjoy today. “God Bless America, and what it stands for.” God bless our President, and every voter who committed to help him make American strong again. We are winning the battle, but not without much suffering, and a willingness to fight for what our fore fathers were able to give us. Strength is in unity, and may we all band together to hold up our American flag, and deny all others.

The weather is cold today. I'm hoping for a few more warm days to finish cleaning the dead growth in my yard from last summer. The leaves are gaining on me, and I may not be able to control them. I will welcome all high wind, when the leaves start piling up. At least some of them will blow away to someone elses' yard. I'm sure all the leaves on my yard are not mine, but I don't expect anyone else to rake them for me. Most of them will blow away. Spring can't come too soon for me. But I have to have the soil ready for new growth. I must sign off because I have some more things I have to do. Hope everyone will be nice to the goblins tonight, and not turn off your lights, and close the drapes. I hope I am the only one who does that because I cannot be running to the door every second till mid night. I just need a door usher, but I don't have one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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