Saturday, October 20, 2018

"Life Ended Too Soon"

Don't know what kind of bug this is, but it's devouring the pre-mature lily. This lily came too late to live, and too early to be reborn. Noe the bug is eating it up. 10-20-2018 Perryton, TX

This little lily didn't have a chance, It entered this life too late to survive the cold, and before the freeze could kill it a big bad bug found it, and is eating it up. Nature is such an interesting book. But unless you plan to teach the physics of nature most people never read more than one page. Most of our expertise is imagination. We are so used to taking life for whatever it gives us. If that scary bug had of landed on me I would have screamed, and ran for the house immediately. In fact I did anyway, because I could feel little stings without seeing a bug. This just is not the time of season to be milling around in a half dead flower garden. The beautiful butterflies left a few weeks ago, now the demon bugs are here. I will not be happy until I can get all the flower skeletons pulled up and hauled to the dumpster. It has been too wet to work on them for several weeks, now too many stinging bugs are on them. I may have to wear my snow suit when I finally can get to work on them. Right now my yard is a very ugly, and disgusting place. About ten feet wide all around the three sides of the back yard fence is a flower bed. Too much work for an old lady like me. But with time I can get things looking better.

I have had three nice phone calls this morning with two of my children and a sister. That's all I needed to make my day sweeter. Thank God for almost free long distance phone calls. A few years back I would have been paying $100.00 for the time I talked free this morning. At least some things are better. I am in walking distance of where I spend three days a week, and sometimes more at the Senior Citizen's Center for lunch. No gas money for that, except I don't walk. A dollar a week isn't bad for that many trips. I will be attending the annual board meeting today at 5 o'clock there. A super assortment of chili with all the fixings will be free. I am excited to be privileged to attend this meeting. I will be taking a serving of everything to one of our members in the hospital after the meeting. This will almost make her feel like she attended. She is such a blessing to our group, but has had a hard time getting over a fall she took a few weeks ago. We look forward to having her back. She expects to be hospitalized for two more weeks for therapy. I will be taking the Senior news to her each time I go. That always makes her smile.

My laundry is almost finished, and I need to get ready. Happy week-end to everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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