Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"Hands Off This Is My Country"

It's beginning to look a lot more like America. "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" 10-9-2018 Perryton, TX
Right from the heart of my living room comes this great historical picture of President Donald Trump, and the new Supreme Court Justice Britt Kavanaugh with his family. It's such a thrill to see them standing proudly together after fighting 3 or 4 weeks furiously to finally win against the evil demons who sought to bring this good man down. Only because the liberal left does not like our President did this good man, and his family have to go through hell to finally be sworn in as Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I am so angry, but so proud that this great man didn't give up even when his family was being threatened. How could things like this happen in America? Just because America is not who she used to be, not for a long time now. We have had some of the most home-grown, American enemies, in our highest offices of government for the past several years. Some were not even home-grown, but were being promoted by the highest authoritative, power in our country. Power that was obtained by fraud. Dictatorial, trashing everything that America had stood for, for many years. Handing over our government piece by piece to our worst enemy countries. Giving our money by the billions without anyone knowing it to terrorist countries to kill our own people. That's why we have seen this disgraceful, unethical conduct from some of our own citizens that has rocked the world. Our justice system is in such shambles till we can't even get to the bottom of it. The thief is holding onto his stolen goods for dear might. Why are we having to forfeit our right to obtain these documents that have been stolen from the law abiding people. My guess is because those papers would cast an all out war that would cause many, many deaths. For that reason the evil crowds we've been seeing the past few years are desperate to get the trappers killed before they are caught in big trouble. It is not going to happen. Soon or later this God selected President will have everything he needs to bring this corrupt nation to the shown down.

Today is the first day the newly confirmed Justice is hearing cases. Just another reason to believe President Trump will win the biggest battle America has ever fought. I know the civil war we fought before when freeing the slaves was a bloody one, but this war will include other fighters from countries not yet identified. The fighters are already here, but are claiming citizenship without papers to prove it. It's being accepted by many of our own states. I have no doubt but our President will take control of all the odds against him which are high. He has already proven his worth. For the fools once a fool always a fool. The biggest fool of all the, Palestinian Giant, got killed by one little stone by one little Sheppard boy. I may get to see this giant fall, and I'm watching closely.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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