Thursday, October 18, 2018

"Is It A Lily Or A Dilly"

Impossible lily trying to birth. Hasn't been a bloom on this plant in a month, but after a hard freeze this is what happened. 10-18-2018 Perryton, TX
The mist in the atmosphere is suppose to turn to ice tonight. I went out to pick the two tomatoes that I raised, and saw this sweet little yellow lily trying to make life. If I didn't know I could not have told what it was, because it looks like a deformed piece of flower. It is growing on my lily plant, and I am shocked. We have had two hard freezes already, and now I see this sweet little blob trying to birth. Amazing! I don't have a place to house my potted plants through the winter, but I wish I did.

I came home from work today and ate a large serving of green chili casserole, and a brownie. I made them both last night before going to bed. I needed to take food to my son today, and I had such a full day yesterday till I had to work late to prepare for today. Both foods turned out well, and of course I over ate. Before I went to work for Nurses Unlimited, I had no trouble keeping my weight down, but now it is difficult. At least I am healthy, and have plenty of strength. Most of all I am happy because I love to cook. I was depriving myself of good food before I was hired to cook for my son, who is disabled. He qualifies for Home Health, and I was asked to take the job. If it had not been my son I would not have accepted.

Tomorrow will be a day “for me.” I will be going to the Center to lunch with friends. I enjoy these days so much, and always leave with a smile. It helps me to manage the rest of the weekly rush, rush days. Every retired man, and woman needs time to get away from the house, and feel retired. It is a blessing to live without having to get up every day and go to work, but the home work we have to do is still a big worry without we leave it and go to the Retirement Center often. Our pay check comes whether we make our beds, or rake our yards. I feel so privileged. I always have time to check on family and friends to see if things are going well with them. In fact this is the most blessed time of my life. I love to hear the words. “we are doing fine.” That make me happy through and through. It is at these times I give so much thanks to my God, because He is answering my prayers. If I hear things are not going well, I pray again. God will never quit listening to us if we keep asking. He is just that great, and loving. Sooner or later we will realize what we have been doing wrong to warrant all the needs we keep asking for. Can you believe that God is no respecter of persons? Well He is, and if we don't think He is treating us fairly, we are definitely wrong. Let us put the blame where it belongs.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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