Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"A Beautiful Pair Of He And She"

We had a hard freeze but this couple stayed put. Aren't they sweet? 10-16-2018 Perryton, TX 

These two rosy beauties stayed put in spite of the hard freeze we had for two nights. Most of the other flowers looks like they lost their feeling, and are very sick. It makes me sad, but things can't always be like we want them to be. We, like the flowers have to struggle to stay alive when the weather becomes unpleasant. But come spring we will start blooming again. So thankful that our care giver don't dig us up by the roots, and throw us away. We have been re-born many years ago, and those, our ancestors, have made us forever living souls. We know we will be transplanted some day, but never to die forever. We shall bloom the year round forever. Think about this unthinkable fact. It's hard to believe that we are secure even when we are not worthy. However, we must believe or we cannot be transplanted. I still miss many of the beautiful flowers God transplanted from my own flower garden, but I know some day I will be blooming right beside them. I must stay pretty, and be a blessing to others until such time I am transplanted.

There are lots of readings in the bible that I don't understand, but I have read enough scripture that I am sure I understand exactly what I've just described. That's enough for me to live, laugh, and be merry, even in the cold winter season. The rest is for God, and He only, to interpret. If we try, we will die, even before the weather turns cold. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I will try even harder to please Him, although I know I can't be perfect. He is my Heavenly Father, and like my earthly Father, He won't kick me out. Punish me, yes, but forsake me, no.

I have three more fun events happening this week. I'm looking forward to all of them. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evening I will be smiling at the faces that will be smiling at me. Can anything be more enjoyable than that? I will be dinning at all three events, and no telling what I might hear that thrills me to death. I'm always waiting for good news, and I usually get a lot of that. How blessed I am to be a part of such a wonderful bunch of people. Mostly older ones, but always some young ones also. Sometimes it's hard to sort them out. I guess I might say a lot of us are going through our second childhood. I dare to wonder what the third one will be like. Even the cold weather don't kill us to the point that we can't perk up when the band starts up. Yes, we can overcome our grief, and hardships if we will only try. Even our arthritis gets better when our attitude gets better. Stand up, and be counted.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                

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