Monday, October 15, 2018

"Yummy Yum"

We are almost there. The only two tomatoes we raised this year is almost ripe. 10-15-2018 Perryton, TX

A few days ago I mentioned the two tomatoes that I raised off a plant the Chuck had bought. But didn't set out. I brought it home from his house in a star-foam cup with only two or three leaves. It had almost died, but I set it out in my flower garden, and finally it started growing. It didn't make blooms, and I had decided it was not going to. The plant kept growing bigger, and bigger. One day I discovered two blooms, but was sure they would fall off. I was partly wrong. They did fall off, but weeks later I saw two tiny green tomatoes where the blooms had been. It took a long time for them to start growing, but I kept looking thinking they were never going to amount to anything. They were among a thick patch of tall flowers, so every time I watered the flowers the tomatoes got watered also. I finally quit looking for any growth, because the tiny tomatoes hadn't grown any. At the end of summer when the flowers started dying, I surprisingly spied two orange-size tomatoes. They were as green as a gourd, and I didn't expect them to ripen before a freeze came. They quit growing, but would,t ripen. Night before last we had a freeze,but I didn't even check the tomatoes. We had a harder freeze last night, and I just decided to see if the tomatoes were still green, instead of black. This picture I posted was made a few minutes ago, and as sure as heck we are going to have two ripe tomatoes to eat. One for me, and one for Chuck. I'm leaving them on the vine, because I like vine-ripened tomatoes the best. Hopefully it won't freeze tonight. As I said before all of the plants Chuck set out died because he got too sick to take care of them. This is the first summer he has not had tomatoes by the bushels. Last year I canned 20 quarts off his vines. I am so glad that we are going to have at least one home-grown tomato each this year. That makes the summer complete.

I had lunch at the Center today. As always I enjoyed the food, and fellowship. I always miss those who weren't able to come, and several were absent today. Hopefully I will see them at the next luncheon Wednesday. Now that it's gotten colder some are not as quick to attend as when it was nice weather. Flu shots were offered today at the Center, but many missed that convenient opportunity. We are privileged to have nurses from the Hospital once a month to come to the Center and give blood pressure test, and several other test as well. All are free, and we do appreciate it. Also once a month every member that had a birthday in the month is honored with cake and ice cream. If the person is there on that day they get Happy Birthday sang to them. They are not required to tell their age.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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