Thursday, October 25, 2018

"Join The True American Patriots Now"

Reminder to vote wherever you live, to save our country.Your vote counts. 10-25-2018 Perryton, TX
Run, run as fast as you can to your voting place, and help save your country. It's not too late to get involved, and it's going to take every one of us to kick butts. I am petrified to now realize that too many of us failed to see the evil waves coming to wash us under. Of course we watched the younger, and even some older ones, treat our Christian heritage with disrespect, and mockery, but did not realize the effect it would have on the entire nation. The Creator of us all has had enough, now everyone has to pay. Some for mocking God Almighty, and some who have to live with the results of such shame, and mockery. Actually all of us have some responsibility for the hell-of-a-place we now call our Homeland. Most of us did not think God would some day call out the entire mob of evil doers just to prove His Word. Somehow we thought that punishment would come after death on this planet. How wrong we were. Pain and suffering is growing by the day, and will not let up till Jesus comes back. The fight is on, and depending on who, and how much, the child of God is willing to take for His Name sake, will determine the length of our struggling lives. I can say for sure, God has promised to never leave, nor forsake the true believers who have trusted Him all the way. I am sure I am one of those. I took my earthly Father's advise, and sought the mercy of God as a young mother. I found Him real, and merciful, and have never doubted Him since. Many children in my day of youth, and even later, have mocked the teachings of the older generation, and made their own God, so to speak. The God of all creation is saying clearly, coming from the bible, “Ye have served other Gods therefore this place shall no longer be called The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.” Jeremiah 19:6. I plead the mercy for all who do not take God's Word seriously. However, my prayers will not make a difference in What God has promised all disbelievers. I truly believe the book of Jeremiah is fully being fulfilled in this day, and time.

Anyone who has been slow to believe, and follow God's Word, still has a chance. They can join the true supporter's of God's Word, and start now to make a difference in their lives. If any who haven't voted lately, but still have the privilege of voting will go now and cast a vote for God and Country, I believe they will have made a good start to change their lives. We are in a time of “swim or sink.” No more easy dry land to walk upon. I may have to walk on water because I never learned to swim as a child, but I believe if I have to I can.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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