Sunday, September 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Wing And A prayer"

Jean's Comment's: "A Wing And A prayer":            One wing and part of another. Sparkling in the sun like jewels. 9-30-2018 Perryton, TX   Sunday rest day is such a blessing....

"A Wing And A prayer"

           One wing and part of another. Sparkling in the sun like jewels. 9-30-2018 Perryton, TX
Sunday rest day is such a blessing. No fighting on television, just a few re runs from the mud-slinging of the past week. My sweet butterflies are still giving me peace, and hope for complete victory before they go away for winter. I am going to miss them a lot. They seem to understand that I need to touch their ash-like bodies just to prove that I won't hurt them. Just when will the lambs lie down by the lions? 

No need denying it; this week is going to be even more intense with the hell stained evils digging deeper into their conniving, wicked, and cruel tricks to further their attempts to over throw our government. When the extra week that they were given to try harder to find another way to gain power, they will have come up with still another plan. When will God's patience run out? And when will His redeemed against all evil start to fight back? To my own evaluation experience, I think it is obvious that the fight has already begun. I am never going to back down from holding up my God, and condemning the evil ones who want to destroy Him. This war is not about man, it's about God and Satan. “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.” As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

I'm very anxious for the new week to start tomorrow. It's almost like watching for the mailman when you're expecting a big check. I am expecting a break through with the UN-Godly corruption that has been spreading for years. I believe God Himself is going to have to appear in some of His most honorable men, and women, to prove His Almighty power. I can see that happening very soon. I won't be somewhere playing bridge or shopping for new cloths while I wait for this happening. I will be watching it all unfold on television. I will be cheering, and praising God every minute. If you can take your pleasure, and pay no attention, more power to you. The tickets may all be sold out when you decide to come. Left out will be a sad day for many. Many will be rushing to the bathroom to wash their mouth with soap. Many will be trying to clear their bodies of nasty marks they have so boastfully had etched into their skin. And yes, many of us may be hunted down by these same people to kill us, but we must be faithful to God.

I never expected to be living when this part of the bible come to pass, but here I am, and here am I God. Use me however you see fit. I have been trying to tell people for many years that Your Word was true, and it was thorough without any omissions, but so many didn't believe. I hope I have done my best, and I still am able to continue on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Life Starts At Football Age"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Starts At Football Age": The head you see sticking out of the roof vent is a football player staying warm while he waits for his team to play. Taken this morning f...

"Life Starts At Football Age"

The head you see sticking out of the roof vent is a football player staying warm while he waits for his team to play. Taken this morning from my front porch. 9-29-2018 Perryton, TX

  Today is Saturday the beginning of a new week. It's time to watch a little football and let our mind rest a couple of days from anger and frustration of politics. Every Saturday through football season several teams of small boys gather across the street from my house on the practice field to meet their challengers. I thought it interesting this morning when I noticed a head sticking through the roof vent of a truck parked in front of my house. I could see the shoulder pads of a small boy as he watched the other teams play. It is cold here this morning, and this player was staying warm while he could. I was reminded of my own three boys who played football many years ago on this same field. They grew up loving football, and to this day they are still big fans of the game. I support the players, but find it secondary to the more important thing in our lives. God and country. We need a balance as we travel this rocky journey, so I take my rest, and do my worshiping on the week-ends. Every chance I get I go for a week-end of my own personal pleasure. I will be traveling to Liberal, Kansas this evening to purchase a few things we need for every day necessity. The round trip is about 100 miles. I will be alone, so I can completely relax, and rest my mind from exhaustion of political frustration. The longer I can stay away from television the better I feel when I get back home where it is never turned off. Then I rush to catch up on what I had missed. What a messy world we have been turned into.

I still can feel blessed to be living in America, because I know without a doubt God is fixing to make a lot of people pay for the evil they have caused to His followers. That is his promise, and God doesn't lie. Therefore I could enjoy a good dance this evening if it were possible. Not so, but I can find another way to express my joy. It must be exhaled or we would explode. I'm thankful that I have stayed within my desired weight chart, because I have been cooking, and eating to the highest heaven. I know that is unbelievable, but it is the truth. I must keep the faith. Anxiety must stay depressed. Today is the day to rejoice, and be happy. Tomorrow will be another day, and if we are still here, let us rejoice and be happy again. The love boat will soon be coming so cheer up, and be glad you have a ticket. I promise every hurting, innocent person that you will be crowned for your endurance of great pain, and suffering while still on this earth. Your battle is not yours, but Gods. Never, never forget that promise, it originated from God himself.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 28, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "They Nailed Him To The Cross"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "They Nailed Him To The Cross": Jean's Comment's: "They Nailed Him To The Cross" : Judge Brett Kavanaugh at his best today. How proud he made true America...

"Back To The Bible"

The Holy Bible and the swords. Both are to be taken seriously at this time. 9-28-3018 Perryton, TX
During Old Testament days swords were the weapons used to kill men of war, or men who were hated by their enemies. There were no guns or bombs such as is used today to gain power over another country. Every man carried a sword, and used them to kill like we might swat flies today. In reading the Old Testament it was common to see that at times thousands at a time were slain with swords. One little Sheppard boy used a sling with a single stone to kill the Giant who was equipped with bronze Armour and carried a bronze spear that weighed 3.5 kilograms. The little Sheppard boy, David, refused to put on protective Armour and landed a stone in the middle of the Giant's forehead, killing him instantly. 2 Samuel ch. 21:16-22. My point is this. There has never been peace since the first sin was committed in the garden of Edam. There will never be peace until Jesus Christ comes back to earth to take his believers away. Every human being is a target for the evil doers whom we live among each day. God is our protective shield, but unless we trust and obey Him He cannot protect us. He didn't promise us an easy path to follow, but He did promise to keep us safe, There is power in the blood of Christ. If we get knocked around, mocked, falsely accused, or even threatened, take it with pride because the Word of God declares that He will not allow us to be oppressed but for a moment. It also says that those who try to defeat us shall fall for our sake.“whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thou sake.” Isaiah 54-15.

I am seeing a few Godly people being persecuted, falsely accused, and treated like dirt at this time. I know these people are saying “God where are You?” And God is saying “I am at the same place I was when my son was treated like dirt,” We all have to suffer for awhile, but the end results will be worth it all. Woe be to those whom have caused the Godly to suffer. There will be no help for them when they need it most. I feel so strongly that within a short time God's wrath will be poured out on all who have so furiously attacked the Christians who are giving their all to help God win the war of sin and evil. We do not need to be discouraged, nor feel neglected, because without any doubt God is on our side, and with that said we need nothing else to cheer us on. Claim it now, claim it bravely, victory is in our cup. Sleep in peace, and let God take care of our concerns.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "They Nailed Him To The Cross"

Jean's Comment's: "They Nailed Him To The Cross": Judge Brett Kavanaugh at his best today. How proud he made true Americans today. 9-28-2018 Perryton, TX I am sorry to be so late writin...

"They Nailed Him To The Cross"

Judge Brett Kavanaugh at his best today. How proud he made true Americans today. 9-28-2018 Perryton, TX
I am sorry to be so late writing my blog today, but I watched the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings all day long. Outside of Jesus Christ I have never been prouder of a man in my life than Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This great, honorable man has been crucified by the evil Democrats, and their evil witches. I could almost see Jesus looking down on this Supreme Court Justice Nominee today giving him power to magnify his integrity. He was super impressive, and I believe he convinced the majority of the Americans that he was ready to give his life for what he believes in. God is with us, people. Never doubt it. Come out of your hiding place and go to work for God.

I just heard yesterday that a big majority of Christians who are for President Trump didn't even vote for him. What are they afraid of? How can they claim to be for Christ when they won't even go to the polls and vote for the person they believe in? They want to ride the fence, and not make anyone angry with them. Let me warn you there is no reward for those who do not enter the contest. We are God's hands and feet. He gave us this body to use for Him. Anybody who missed this hearing today can, and definitely should get it on a rerun program, and watch every word of it. You can't be a juror without hearing both sides of the case. And you should want to be a juror in such an important case as this one was today. If you heard this case today, and you believe in God, you will definitely be praying tonight with tears running down your cheeks for this wonderful man and his family who have been demonized to the highest degree.

I will close this short blog with one very important request. Starting tomorrow don't let one day pass by without doing at least one thing to help God fight this evil war known as Good Against Evil. “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Trick Of The Camera Real Shot"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Trick Of The Camera Real Shot":                        An actual butterfly in flight. I gottcha baby. 9-26-2018 Perryton, TX   A one in a million chance of getting thi...

"Not A Trick Of The Camera Real Shot"

                       An actual butterfly in flight. I gottcha baby. 9-26-2018 Perryton, TX
A one in a million chance of getting this butterfly in flight. There had to be at least dozens this afternoon flying like lightening through the flowers. Sometimes three or four would land on the same stalk of flowers, but would fly away before they hardly landed. I started clicking the camera button as fast as I could not trying to take any certain object then I discovered this butterfly in flight when I unloaded them. It's not the butterfly that I'm proud of, it's the split second that I got a picture of it flying like a streak of lightening. How fun it is to out smart some of the fastest little creatures in such a big world of wonder. I would rather play with insects than to pull dead flowers. Hopefully before long all the lively butterflies will die, and I can clean out my flower garden. I don't know the reason for the change of their pace, but a few days ago I posted a picture of a butterfly that let me touch it, and I could have even picked it off the flower. Now today they were flying like sparks of fire.

I had a nice time at the Center today. We had chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, and gravy. Green beans, and salad. Cake or pie for desert. The six of us young-looking, ladies were having fun just as usual at our special table. We can stay as long as we want, and can think of something to chat about. I was pleased to share with the ladies something I read on face book this morning. It was told that you could add your age to the year you were born, and it would get 2018 every time for anyone. We did learn that you have to have had a birthday this year before it would work. One of our gal's birthday is tomorrow so her sum came out to be 2017. After today it would be 2018. This only happens once every 1,000 years. I told them I was going to leave this planet before it happens again. That's just too unbelievable, but it is correct.

The Lord has blocked my mind temporarily from all fear. and uncertainty about our troubled country. Everyone knows that the present time is setting a historical record for the most radical, and ungodly accusations against any decent human being since Jesus Christ. I believe some don't realize it yet, but the battle of Armageddon has already begun. The last battle ever to be fought on earth. But for how long no one knows. I also believe my God has blocked my worst fear, and given me peace when there seems to be no peace. Some may ask, “well what can we do about it?” I intend to do all I can to help the God-fearing people, and the dedicated Christian warriors to keep this evil, angry enemy on the run. It's obvious they are ignorant of God, therefore we know that they will be defeated in the end. That's who I am today. If anything changes I will let you know.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Home Built With A Godly Blueprint"

Jean's Comment's: "The Home Built With A Godly Blueprint": A couple of days ago I posted a picture of the sun sinking in the west while I was sitting in my recliner. This morning I took a picture o...

"The Home Built With A Godly Blueprint"

A couple of days ago I posted a picture of the sun sinking in the west while I was sitting in my recliner. This morning I took a picture of the moon setting from the exact place where I took the sunset. The tiny moon is shinning through my dinning room window at 6:30 a.m. this morning. 9-25-2018 Perryton, TX
I love getting up in the mornings, turning the coffee pot on, turning the T V on, and leaning back in my recliner to watch the last few minutes of the bright moon as it sets in the west. This moon you see through my dinning room window was taken at 6:30 this morning with only a night light on in my house. In the evenings I can see the sun setting from the exact place where I sat this mornings. Nothing in the world could be more pleasant then having this time of nature's beauty all by myself with God speaking to me through his creation. The scriptures I have read the night before, before going to bed, seems to be more understanding when I get comfortably fixed in my recliner. After an hour or so I am ready to start my day off with the things I had planned to do. All through the day I silently pray for those whom are not so fortunate as I. A praise is always on my lips. I am not a pain free person, but I can endure pain when I know God is helping me endure. Life was meant to be painful, and Jesus had more than His share. He went ahead of us to prepare a mansion for his believers so we will be free from pain when we are called. But in the meantime He left me with more blessings than I deserve. He reminds me every day of what He has told me many times, “Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I have lived by this wise ole proverb for many years. It has helped me win many battles.

When I am finished with this blog I will be watching the news till bedtime. I cannot believe all the evil that is going on in our country now. I wonder how long it's been since parents took their children to church or even tried to teach them right from wrong. I don't think hell could be much worse than what we are living in today. At least the Christians are promised to be protected from most of the Satanic fights that are ragging today. Please read Isaiah ch, 54 v. 11-17. God will not allow us to be oppressed. Denny Satan that power, because God is more powerful than that old serpent. Stand up and face him in the name of Jesus, and he will slowly shrink to nothing. I have seen this many times. He cannot stay where Jesus is being invited. It's our choice, but it is a known fact. We have to keep denying him because Satan never gives up. He will keep trying to catch us with weaken faith so he can declare his victory. In stead of saying no, just say Jesus, and he is gone within seconds. I'm not saying that there will always be victory over Satan, but he will not be allowed to stay and torment you if you call out the name of Jesus. Jesus is the King of all kings, and He will be there when we call Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "This Is Especially For My President And Supreme C...

Jean's Comment's: "This Is Especially For My President And Supreme C...: A rose for Charles. Please send to 1 Sharp Avenue, Heaven Eternal. Happy birthday Charles. We love, and miss you. 9-24-2018 Perryton, TX...

"This Is Especially For My President And Supreme Court Nominee"

A rose for Charles. Please send to 1 Sharp Avenue, Heaven Eternal. Happy birthday Charles. We love, and miss you. 9-24-2018 Perryton, TX
My daughter called today to remind me that tomorrow was her dad's birthday. Is that why I dreamed about him last night? My husband always loved roses, so I went to the yard and took a picture of this one nice, red rose to send him. I know he will be smiling as he unwraps this special birthday gift. No coconut cake with pink flakes of his favorite coconut, but just a rose to say “I love you.” “Thank you Lord for letting me have him for 63 years.”

Lunch at the Center was great today. Bar-b-q ribs, potato salad, cold slaw, and brown beans. This day was a bit unusual for our little group. Instead of laughing and he- hawing, we recalled a few very sad things that happened over the years we have known each other. I believe the Lord would have us to do that at times. Our eyes need to be watered a lot, and sometimes in the public view. I think it's just to remind us of how sad a time some of our friends, and loved ones have had to live through. We are never alone when it comes to grieving. Even our Jesus suffered greatly, He who knew no sin. But I thank God that He does wipe our tears away, and lets us laugh after we've had our cry. The time is coming when there will be no more tears.

Let me tell you who I think I am according to the Prophet Isaiah. ch. 54 v, 11-17. I am a child of God whom God sent His son Jesus to redeem me from sin. Read it all.

O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. In righteousness shall thou be established: thou shall be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Behold, they shall surly gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake, Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

This is me. Do you think it is you also? I hope you can say yes. We who are redeemed by Jesus Christ are the children Isaiah is speaking of here. I am anxious to see my new home, the foundation will be laid of sapphires, I love those stones. My windows will be made of agate, I love that stone also. My gates will be made of carbuncles, and my borders of other pleasant stones. My new heavenly home must be something of the unimaginable.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It's All About A Beautiful Life"

Jean's Comment's: "It's All About A Beautiful Life": This butterfly would let me pick it of the flower. I touched it trying to make it open it's wings.  9-23- 2018 Perryton, TX   I cou...

"It's All About A Beautiful Life"

This butterfly would let me pick it of the flower. I touched it trying to make it open it's wings.  9-23- 2018 Perryton, TX
I could have carefully removed this butterfly from the flower and put in a glass jar for beauty, but I didn't want it to die by my power over it. When it's wings were open it was so beautiful, but I couldn't even touch it enough to make it open them. The last few days of nice weather are slowly passing. I had to turn my heater on this morning. This late afternoon I am comfortable with the fans. There is still a lot of moister in the ground from the rain we had a few days ago. Some of the flowers are still looking pretty. The butterflies are moving about with their magic tricks that keeps our interest for long periods at a time. I live for another spring to come.

I attended church this morning. Several of the regulars were missing, but I don't know why. We had a death of one of our long time, faithful members, to happen a few days ago. This always makes us sad, but we have good memories to hold onto. A few more I know of are recovering from health issues. But the good thing about it is that we have increased our membership by several young couples with small children. We see a good future for our church.

The Senior Citizen's dinner I attended last evening was nice, and there was a nice crowd. The local square dance club entertained for us. It was fun to watch them move about in a circle, and never miss a step while doing the pattern of square dancing. It's a little too fast for me, but one could tell those older dancers were in perfect physical condition. Straight up figures, and most were carrying their desired weight. The ladies short, full circle dresses were very attractive. It was interesting to see their matching bloomers when the ladies were twirled around. When I was younger I used to square dance, but I haven't done it for years. I have to stick to the slow kind now. I will be going again tomorrow to a Senior Citizen's luncheon. I've finally gotten out of a rut of staying home so much. I still like staying home, but I know I need to socialize now more than ever before. I love my friends, and I love the freedom of choice we still have in America. I'm not taking that freedom for granted any more. It is a blessing from God, and I will be forever thankful to Him. The little butterfly that I could have destroyed today deserved to live out it's full live. I feel the same way about all good, and pleasant, living things. I will never hurt, but will always help all life to live out their calling, except for flies. I have been swatting them all day. It seems like they just came out of the woodwork, and they try to eat you up. I think they are about to die on their own since the weather is cooling off. No grieving here.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Always Good But Better When The Sun Shine...

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Always Good But Better When The Sun Shine...: Sunset through my dinning room window. A perfectly round ball of fire to the right of the window. 9-22-2018 Perryton, TX   I sat in my ...

"Life Is Always Good But Better When The Sun Shines"

Sunset through my dinning room window. A perfectly round ball of fire to the right of the window. 9-22-2018 Perryton, TX
I sat in my recliner last evening and watched the setting of the sun through the sheers of my dinning room window. It was a perfectly round ball of fire the size of a basket ball. Within a few minutes it had disappeared downward below the tops of the houses. My little comfort zone is so perfect for me to meditate upon the word of God. Quiet, and peaceful in times when you need it most. How blessed I am to have this heaven of rest. No matter how hard the enemy may try to possess you, it just takes a short time to drive him away when you are alone with God. Romans 8:37. But in all these things we more than conquer through Him that loves us. KJV. This morning I am rejoicing that I have conquered the evil spirit that attacked me yesterday. His source of attacking me doesn't ever remember being used by him. What a dirty trick the evil one can come up with to try and destroy the power of God. It's never going to happen. God is the beginning, and the ending. I have new faith this morning, and am believing for a miracle any moment. I don't just believe for my own personal desires, but for the needs of others. “Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.” Psalms 40:4. KJV. Take heed, and know you are such a man, or woman, of this great gift.

With the extra energy I received this morning I have accomplished a lot of household chores. It is amazing how much more faith, and physical strength we are given by the Lord after winning a battle. It's almost like a quarterback making the winning touchdown in the last second. I will be celebrating this evening. A friend and I will be taking in a special event at the Center. I am excited, and somewhat shocked at the difference I feel today than yesterday. The days of my youth are not over yet. I love feeling young, and doing things that to some may seem crazy. I refuse to wear the older looking garments or slow my pace to satisfy the freaking age group who didn't choose to argue about age. We are as young as we feel. And I feel in the center of both age groups. A good balance is always fun. I just now took two Tylenol, and unless I forgot in the last five minutes that's all I've taken, but possible I could have four in my blood stream at this time. That's what excitement will do for you. I don't often get this excited, but I'm satisfied with the feeling, and not worried about the after effects. Thanks to all my friends who have supported me through all the tough times I've been through, and thanks to my President who notified me this morning of being selected to receive inclusion in the Republican Presidential Honor Roll. I just needed to confirm that the information they will be using for a personalized certificate is correct. The President stated that once finalized the Honor Roll will become a lasting record that I ranked as one of his key allies in helping him to Make America Great Again. After they receive the confirmation the staff will be sending me a handsome calligraphed Presidential Honor Roll Certificate signed by he. I am honored to be chosen to receive this.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging Onto Hope"

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging Onto Hope": One of those days when my heart is aching for my loved one. He left me 5 1/2 years ago. Some days are so hard. 9-21-2018 Perryton, TX   ...

"Hanging Onto Hope"

One of those days when my heart is aching for my loved one. He left me 5 1/2 years ago. Some days are so hard. 9-21-2018 Perryton, TX
It just happens and nothing can stop it. Some days it's like my world just ended, while other days are like it has just started. I don't understand how life can be so sad, when most all things one should be happy about are plentiful. I am to the place where I believe there is never any permanent joy after losing the mate you've lived with for 63 years. I have lots of good, and fun days, but then I have lots of very grievous, and painful days. I know this is normal, but I feel ashamed that I cannot be extra thankful for good health that God has given me every since I'm been alone. He has met every need in my life, even been there to comfort me when I feel like I've been attacked by old Satan himself. Mental pain can be as bad as physical pain, but it shouldn't be. I believe those days are when God is preparing us for special blessings. I will refuse to believe it's going to get worse. That is exactly what Satan wants us to believe. I've been on this earthly journey for 85½ years, and I will keep traveling on till God is ready for me. I will take the bad with the good just like Jesus did when He was on earth. If I had a choice I would choose to be taken up in a whirlwind like Elijah was, but I believe it's best to let God take me the way He wants to. My musings will help me wait it out.

We did have that 2 inches of rain last night, and I did go to the Center today for lunch with friends. How could I be sad after both of those wonderful blessings? I can't answer that. I just know I did get attacked today in a most hurtful way that made me want to talk to my husband. Not attacked by any friend, or even an enemy, but by the one who I, and my husband, have sacrificed most of our life for. There is a great problem with this person, and I could not love them more. Mental illness is real, and can be wicked when it festers. I share this feeling with several of my friends who have the sadness quite often like I have just mentioned. The difference is most mentally ill people are in such condition that they don't care what happens to them, but some of us have to deal with just the opposite. They are determined to control everyone who are trying with everything they have to work things out with them. They think mean words are the weapons they need to get their way. They would never harm anyone physically, but the evil, UN-thoughtful, words are much like sticks and stones. I just a couple of days ago tried to comfort a young man whose mentally disturbed mother was about to get the best of him. Little did I think that I was going to have to take the same treatment two days later. It don't happen often, but it will not get better before it gets worse. These people are so lovable, and kind, when their mind is working correctly, but when not, they are untolerable. Thank God He comes to the rescue very quickly, but the trouble still lingers, just less than tolerable. Pray for the millions, and millions, of mentally ill people.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It Takes The Storm Clouds To Form A Rainbow"

Jean's Comment's: "It Takes The Storm Clouds To Form A Rainbow":                   Rain cloud coming our way. 2 " to 3' are suppose to fall. 9-20-2018 Perryton TX   The weather forecaster pr...

"It Takes The Storm Clouds To Form A Rainbow"

                  Rain cloud coming our way. 2 " to 3' are suppose to fall. 9-20-2018 Perryton TX
The weather forecaster predicted 2 to 3 inches of rain tonight in Perryton, Texas. I could see the dark rain clouds hanging beneath the big white clouds. I took a picture because it was such a contrast. It appears to be getting pretty close to us, and we certainly need rain. The flowers and grass have mostly died, but rain would perk them up for awhile. Autumn begins in two days, but it looks like it started a month ago. The fall flowers will be pretty for awhile yet, but I need rain to loosen up the soil so I can pull up all the dead ones. It looks like I can start doing that right away.

I have a good week-end ahead. Tomorrow is lunch at the Center, then Saturday night is a big fund raiser event with bar-b-q, and all the trimmings. A lot of door prizes have been donated so we expect a bunch of fun. Sunday will be church day, and I need that time to show I've been revived since I have missed several Sundays. The past three or four weeks have built me up, but I never knew it would be so exceptional. I will be thanking God in my church pew Sunday. Surprises do still come when we least expect them. Oh my! How I do love Jesus. He won't leave us feeling alone for long.

I an somewhat still saddened about several of my friends, and family going through some perilous times. It seems as though they are doing more than their share of suffering, and trying to regain their dignity. I believe sometimes our faith is just being tried, and if, and when, the Lord tries us enough He will give us the biggest blessing we have ever had. I have to be sad, but at the same time hopeful for those who are struggling with bad times. I have to be the proudest child on earth for the parents who always taught me that nothing is bad if we have God in our lives. I have always believed that, and through the worst of times, I trusted God.

Today was a time when I was needed to cheer and offer my physical help to a young man who is going through unbelievable stress with his mother. He has sought help from every source of hope, but no one seems to be able to help him. I must say it is about the worst situation I have ever experienced. Doctors, lawyers, judges and many others have been contacted, but no one seems to be able to solve the problem. This young man, and his mother are the only two in their family as far as a family like most of us know. I did offer my best to try to overcome some of the problems. But it would just be God if any good can be had in this case. It is the son that really needs help. His hands are tied, and his mother with her partly disturbed mind, is hell for him. I have been a friend of this mother for many years and I can't help but cry every time I think about the bad situation. Maybe God has been preparing me for this need, and if so I pray I will not give up, and walk away. Time will tell.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Snake Hatter A Purse Lover"

Jean's Comment's: "A Snake Hatter A Purse Lover": Not shopping for purses today when I found this lovely Giannini. Couldn't pass it up. 9-19-2018 Perryton, TX   I had lunch today wi...

"A Snake Hatter A Purse Lover"

Not shopping for purses today when I found this lovely Giannini. Couldn't pass it up. 9-19-2018 Perryton, TX
I had lunch today with friends at the Center. As always good food and fellowship to offer. I needed to go shopping for a few things when I left the Center, but didn't intend to buy myself a new purse. When I saw it, the one I have posted, I knew I had to have it. Purses are my pride and joy, and I have many, but always looking for another one. This purse is a large beige with reptile trim. It will be appropriate for most any occasion. I might call it neutral, which is just what I needed. I won't have to be changing purses every time I go somewhere. I found a few other items of dress that I am pleased with. It's fun to shop when you can find good bargains. There is something about fashion that I think was born in me. I am one to think women should look like women, and men should look like men. No guessing about it. My man would not even hold my purse when I needed him to. He would sit it down, and watch it till I could pick it up. I love men of this strong masculine nature. The kind of man that makes you laugh if you see him holding a purse, or anything that resembles one. They are so obvious to spot. There is a shortage of these kind of men. I'm looking, but haven't found that one yet who is available.

My joy has been bubbling this week for an unknown reason. I have these happy times pretty often, but wow to the times when they are missing. My husband used to tell people that God made man, and wife for a reason. When one is down the other is up, and together they can survive the toughest times ever. Hardly ever do you see both, husband, and wife, down at the same time. How sweet the perfect marriage is. I see this example every time I go to the Senior Citizen's Center. Couples that have been married for years are so helpful to their mate if there be any disability or just a simple need of making things easier for them. I cherish this respect, and am made to know how strong their marriage has been. I know first hand how hard it is for a partner to give up their beloved mate, and made to be both in one. The tears always come when no one is looking. But I believe God wants to place another mate in these kinds of situations, and it's up to us to accept the offer. Sometimes we never do that, because there is just too much changing that has to be done. If we are that guilty one, then let us not blame someone else. The blame is on us. We are failing to trust God with this offer of renewed happiness. My heart cries to God to give me perfect wisdom, and a perfect helpmate.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words"

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words": So proud to have been sent this 8x10 personally signed photo of President and First Lady, Donald J, and Melania Trump. A painting of the t...

"A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words"

So proud to have been sent this 8x10 personally signed photo of President and First Lady, Donald J, and Melania Trump. A painting of the two with myself as artist hangs on the wall behind the table. 9-18-2018 Perryton, TX
I am one of the deplorable's who is taking a lot of heat from the left, and I am proud to be one of the 60 plus million who is with me. I recently received this 8x10 personally signed phot0 of the two best President, and first Ladies ever to reside in the White House. I posted this photo with a large painting I did of the Honorable couple while dancing at their Inaugural Ball. It hangs on the wall behind the table where I made the picture they sent to me. A very nice message was written on the photo with their signature. I will never give into pressure, because I am positive this man is the work of God in action. I am not a fanatic, neither will I ever try to force anyone to join my belief, but I will always support this Godly couple as long as they suffer for our God, and country. The battle is on, and you might as well get ready for some fierce suffering. There was a time the Bible speaks of about war in heaven. There are several books in the bible that speaks of this war, and once place I will mention is found in the book of

Daniel 12: 1-2

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people: And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book. v. 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. KJV. The truest of all bibles.

There has already been war in heaven and Michael the Archangel with his angels fought against that old dragon, Satan, and his angels, and they were cast out of heaven. It is my thought that again here on earth the Archangel will again fight with that old dragon, Satan, and his angels, and again the children of God who's names are written in the book will be delivered. My heart tells me we are now fighting with the Archangel against that old dragon, Satan, and his angels. I just can't see the way people are being viciously attacked now how it could be anything else but the old dragon, and his angles. By faith I believe my name has been written in the book of God. I know of nothing else to do but fight with the leaders of God's great world, to get the evil, Satan angles cast out forever. I believe this is the beginning of the Armageddon war. The last war to ever be fought, according to the bible. How can anything worse than what is happening now be created?

God Bless America and God Bless our President, and vice President, and their families. God Bless every service man, and woman, who are giving their all. “Victory shall overcome the world.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Weeding Out The Rotten No Goods"

Jean's Comment's: "Weeding Out The Rotten No Goods": Fall flowers are blooming nicely. White Daisey's and yellow Mums. 9-17-2018 Perryton, TX   Today I have been pulling up dead flower...

"Weeding Out The Rotten No Goods"

Fall flowers are blooming nicely. White Daisey's and yellow Mums. 9-17-2018 Perryton, TX
Today I have been pulling up dead flowers so the fall flowers can be seen without the skeletons of the old ones blocking their view. I made a showing, but that's about all. There are lots more to be pulled up. The white Daisy's and yellow Mums are very pretty, but they grow along the fence line, and all the other flowers were in front of them. I have a lot of work ahead of me cleaning them all out. I'm getting a lot of new ideas for next spring about changing my flower garden. I hope it works out like I think it will. It gives me something to look forward to. I'm thinking about letting morning glories cover two whole fence rows. They grow without hardly any care, and really I do like the purple glories. I must find ways to keep occupied until spring again.

I had lunch today with friends at the Center. That is always an enjoyable time, but after one hour it's time to go home. Nothing there to do but eat, and catch up on everyone's welfare. It seems like someone is always getting sick, or getting hurt. News we don't like to hear, but need to know who to pray for. We had one member today who sits at our table that had just returned from a trip to Iceland. She had a lot of interesting things to share with us about her trip. There are usually nice, and sometimes laughable things to share, and that makes for a balanced time of fellowship. We are a very loving, and sharing group. We are truly blessed to have this facility in our community. I will be attending three more meetings there this week. It's nice to know you have some place to go when you're stuck at home with nothing to do.

It's very hard to keep politics out of my conversation. I am fully aware of what is happening to out country. I am joined with millions of others who are also aware, and very troubled about it. I never thought God would let us get into this much evil without declaring wrath upon those causing it. I still believe that is going to happen most any time. Every demon in hell is working with the Democrats to destroy God's will, and take control at any cost. No bible believing person would get near this Democratic evil as it's plain to see. It will come to an end, but it will also make every evil person involved in the overthrow of our God-approved actions, suffer the consequences. I hope I live long enough to see it, and I think I will. God has not forsaken America. He is ready to send fire, and brimstone upon those who turned away from Him, only. My fellow Christians don't you ever give into this evil, demonic spirit. It is fake, and nothing good can come from it. Only those who hold onto God's unchanging hand will be saved.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Awesome Clouds by Artist Father God"

Jean's Comment's: "Awesome Clouds by Artist Father God": A lovely cotton candy cloud peeping through the branches of the tree, is enough to perk me up. 9-16-2018 Perryton, TX   I can't exp...

"Awesome Clouds by Artist Father God"

A lovely cotton candy cloud peeping through the branches of the tree, is enough to perk me up. 9-16-2018 Perryton, TX
  I can't explain the beauty of the true blue sky today with lovely, snowy white clouds hanging in space all around. What an interesting piece of art God has hung in space today. After staying in the house alone all morning I was getting more saddened each minute, but when I walked outside and looked up, everything changed. God is real, and he is alive. I realized I am not alone, and I have the best friend on earth. He gives us strength to endure life's most painful times. My daughter is grieving today with her son who got news this morning that the mother of her son's childhood, inseparable, friend, had just been killed by a drunken driver. The father of her son's best friend was in surgery with unknown injuries at the time. The mother of this close friend was also like a mother to my grandson. It has really left them in shock. Life is filled with surprises with many not so good ones. God is the only pain killer we have in times like these. He hears our cries, and sends his love to comfort us. We must look up, and see his beauty that covers the entire world.

With the ending of this day I am sure I will feel better. My sorrow pains usually don't last for long at a time however, they will return from time to time. In the book of Isaiah the prophet, chapter 45, v. 7, The Lord says, I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things. WHAT? God creates evil? That is what He said. Yes, it's evil that attacks us when one of our loved ones are taken from us, but God allowed it to happen. We must never, never try to understand. Only trust our God for He is the Beginning and the End of all things. He will never leave us nor forsake us, but we must trust Him, and trust don't come by us telling Him the way we think it ought to be. One of my favorite verses in the bible is also found in the book of Isaiah. Ch,40:31. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. I hope I am waiting upon the Lord, and not blaming people for everything that goes wrong with me. The root of every problem in our life began with our own way of failing to keep it chopped down. Every root will grow whether good or bad, but it's up to us to keep the bad cut down, and nourish the good with all of our might. The bigger the growth, the harder to chop it down. Let us not be hesitant to start to working on those old no good roots now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Heaven Of Peace And Rest"

Jean's Comment's: "My Heaven Of Peace And Rest":                   Saturday morning hang- out for this lady of leisure. 9-15-2018 Perryton, TX   It was so nice this cool Saturday morn...

"My Heaven Of Peace And Rest"

                  Saturday morning hang- out for this lady of leisure. 9-15-2018 Perryton, TX
It was so nice this cool Saturday morning lying out on the patio swing, and relaxing. I had just called one of my sons who said he and his wife were on their way to Houston to catch a cruise ship. I had to lie out and dream I was going with them. Seriously My son has begged me several times to go on a cruise with them, but I do not like cruises. It sounds like fun, but I don't like water that well. I do hope they have a great time, since both of them have very stressful jobs, and need to get away and relax often. I really am enjoying the thought of them having a good time. My covered, screened-in patio is a comfortable place for me to relax, and day dream. No flies, or mosquitoes can get in, and I can go to sleep so easily.

I talked with my daughter also this morning, and that is always a thrill. She lives 400 miles from me so we don't get to see each other very often. We are planning a get-together around Thanksgiving. That gives me something to look forward to. I have not attended the Widow and Widower's meeting in quite some time, but am seriously thinking about going this evening. I need to start back with all the meetings I used to attend regularly. I am putting forth an effort, but it will take a little time. I had gotten side swiped from all of them. A friend who lives in another city, and I, was going places away from our home, and was being quite entertained for awhile. Everything gets boring with time. I am thankful for a choice of things to do.

The week coming up will be filled with things I plan to do. I know it will be exciting, and I'm ready for some fun times. When I am happy and contented, It is these times that I receive the most blessings. I am in full control at this time in my life, to take a challenge to do things I have put off for so long. My desire is to keep this good attitude for a long time. I haven't learned how to preserve it yet. It seems like I always do the same things every day with nothing changing, but somehow I lose my up-beat, and back to the recliner I go. I don't like those recliner times, and try hard not to allow them to take control of me. At least I'm good for awhile yet. I don't know how to put it, but I am so happy right now. I feel like good things are going to start happening by the dozens. Anxiety, please don't overrule me. I need time to absorb all this good stuff. Thank You Lord, again and again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "This Is Real Pain Not Imagination"

Jean's Comment's: "This Is Real Pain Not Imagination": This is what I've had to deal with all summer. Mosquitoes eating me up. My leg was stinging, but I just had to show proof of how deter...

"This Is Real Pain Not Imagination"

This is what I've had to deal with all summer. Mosquitoes eating me up. My leg was stinging, but I just had to show proof of how determined they are to get your blood. 9-14-2918 Perryton, TX
My day has not exactly been exciting, but I did make it to the Center for lunch. After a quick trip to the grocery store I came home, and have done nothing since. The past few days I haven't even been going out in my yard because the mosquitoes tackle me the second I walk out. I'm not sure why, but while I worked out in Chuck's yard not one of those little devils bit me. He lives about a quarter of a mile from me. All of my neighbors are complaining about the mosquitoes. I don't even go to the alley to empty my trash without putting on long sleeves and, spraying repellent on my face and hair. I might be ready for Fall to arrive more than I thought after these evil little demons have made me an anemia. That's about all I can think of to complain about today. I have far more things to be thankful for than to complain about. “Forgive me Lord.” At least I am not having to leave my home because of hurricanes. What a terrible time some people are having to go through in North Carolina. My heart goes out to them. Already some have lost their lives, and the storm is not over yet. How dare I complain about a little mosquito.

I think that more than reality things, my worse enemy is imagination. With all the free time I have anymore, and the old age to go with it, I am constantly trying to understand the God that created it all. When I was a new born Christian many years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to me through God's Word telling me “It was not meant for people to understand the mysteries of God.” I have stood on that teaching all through the years, but in a slower pace of life it becomes harder to dismiss all the questions that come to my mind. I can, and I will by the grace of God. The second most important teaching the Holy Spirit gave me is “Trust Me, Trust Me.” That trumps all others. How about, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” “Abstain from the very appearance of evil.” “Seek, and ye shall find.” Just a few of the first teachings I was given when first becoming a child of God. Now I have the time on hand to imagine a lot, and I am thankful that I have that talent. I believe it is healthy to think deeply, and even put some of our thoughts on the debate table, but not to the point of arguing. It's called creative thinking, and sometimes it makes for a good laugh. Something none of us can have too much of. I also think that before Jesus there were no laughs, but after He came and died for our sins, our life became more like pleasure than sacrifice. Let us never forget that great sacrifice He made for us. I believe if we will try to find more time to visit, and laugh together, our pain will become less real.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Plant That Died But Didn't Get Buried"

Jean's Comment's: "The Plant That Died But Didn't Get Buried":                         The plant that was supposed to have died. 9-13-2018 Perryton, TX   I'm real proud of my green thumb. Six ...

"The Plant That Died But Didn't Get Buried"

                        The plant that was supposed to have died. 9-13-2018 Perryton, TX

I'm real proud of my green thumb. Six months ago Chuck told me to trash this plant. There was nothing but the stump, and it looked completely dead. It had been a gorgeous plant when Chuck bought it standing about five feet tall. But for some reason he was unable to keep it alive. He is suppose to be the Horticulturist in the family. I told Chuck I wanted to try and survive that plant because I had loved it so much. I cautioned him not to touch it while it was under my care. But he didn't mind me. He thought if I thought I could survive it he would help me. I caught him spraying something on it, and I was sure that's why it died in the first place. I didn't give up, and put my expertise to use. About a month later Chuck was the first to notice a tiny green speck peeping out of the stump. The stump was about 12” tall, and about 8” around. It looked like something from the Hawaiian Islands. A little later another green speck, and finally five green specks were showing. They each slowly, but surly began to grow. I warned Chuck again about “hands off,” so he finally let me take care of it. We sit it out in the yard when the weather got warm, and today it's still there. I took a picture of it's magical growth, and the strawberry plants Chuck set around it without me knowing it. I have eaten one or two strawberries from the plants. Fall is approaching, and I'm concerned as to where in the house we can sit it. The windows in the house are high, and the plant with the big planter full of soil is very heavy. I'm looking for a tall, sturdy table. I dare Chuck to kill my plant.

So I did have a good day today. I visited with a neighbor for awhile who was interesting to talk with. He wants to buy Chuck's house if we decide to sell it. I don't plan for that to happen anyways soon. I worked in the yard some more, and the place is starting to look a lot better. Chuck was able to help some, but he is in poor health. I really needed the extra exercise I am getting from working in that yard. Both mentally, and physically I am feeling kinda giant wise. I thank God for that. I had gotten into a rut for awhile, and didn't enjoy anything. I stayed home most of the time. Now I am going like before, and enjoying every minute of it. Life can play tricks on us sometimes. But my God cannot be tricked, and He's looking out for me. Tomorrow I will be attending a luncheon at the Center for the third time this week. Next week I will be attending a special bar-b-q dinner at the Center on a Saturday evening. I'm excited about this event. I hope a lot of people will show up, and show out. Whoopie do. 

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Why Do They Do It"

Jean's Comment's: "Why Do They Do It": Watching the football boys across the street warming up for their first game. 9-12-2018 Perryton, TX   I gotta love those football b...

"Why Do They Do It"

Watching the football boys across the street warming up for their first game. 9-12-2018 Perryton, TX

I gotta love those football boys who give their skin, and blood to win the game for we proud Perrytonites. Nothing will stop them from giving all they've got to win the game. They see me watching them so I wave, and smile at them. I have been watching these guys practice for years from my front porch. The practice field is directly across the street from me. The playing field and bleachers are within walking distance from my house. This is the time of year when everyone in Perryton gets rallied up, and goes out to the ball game. There is never a dull minute around my place till school lets out for the summer. The midget teams play their little hearts out on the same field when the big boys are not playing. Yes, football is taught to the boys from kindergarten up. My boys all played on the same field also. We have lived in this house for fifty years. I have lots of good ole memories.

I had a nice time at the Center today. It is still not the same, but getting better all the time. I can change with the time I'm sure. I have to be thankful for the nice place we have that lets us all come together three times a week on an average, and more than that on special occasions. An evening get together is always great, and special food is served. Sometimes entertainment is provided also. Several of our Seniors never miss a meeting unless they are either sick, or on vacation. It seems like that is never for some. Our next special dinner will be September 22. A wonderful bar-b-q will be served along with all the good stuff that goes with it, It is a fund raiser for the Center and everyone is invited.

I find it hard sometimes to fight old age. It has it's way of wrinkling our skin, and closing our ears. It makes us want to rest too much, and lose interest in most things. It dims our eyes, and scares us every time we have a little cold. We wonder if it's pneumonia or are we going blind. When our muscles get sore from too much movement at normal cleaning etc, we wonder am I getting cancer? When we forget little things that used to be normal, we now wonder am I losing my mind. I know this is every older person's concern, but it sure does make things difficult to cope with. I will trust God through every trial even though I may not show it. I believe God likes us to be silent at times. He can speak to us better if we will just listen, and not try to tell Him all about out troubles. He already knows them, and will do what, and when, He chooses to. Big mouth people often stick their foot in their mouth when it should have been closed. Then they try to tell people they are in God's will. Not true, so say I.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "There It Is That Place Of Eternal Peace"

Jean's Comment's: "There It Is That Place Of Eternal Peace":            Sun shinning from another planet. What else could it be? 9-11-2018 Perryton, TX   I was standing under the apple tree lookin...

"There It Is That Place Of Eternal Peace"

           Sun shinning from another planet. What else could it be? 9-11-2018 Perryton, TX
  I was standing under the apple tree looking at the sun through limbs that shaded my eyes, otherwise I would not have been able to see this round ball above the sun. it looked like another planet to me however, I do not know what a planet looks like. I have seen pictures of some and this object above the sun reminded me of another world or something. It had more color from my natural eye than what shows in the picture. I am getting more encouraged every day to keep looking for that undiscovered place where we might be living some day when our live is over on this earth. I know it's out there somewhere. I have many loved ones, and friends who have been transformed, and moved to that “somewhere place.” They no longer have flash or bones, but are a living soul of those earthly parts as we know them. If anyone would like to challenge me, contact me please. I saw something above the sun, and I have the picture to prove it. At least I feel like I have been enlightened somewhat. God knows I have been too anxious to learn more about his eternal plan. This God we serve is real, and He is the Father above all fathers who loves, and helps us to trust.

I did a lot of weed cutting today at Chuck's house. He has been disabled all summer, and his back yard was grown up in tall weeds. I cut half of them down, and plan to do the other half Thursday. It already looks better, and I feel extremely useful still. Weed cutting is the best thing I know of to knock boredom. I didn't use a weed eater; I cut them with my hands using a large pair of clippers. Not one mosquito landed on me. I just sweated a lot, but the shower will take care of that. Unless I am detained for some reason I plan to be at the luncheon tomorrow at the Center. I believe I have improved my attitude about the Center after cutting all those weeds today. I had to give an account for why I hadn't been to the Center in over a month. When I left yesterday I was told by one sweet, funny, lady that she would be keeping an eye on me. I promised her I would be nice. God bless our Seniors, and all the hard work they do to make it a wonderful place to relax, and enjoy. I do like to go and be with my sisters, and a best friend often, but I need to be present more at the best place in my town to laugh and unwind. I vow to be more sincere about my presence there where I belong. I admit I'm having to work now to build back my interest since I missed so much. I will get used to the change I saw in the atmosphere, because life is full of changes.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Happy Beautiful Butterfly"

Jean's Comment's: "A Happy Beautiful Butterfly":                    Another butterfly for my butterfly album collection. 9-10-2018 Perryton, TX   I have many butterfly pictures that I...

"A Happy Beautiful Butterfly"

                   Another butterfly for my butterfly album collection. 9-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I have many butterfly pictures that I have taken in my butterfly album collection, but not any two are alike. Today I saw this yellow butterfly with wings wide open like it was posing for it's picture to be made. What a thrill, since most of them don't want their pictures made. Every time I see a butterfly I think of the butterfly quilt my grandmother made by hand with every white block having a different color butterfly embroidered on it. It was gorgeous. I would give anything I have to get my hands on that quilt. I have no idea where it's at, but surly it hasn't been trashed because even the age of it would be priceless to me. My grandmother was a beautiful, talented lady. She passed away at age 74, and I was 14. I slept in bed with her many of nights, and it took me years to quit crying for her. I had a good mother, but grandmother was my second, best mother. I see her now in that long, pepper, and salt hair pined in a coffier bun on the back of her head. I have put it up for her many times. She had plastic brown marble hair pins to hold it in place. I still dream about her a lot, and have hopes of seeing her again someday. I never saw her in any kind of dress but a long dress, or a flannel nightgown. Sometimes she would wear an apron. She was always slim, and would have made a great model. She was fun, and told me funny, almost nasty jokes. But I might add her jokes wouldn't even be considered nasty at all today. I loved that pretty lady with all my heart.

I went to the Center today for lunch. I had not been in a month, and I found several things had changed. Not to my desire, but life is made to change from day to day. I will have to work on myself now to accept those changes, and develop a positive attitude about them. I'm afraid that will take some time, since many things you don't question, but just wait for answers to come to you. I've always heard when God closes a door he always opens another. I'm waiting for that door to open. In the meantime I am happy to be well, and safe at home. My dreams are still the best part of my life. Some day some of them will come true. I am yielded to whatever God wants me to have, because I know He is the answer to all confusion, and the creator of all joy. My laughter hasn't stopped, and I do plenty of it every day. Sometimes I get the message that others are laughing with me. Let us keep it up, because it is the best medicine on the market. I'm sending out my love to all fun seekers, and to all who are not fortunate enough to laugh at this very moment.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Something New Every Day"

Jean's Comment's: "Something New Every Day": Two mushrooms shot up this morning in my backyard. Not often I see them. 9-9-2018 Perryton, TX   I found a new growth of mushrooms th...

"Something New Every Day"

Two mushrooms shot up this morning in my backyard. Not often I see them. 9-9-2018 Perryton, TX

 I found a new growth of mushrooms this morning in my backyard. I love mushrooms, but I won't be eating these because I don't know if they are poison or not. I've never seen any that looked like these before. They have just barely popped up so I will wait and see what they turn out to be. The mosquitoes were thick, and I got shot two or three times even thought I was fighting with all my might. My walk through the backyard this morning was quick. I don't enjoy this dreary, damp weather. I will just stay inside and eat the food I have cooked. Cabbage and sausage with cornbread. Home made chicken and egg noodles. Fresh apple pie with whip cream. Does it sound like I lost my diet pills? Well I have. And I'm not going to be looking for them for a long time. Chuck came to take his part home with him to eat later. He is the biggest reason I cook so much. (If you believe that stand on your head.)

I had a nice long visit with a friend this morning who lives in another city. She and I are planning another trip in the near future. We never travel far from home, but we stay from two to four days each time. It is a life of pleasure for us since we are both widowers. I do thank God for his mercy, and understanding for our needs. It's just good to take a break from politics often. However, I am so proud to be part of the greatest order of presidency that I've ever lived in. I can honestly say I feel honored, and rewarded by this great President, Donald Trump, and First Lady, Melania Trump. This week I received an 8x10 hard back picture of the two exchanging kisses while standing in front of Air Force One. I am extremely proud of it, and will frame, and hang it with another larger painting I did of them dancing at the Inaugural Ball. A few weeks ago I received a nice thank you letter signed by President Trump with the Presidency Seal. This was in regards to a poem I had written and sent to him. I now have personal recognition's from three GOP presidents. I am not fixing to quit doing my part for my GOP leaders any ways soon. I love our country too mush to let it be stolen from us. I pledge to be a lifetime guard. I also challenge all of my friends to follow suit. Prayer is important, but prayer must have legs to do the job well. Even a small donation is showing legs to our faith. It also is proof of which side we are on. Proof is always better than hear-say. It's not the amount of money we give, it's the amount of people who give that makes good leaders win. Plus if every giver would vote, President Trump would without a doubt be re elected the next time also. Think about these words.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Symbol Of Who We Are"

Jean's Comment's: "A Symbol Of Who We Are":         It must be getting close to Halloween and Thanksgiving, 9-8-2018 Perryton, TX   Upon entering the grocery store this morning I...

"A Symbol Of Who We Are"

        It must be getting close to Halloween and Thanksgiving, 9-8-2018 Perryton, TX
Upon entering the grocery store this morning I was reminded that Halloween and Thanksgiving were fastly approaching. These pumpkins were stacked uniformly, and made an awesome desire for one to purchase a few. Since I live alone, and have no family living close to me, I dismissed the desire to buy any. However, I did remember the many years when my children were growing up and both of these holidays were celebrated in the most exciting ways we could think of. When scrapping out the inside of the pumpkin to make into a jack-o-lantern, I found it impossible to throw away all that, would be, pumpkin pie. My family all loved pumpkin pie, but I had always made them from a can. I decided to use the fresh scrapping for making the next pumpkin pie. Everyone thought it was the best they had ever tasted including myself. The problem was most of the time you cannot find fresh pumpkins in the store except at Halloween, and Thanksgiving. It was tempting, but ridiculous to make a jack-o-lantern for only me to look at. I don't think my neighbors would have accepted it as being normal, and may have called my children to question. “Happy Halloween to everyone.”

Everyone knows that pumpkins are a long time symbol of thanksgiving to God for helping the Pilgrims discover, and travel to a land of freedom, and opportunity. It didn't happen by accident, but by desire, and faith to be free from a religion they did not believe in. Several years passed before they were able to obtain their independence, but finally they did. How dare an ex president stand up before American's as I witnessed yesterday, and declare that America is a place for all beliefs, and religions to excel in. A place where all laws should be used whatever they are made up of. A place where no constitution should exist. This rat went on and on to demand a lifetime honor of what he did to tear our country apart. He was even taking all the credit for what President Trump has sacrificed his life for. I have to put it straight, this ex president has to be the most stupid man on earth to think that Americans would believe that. I have to agree that there are many warped minds in our midst now, mainly because of people like him who have brainwashed 24-7. and had a lot of luck doing it, but never, never will the majority be in that group. A super hero has been elected by the majority to fill the highest office of the land, and he will always be backed by the majority. I will not say that America will always be free from struggles, and bloodshed, but not will it ever be defeated as is the goal of this ex president, and several of his evil traitors. I truly believe they will be part of the bloodshed before they ever are allowed to excel.

It's not easy to write your true feelings in such a situation as this, but sometimes we feel required to do so. I do love my enemies, but that doesn't mean I have to give into them. I will pray for them, and keep fighting them as long as they fight me. That is what God told us to do.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp