A couple of days ago I posted a picture of the sun sinking in the west while I was sitting in my recliner. This morning I took a picture of the moon setting from the exact place where I took the sunset. The tiny moon is shinning through my dinning room window at 6:30 a.m. this morning. 9-25-2018 Perryton, TX
I love getting up in the
mornings, turning the coffee pot on, turning the T V on, and leaning
back in my recliner to watch the last few minutes of the bright moon
as it sets in the west. This moon you see through my dinning room
window was taken at 6:30 this morning with only a night light on in
my house. In the evenings I can see the sun setting from the exact
place where I sat this mornings. Nothing in the world could be more
pleasant then having this time of nature's beauty all by myself with
God speaking to me through his creation. The scriptures I have read
the night before, before going to bed, seems to be more understanding
when I get comfortably fixed in my recliner. After an hour or so I am
ready to start my day off with the things I had planned to do. All
through the day I silently pray for those whom are not so fortunate
as I. A praise is always on my lips. I am not a pain free person, but
I can endure pain when I know God is helping me endure. Life was
meant to be painful, and Jesus had more than His share. He went ahead
of us to prepare a mansion for his believers so we will be free from
pain when we are called. But in the meantime He left me with more
blessings than I deserve. He reminds me every day of what He has told
me many times, “Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be
happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I have lived by this wise
ole proverb for many years. It has helped me win many battles.
When I am finished with
this blog I will be watching the news till bedtime. I cannot believe
all the evil that is going on in our country now. I wonder how long
it's been since parents took their children to church or even tried
to teach them right from wrong. I don't think hell could be much
worse than what we are living in today. At least the Christians are
promised to be protected from most of the Satanic fights that are
ragging today. Please read Isaiah ch, 54 v. 11-17. God will not allow
us to be oppressed. Denny Satan that power, because God is more
powerful than that old serpent. Stand up and face him in the name of
Jesus, and he will slowly shrink to nothing. I have seen this many
times. He cannot stay where Jesus is being invited. It's our choice,
but it is a known fact. We have to keep denying him because Satan
never gives up. He will keep trying to catch us with weaken faith so
he can declare his victory. In stead of saying no, just say Jesus,
and he is gone within seconds. I'm not saying that there will always
be victory over Satan, but he will not be allowed to stay and torment
you if you call out the name of Jesus. Jesus is the King of all
kings, and He will be there when we call Him.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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