Thursday, September 27, 2018

"They Nailed Him To The Cross"

Judge Brett Kavanaugh at his best today. How proud he made true Americans today. 9-28-2018 Perryton, TX
I am sorry to be so late writing my blog today, but I watched the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings all day long. Outside of Jesus Christ I have never been prouder of a man in my life than Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This great, honorable man has been crucified by the evil Democrats, and their evil witches. I could almost see Jesus looking down on this Supreme Court Justice Nominee today giving him power to magnify his integrity. He was super impressive, and I believe he convinced the majority of the Americans that he was ready to give his life for what he believes in. God is with us, people. Never doubt it. Come out of your hiding place and go to work for God.

I just heard yesterday that a big majority of Christians who are for President Trump didn't even vote for him. What are they afraid of? How can they claim to be for Christ when they won't even go to the polls and vote for the person they believe in? They want to ride the fence, and not make anyone angry with them. Let me warn you there is no reward for those who do not enter the contest. We are God's hands and feet. He gave us this body to use for Him. Anybody who missed this hearing today can, and definitely should get it on a rerun program, and watch every word of it. You can't be a juror without hearing both sides of the case. And you should want to be a juror in such an important case as this one was today. If you heard this case today, and you believe in God, you will definitely be praying tonight with tears running down your cheeks for this wonderful man and his family who have been demonized to the highest degree.

I will close this short blog with one very important request. Starting tomorrow don't let one day pass by without doing at least one thing to help God fight this evil war known as Good Against Evil. “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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