Sunday, September 23, 2018

"It's All About A Beautiful Life"

This butterfly would let me pick it of the flower. I touched it trying to make it open it's wings.  9-23- 2018 Perryton, TX
I could have carefully removed this butterfly from the flower and put in a glass jar for beauty, but I didn't want it to die by my power over it. When it's wings were open it was so beautiful, but I couldn't even touch it enough to make it open them. The last few days of nice weather are slowly passing. I had to turn my heater on this morning. This late afternoon I am comfortable with the fans. There is still a lot of moister in the ground from the rain we had a few days ago. Some of the flowers are still looking pretty. The butterflies are moving about with their magic tricks that keeps our interest for long periods at a time. I live for another spring to come.

I attended church this morning. Several of the regulars were missing, but I don't know why. We had a death of one of our long time, faithful members, to happen a few days ago. This always makes us sad, but we have good memories to hold onto. A few more I know of are recovering from health issues. But the good thing about it is that we have increased our membership by several young couples with small children. We see a good future for our church.

The Senior Citizen's dinner I attended last evening was nice, and there was a nice crowd. The local square dance club entertained for us. It was fun to watch them move about in a circle, and never miss a step while doing the pattern of square dancing. It's a little too fast for me, but one could tell those older dancers were in perfect physical condition. Straight up figures, and most were carrying their desired weight. The ladies short, full circle dresses were very attractive. It was interesting to see their matching bloomers when the ladies were twirled around. When I was younger I used to square dance, but I haven't done it for years. I have to stick to the slow kind now. I will be going again tomorrow to a Senior Citizen's luncheon. I've finally gotten out of a rut of staying home so much. I still like staying home, but I know I need to socialize now more than ever before. I love my friends, and I love the freedom of choice we still have in America. I'm not taking that freedom for granted any more. It is a blessing from God, and I will be forever thankful to Him. The little butterfly that I could have destroyed today deserved to live out it's full live. I feel the same way about all good, and pleasant, living things. I will never hurt, but will always help all life to live out their calling, except for flies. I have been swatting them all day. It seems like they just came out of the woodwork, and they try to eat you up. I think they are about to die on their own since the weather is cooling off. No grieving here.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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