Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"There It Is That Place Of Eternal Peace"

           Sun shinning from another planet. What else could it be? 9-11-2018 Perryton, TX
  I was standing under the apple tree looking at the sun through limbs that shaded my eyes, otherwise I would not have been able to see this round ball above the sun. it looked like another planet to me however, I do not know what a planet looks like. I have seen pictures of some and this object above the sun reminded me of another world or something. It had more color from my natural eye than what shows in the picture. I am getting more encouraged every day to keep looking for that undiscovered place where we might be living some day when our live is over on this earth. I know it's out there somewhere. I have many loved ones, and friends who have been transformed, and moved to that “somewhere place.” They no longer have flash or bones, but are a living soul of those earthly parts as we know them. If anyone would like to challenge me, contact me please. I saw something above the sun, and I have the picture to prove it. At least I feel like I have been enlightened somewhat. God knows I have been too anxious to learn more about his eternal plan. This God we serve is real, and He is the Father above all fathers who loves, and helps us to trust.

I did a lot of weed cutting today at Chuck's house. He has been disabled all summer, and his back yard was grown up in tall weeds. I cut half of them down, and plan to do the other half Thursday. It already looks better, and I feel extremely useful still. Weed cutting is the best thing I know of to knock boredom. I didn't use a weed eater; I cut them with my hands using a large pair of clippers. Not one mosquito landed on me. I just sweated a lot, but the shower will take care of that. Unless I am detained for some reason I plan to be at the luncheon tomorrow at the Center. I believe I have improved my attitude about the Center after cutting all those weeds today. I had to give an account for why I hadn't been to the Center in over a month. When I left yesterday I was told by one sweet, funny, lady that she would be keeping an eye on me. I promised her I would be nice. God bless our Seniors, and all the hard work they do to make it a wonderful place to relax, and enjoy. I do like to go and be with my sisters, and a best friend often, but I need to be present more at the best place in my town to laugh and unwind. I vow to be more sincere about my presence there where I belong. I admit I'm having to work now to build back my interest since I missed so much. I will get used to the change I saw in the atmosphere, because life is full of changes.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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