Thursday, September 6, 2018

"In The Garden Alone"

Small but productive. Fruit, and vegetables, with an assortment of colorful flowers decorating them. 9-6-2918 Perryton, TX

I am proud of my mini garden. It gives me delicious asparagus, and sweet strawberries while being decorated with an assortment of colorful flowers. The two little animals keep the destructive rabbits away. I spend lots of hours sitting by this small space that I call my “joy toy.” It is much prettier in mid summer than now at early fall. I just wanted to take one last picture of it before it completely dies. I will be patiently waiting for it's return next spring. Of course I will have to remove all of the dead stuff after frost. I expect that to be two months away.

I have been home a week now since returning from my Labor Day vacation, and I am ready to go again. My sister called today, and since we left our meeting place last week-end she has traveled several miles to several places. I wish I could live close to her so I could travel with she, and another sister who always goes with her. Every day they have fun although just being together is fun to them. They both have family that depend on them a lot, but do not necessarily have to have them all the time. Their children are all grown, but even their grandchildren think they need their grandmothers a lot. Too much love is not always a good thing. God has always been good to our family, thanks to our minister father who believed God would take good care of his family after he departed this earth. He was right. God keeps us all in happy moods most of the time.

I often wonder if I am in the minority group who thinks too much about the past. I know it is not a good thing to live a lot of your life in the past, but how do you block that from your mind, especially when it brings joy to your heart? (Joy but also tears.) I am a firm believer that we can control our thoughts, so it must be that we don't want to forget the past. I also believe God wants us to be happy, and healthy, so we must let go of the past. Today is the time to laugh, and praise God for His love and mercy. God is not in my past, He is in my today's. I will move on to bigger, and brighter days even though I do not know what that may involve. I vow this day to forget every person in my past who are no longer making my future brighter. Whether they be alive or deceased, if there is no pleasure in their remembrance, then I will bury the thoughts. God loves a joyful heart, and wasting time on hopeful thinking is not making a joyful heart. Let go, and let God have His way. We have all heard the phrase, don't make the same mistake twice. Then it was corrected by stating that you don't make the same mistake twice because the second time it was a choice. I agree with that statement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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