Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Life Is Always Good But Better When The Sun Shines"

Sunset through my dinning room window. A perfectly round ball of fire to the right of the window. 9-22-2018 Perryton, TX
I sat in my recliner last evening and watched the setting of the sun through the sheers of my dinning room window. It was a perfectly round ball of fire the size of a basket ball. Within a few minutes it had disappeared downward below the tops of the houses. My little comfort zone is so perfect for me to meditate upon the word of God. Quiet, and peaceful in times when you need it most. How blessed I am to have this heaven of rest. No matter how hard the enemy may try to possess you, it just takes a short time to drive him away when you are alone with God. Romans 8:37. But in all these things we more than conquer through Him that loves us. KJV. This morning I am rejoicing that I have conquered the evil spirit that attacked me yesterday. His source of attacking me doesn't ever remember being used by him. What a dirty trick the evil one can come up with to try and destroy the power of God. It's never going to happen. God is the beginning, and the ending. I have new faith this morning, and am believing for a miracle any moment. I don't just believe for my own personal desires, but for the needs of others. “Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.” Psalms 40:4. KJV. Take heed, and know you are such a man, or woman, of this great gift.

With the extra energy I received this morning I have accomplished a lot of household chores. It is amazing how much more faith, and physical strength we are given by the Lord after winning a battle. It's almost like a quarterback making the winning touchdown in the last second. I will be celebrating this evening. A friend and I will be taking in a special event at the Center. I am excited, and somewhat shocked at the difference I feel today than yesterday. The days of my youth are not over yet. I love feeling young, and doing things that to some may seem crazy. I refuse to wear the older looking garments or slow my pace to satisfy the freaking age group who didn't choose to argue about age. We are as young as we feel. And I feel in the center of both age groups. A good balance is always fun. I just now took two Tylenol, and unless I forgot in the last five minutes that's all I've taken, but possible I could have four in my blood stream at this time. That's what excitement will do for you. I don't often get this excited, but I'm satisfied with the feeling, and not worried about the after effects. Thanks to all my friends who have supported me through all the tough times I've been through, and thanks to my President who notified me this morning of being selected to receive inclusion in the Republican Presidential Honor Roll. I just needed to confirm that the information they will be using for a personalized certificate is correct. The President stated that once finalized the Honor Roll will become a lasting record that I ranked as one of his key allies in helping him to Make America Great Again. After they receive the confirmation the staff will be sending me a handsome calligraphed Presidential Honor Roll Certificate signed by he. I am honored to be chosen to receive this.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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