Friday, September 14, 2018

"This Is Real Pain Not Imagination"

This is what I've had to deal with all summer. Mosquitoes eating me up. My leg was stinging, but I just had to show proof of how determined they are to get your blood. 9-14-2918 Perryton, TX
My day has not exactly been exciting, but I did make it to the Center for lunch. After a quick trip to the grocery store I came home, and have done nothing since. The past few days I haven't even been going out in my yard because the mosquitoes tackle me the second I walk out. I'm not sure why, but while I worked out in Chuck's yard not one of those little devils bit me. He lives about a quarter of a mile from me. All of my neighbors are complaining about the mosquitoes. I don't even go to the alley to empty my trash without putting on long sleeves and, spraying repellent on my face and hair. I might be ready for Fall to arrive more than I thought after these evil little demons have made me an anemia. That's about all I can think of to complain about today. I have far more things to be thankful for than to complain about. “Forgive me Lord.” At least I am not having to leave my home because of hurricanes. What a terrible time some people are having to go through in North Carolina. My heart goes out to them. Already some have lost their lives, and the storm is not over yet. How dare I complain about a little mosquito.

I think that more than reality things, my worse enemy is imagination. With all the free time I have anymore, and the old age to go with it, I am constantly trying to understand the God that created it all. When I was a new born Christian many years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to me through God's Word telling me “It was not meant for people to understand the mysteries of God.” I have stood on that teaching all through the years, but in a slower pace of life it becomes harder to dismiss all the questions that come to my mind. I can, and I will by the grace of God. The second most important teaching the Holy Spirit gave me is “Trust Me, Trust Me.” That trumps all others. How about, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” “Abstain from the very appearance of evil.” “Seek, and ye shall find.” Just a few of the first teachings I was given when first becoming a child of God. Now I have the time on hand to imagine a lot, and I am thankful that I have that talent. I believe it is healthy to think deeply, and even put some of our thoughts on the debate table, but not to the point of arguing. It's called creative thinking, and sometimes it makes for a good laugh. Something none of us can have too much of. I also think that before Jesus there were no laughs, but after He came and died for our sins, our life became more like pleasure than sacrifice. Let us never forget that great sacrifice He made for us. I believe if we will try to find more time to visit, and laugh together, our pain will become less real.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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