Saturday, September 29, 2018

"Life Starts At Football Age"

The head you see sticking out of the roof vent is a football player staying warm while he waits for his team to play. Taken this morning from my front porch. 9-29-2018 Perryton, TX

  Today is Saturday the beginning of a new week. It's time to watch a little football and let our mind rest a couple of days from anger and frustration of politics. Every Saturday through football season several teams of small boys gather across the street from my house on the practice field to meet their challengers. I thought it interesting this morning when I noticed a head sticking through the roof vent of a truck parked in front of my house. I could see the shoulder pads of a small boy as he watched the other teams play. It is cold here this morning, and this player was staying warm while he could. I was reminded of my own three boys who played football many years ago on this same field. They grew up loving football, and to this day they are still big fans of the game. I support the players, but find it secondary to the more important thing in our lives. God and country. We need a balance as we travel this rocky journey, so I take my rest, and do my worshiping on the week-ends. Every chance I get I go for a week-end of my own personal pleasure. I will be traveling to Liberal, Kansas this evening to purchase a few things we need for every day necessity. The round trip is about 100 miles. I will be alone, so I can completely relax, and rest my mind from exhaustion of political frustration. The longer I can stay away from television the better I feel when I get back home where it is never turned off. Then I rush to catch up on what I had missed. What a messy world we have been turned into.

I still can feel blessed to be living in America, because I know without a doubt God is fixing to make a lot of people pay for the evil they have caused to His followers. That is his promise, and God doesn't lie. Therefore I could enjoy a good dance this evening if it were possible. Not so, but I can find another way to express my joy. It must be exhaled or we would explode. I'm thankful that I have stayed within my desired weight chart, because I have been cooking, and eating to the highest heaven. I know that is unbelievable, but it is the truth. I must keep the faith. Anxiety must stay depressed. Today is the day to rejoice, and be happy. Tomorrow will be another day, and if we are still here, let us rejoice and be happy again. The love boat will soon be coming so cheer up, and be glad you have a ticket. I promise every hurting, innocent person that you will be crowned for your endurance of great pain, and suffering while still on this earth. Your battle is not yours, but Gods. Never, never forget that promise, it originated from God himself.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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