Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"Oh Those Beautiful Wings"

          A yellow spotted butterfly eating from a yellow flower. 9-5-2018 Perryton, TX
  I'm still enjoying my flowers even though many of them have already died. The yellow and white mum's are just now beginning to bloom. They are a fall flower, and I have a lot of them. This very unusual, yellow spotted, butterfly made a pretty picture for my post today. It blended well with the yellow mum it was eating from. We had about ¼ inch of rain last night, and the weather is nice and cool. It's obvious that fall is just two weeks away. As always I am not looking forward for winter to arrive. It means I will be spending a lot of my time at home alone. I'm just not as brave as I was when I was younger. I like to play it safe anymore.

Again today I have been watching the Judiciary Committee question the nominee for
Supreme Court Judge. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been drilled for two full days now, and the protesters are still screaming their lungs out trying to block his election. I understand each protester is getting paid to do that job. I'm sorry to disappoint them, but moveon.mob is not big enough or mean enough to stop this decent man from being elected. They can put him through hell, but they cannot stop him from filling this extremely important job. I had told a friend I would see her today at the Center for lunch, but when the time came for me to get ready I just couldn't get my head out of the television. I feel like I must hear every word coming straight from the horses mouth, and not from a reporter. I believe we all are judges to a certain extent, and I don't want to judge without hearing the case. I thank God for the opportunity to do that. Many people are wasting their opportune time on things of no value to them. They could not possible be proud of themselves. Just saying they are trusting God to take care of all matters is an excuse for unconcern. I have always been taught that we are God's hands and feet. Are we really using them for Him? When I am at work, or at another place of necessity, I cannot watch important issues being discussed on television, but I myself, can discuss what I've seen, and heard while I was free to watch, and listen. I am a concerned Christian, and I will try hard to get it right. Our own judging will some day be judged by the Almighty Judge. All persons should strive to remember this one fact daily. It's not what I say, but what the bible says. A hand in hand daily walk with God is the best medicine the world has to offer. I may not always be that faithful, but I do suffer if I miss. I know when I'm being punished, and I know how to straighten myself up. My Heavenly Father forgives, and forgets, because He loves us that much.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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