Wednesday, September 26, 2018

"Not A Trick Of The Camera Real Shot"

                       An actual butterfly in flight. I gottcha baby. 9-26-2018 Perryton, TX
A one in a million chance of getting this butterfly in flight. There had to be at least dozens this afternoon flying like lightening through the flowers. Sometimes three or four would land on the same stalk of flowers, but would fly away before they hardly landed. I started clicking the camera button as fast as I could not trying to take any certain object then I discovered this butterfly in flight when I unloaded them. It's not the butterfly that I'm proud of, it's the split second that I got a picture of it flying like a streak of lightening. How fun it is to out smart some of the fastest little creatures in such a big world of wonder. I would rather play with insects than to pull dead flowers. Hopefully before long all the lively butterflies will die, and I can clean out my flower garden. I don't know the reason for the change of their pace, but a few days ago I posted a picture of a butterfly that let me touch it, and I could have even picked it off the flower. Now today they were flying like sparks of fire.

I had a nice time at the Center today. We had chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, and gravy. Green beans, and salad. Cake or pie for desert. The six of us young-looking, ladies were having fun just as usual at our special table. We can stay as long as we want, and can think of something to chat about. I was pleased to share with the ladies something I read on face book this morning. It was told that you could add your age to the year you were born, and it would get 2018 every time for anyone. We did learn that you have to have had a birthday this year before it would work. One of our gal's birthday is tomorrow so her sum came out to be 2017. After today it would be 2018. This only happens once every 1,000 years. I told them I was going to leave this planet before it happens again. That's just too unbelievable, but it is correct.

The Lord has blocked my mind temporarily from all fear. and uncertainty about our troubled country. Everyone knows that the present time is setting a historical record for the most radical, and ungodly accusations against any decent human being since Jesus Christ. I believe some don't realize it yet, but the battle of Armageddon has already begun. The last battle ever to be fought on earth. But for how long no one knows. I also believe my God has blocked my worst fear, and given me peace when there seems to be no peace. Some may ask, “well what can we do about it?” I intend to do all I can to help the God-fearing people, and the dedicated Christian warriors to keep this evil, angry enemy on the run. It's obvious they are ignorant of God, therefore we know that they will be defeated in the end. That's who I am today. If anything changes I will let you know.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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