Monday, September 10, 2018

"A Happy Beautiful Butterfly"

                   Another butterfly for my butterfly album collection. 9-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I have many butterfly pictures that I have taken in my butterfly album collection, but not any two are alike. Today I saw this yellow butterfly with wings wide open like it was posing for it's picture to be made. What a thrill, since most of them don't want their pictures made. Every time I see a butterfly I think of the butterfly quilt my grandmother made by hand with every white block having a different color butterfly embroidered on it. It was gorgeous. I would give anything I have to get my hands on that quilt. I have no idea where it's at, but surly it hasn't been trashed because even the age of it would be priceless to me. My grandmother was a beautiful, talented lady. She passed away at age 74, and I was 14. I slept in bed with her many of nights, and it took me years to quit crying for her. I had a good mother, but grandmother was my second, best mother. I see her now in that long, pepper, and salt hair pined in a coffier bun on the back of her head. I have put it up for her many times. She had plastic brown marble hair pins to hold it in place. I still dream about her a lot, and have hopes of seeing her again someday. I never saw her in any kind of dress but a long dress, or a flannel nightgown. Sometimes she would wear an apron. She was always slim, and would have made a great model. She was fun, and told me funny, almost nasty jokes. But I might add her jokes wouldn't even be considered nasty at all today. I loved that pretty lady with all my heart.

I went to the Center today for lunch. I had not been in a month, and I found several things had changed. Not to my desire, but life is made to change from day to day. I will have to work on myself now to accept those changes, and develop a positive attitude about them. I'm afraid that will take some time, since many things you don't question, but just wait for answers to come to you. I've always heard when God closes a door he always opens another. I'm waiting for that door to open. In the meantime I am happy to be well, and safe at home. My dreams are still the best part of my life. Some day some of them will come true. I am yielded to whatever God wants me to have, because I know He is the answer to all confusion, and the creator of all joy. My laughter hasn't stopped, and I do plenty of it every day. Sometimes I get the message that others are laughing with me. Let us keep it up, because it is the best medicine on the market. I'm sending out my love to all fun seekers, and to all who are not fortunate enough to laugh at this very moment.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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