Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Is Saved For Last"

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Is Saved For Last": looking forward to this event this Saturday. I will be having out of town company. 10-31-2017 Perryton,TX I have accepted an invitation ...

"The Best Is Saved For Last"

looking forward to this event this Saturday. I will be having out of town company. 10-31-2017 Perryton,TX

I have accepted an invitation to an event this coming Saturday which I am excited about. An out of town friend is coming to spend a couple of nights with me, and will be joining another friend and I, to take in this special all day meeting. I attend this event most every year as it is a regularly scheduled yearly event at this Church. I have always enjoyed the speakers, the fellowship, and the good lunch that is provided. Between  three and four hundred women from many other cities are present. This year’s special speaker is Jolena Watson with “Believe In His Name,” Amarillo Texas. I am so looking forward to this week-end of fun, spiritual up-lifting, and relaxing with friends. I already know what I’m going to wear. For those who read my blog yesterday, I’m wearing my new high top, silver studded, beige  boots. I will be showing them off in a black outfit that I found buried in my closet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going just for a show-off, but I do enjoy putting together an ensemble of clothing that I have found in the bargain department. It makes me feel like I have a talent of conservatism, and awesomeness. My dad always told me I inherited this talent from his sister. He was quite proud of me. I still miss him after 39 years of no see.

I must now get down to the real McCoy of life. Our country, and the uprising evil tension it is experiencing. It is as clear as day that the efforts of the American rebels are not going away. Their goal is to completely destroy America, and put it into what they are calling, “a one world order.” I believe this is when the anti-Christ will appear and be the controlling power over God’s world. (could that anti-Christ already have been in power?) Just how close we are to this transition I can’t say, but I feel like until this happens America will continue to be in chaos. By this I mean Satanic power will get stronger, and more evil by the day. People who are not rooted and grounded in God’s Word will be turned into a reprobate mind, and will no longer have a conscience. This is bible teaching, and I have given the reference many times before, but will not go that far again. It is a very serious matter of truth, and many cannot retract what they have already been made into. As far the Christians who are still untouched by the deceiving, super power promises of the already, God rejected, leaders of our country, you are in for a lot of suffering. Never, never  give into the lying spirit of the Devil. God is still in control, and without Him we are nothing. I support the belief that “He that is in us is greater than he that is without us.” This is also scripture. Make sure that Christ dwells within you daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "One Pair Of Boots That Waited"

Jean's Comment's: "One Pair Of Boots That Waited":           The boots that wouldn't let me leave them on the shelf. 10-30-2017 Perryton, TX I walked away from these boots at least tw...

"One Pair Of Boots That Waited"

          The boots that wouldn't let me leave them on the shelf. 10-30-2017 Perryton, TX

I walked away from these boots at least twice before I went back and purchased them. The only pair of their kind, they just kept calling to me to come and get them. I did, and I still haven’t worn these beauties yet. I am looking for something to wear with them that would show off their beauty. I have seven closets full of cloths, so maybe I can decide on something soon. I have cloths in my closets from 45 years back, but I still like them, and they can still be considered in style by me. Some of those cloths have only been worn a few times. I have always liked cloths, and I used to make most of mine because I liked my own designs best. I probably still have close to 100 patterns in my sewing cabinet, but most of those were altered in some way to add my own taste. Some of these patterns are from when my daughter was a little girl up to her marriage. She finished twelve years of school in style. I hardly sew any more, but did make a pant suit about six months ago. only because I couldn’t find that right outfit to wear with another pair of boots I had fallen in love with and bought. I spend too much time any more trying to keep up with all the evil that’s happening in our world today. This set of non-fiction series is getting too large to keep up with. I will watch it on television, but I will never go back and read the books. Even my love for dress won’t distract from my interest in excitingly staying tuned to the news.

I was up at 5 o’clock this morning to hear who the indictment was for who Special Council,  Robert Mueller, had turned over to a grand jury. We were told all day yesterday that it would be made known this morning. Two hours after I got up the announcement was made. The drama goes on and on. The truth of the matter is that this live drama is real, and is quite disturbing to the ones who keep themselves informed on the critical condition of our country. I will not sleep through this danger that threatens us constantly. I am but a citizen of a small town community, but I feel as important as that one who is in a high office trying to restore America’s pride and joy. I have a responsibility just the same as they do, except I am exempt from all the publicity and whippings. I am an informant to God, ( as if He didn’t already know,) but I must tell Him daily about how badly the enemy is treating His servants. I must ask God to protect them, and help me to help them more. If we fail to do our part then we will be left behind to root for ourselves. I am not a good defender of my own being. I need to be part of God’s army every day. So far I am standing firm on His Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Saw You Son Of God Through The Tree Opening"

Jean's Comment's: "I Saw You Son Of God Through The Tree Opening": Today, 10-29-2017 Sunday sunshine through the tree My pep pill for the day. Perryton, TX I woke up late this morning and missed church....

"I Saw You Son Of God Through The Tree Opening"

Today, 10-29-2017 Sunday sunshine through the tree My pep pill for the day. Perryton, TX

I woke up late this morning and missed church. I needed a pep pill, and when I stepped outside I found one. This very bright sun was shinning through my big tree with an opening large enough for me to get a picture of it. A picture without the tree was too bright, and made the sun look like a big brush of white paint had covered most of the sky. I perked up, and was ready to tackle the long day for whatever it might give me.

The first thing I did was make myself a ham, and egg, omelet. I finished the pot of coffee, and came straight to the computer to type what God would give me today. I am a slow learner so I have to wait, and think about things before I get the meaning of the message God wants me to type. Sometimes I wonder if I missed something, and failed to interpret the Word exactly like it was intended. I hardly ever write a message that I feel like was inspired by the Holt Spirit, without feeling I, myself, was the first person that the  message was meant for. Not everyone needs what I need, but God does speak in mysterious ways. We all have to take His word for whatever it seemed right for us. Today I wanted ham, and egg, omelet. Tomorrow I may want something else, but whatever we chose to eat for breakfast is alright with God. It’s what we do the rest of the day that matters to our Heavenly Father. He expects us to be productive in spreading His Word, and working to help keep evil out of His crowd of chosen people. This is why we have to listen, and move carefully, to fulfill this expectation. We are only servants, and not any of us can please God without staying closely in touch with him. I know God told us in His Word that, “we walk by faith, and not by sight,” but that faith must be exercised daily. I believe if we don’t see our prayer request answered frequently, then our faith is not strong enough to support God’s Word. By that I mean, to know without any. “ maybe God answered our prayer,” but to positively know God answered our prayer. To be sure enough to shout in praise to him. Adding that the answered prayer can never be weakened by Satan’s constant attacks. We as human flesh will always be tempted to doubt God, but we must never forget, or be swayed from that positive answer God gave us. He will not let us down, but we will forever be tempted to doubt. God’s own Son, Jesus, was tempted many times, but He never gave into temptation. I refuse to let people tell me what is right, and what is wrong for me to do when it comes to living for God. I was given the advise as a very young Christian, by the Holy Spirit, not to listen to man, but by the Word of God. I have been doing exactly that for many years. Man is human flesh just like we are, no matter who claims to be otherwise. They fall short of God’s expectations, just like you and me do. When man stops trying to tell Christians what they can do, and what they cannot do, this world will be a wonderful place to live in. According to the bible, I don’t expect that to ever happen. Satan is here to stay until God takes His people to live with Him in a heavenly place.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth": Just finished making my family's favorite cracker spread. Recipe posted. 10-28-2017 Perryton, TX I had a craving this morning for a ce...

"Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth"

Just finished making my family's favorite cracker spread. Recipe posted. 10-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I had a craving this morning for a certain spread that my family loves and I had to make it. Every member of my family including children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and all others like this cream cheese spread, and most of them make it regularly. Here is the recipe if anyone wants it.

Pecan Cream Cheese Spread.

1, 8 oz. container whipped cream cheese. Comes in a plastic carton

3, green onions finely chopped

¾ jar of  4.5 oz dried beef. (most stores have it but sometimes need help to find it.) Chop it fine before adding to cream cheese.

1, teas. Accent.

Approximately 1 cup chopped pecans. 

Mix all the ingredient’s well. Except pecans. Form into a ball. It will stick to your hands so you need to place your hands (after some of the cheese has stuck to your hand). in the chopped pecan plate to coat them. Place the ball into the chopped pecan plate and start rolling around till all of the ball has been covered with pecans. Place cheese ball on a small plate or a dish with cover to keep it moist, and let the mixture spread through the cheese  ball. Let set for an hour or so in frig, Slice and place on Ritz crackers.

The is the appetizer before my message today.

Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth

I believe that more people are watching the news today than ever before. It has become a mystery novel, except it’s real, and continues to terrify people every day. I know some who have never cared to watch the news before, but are now not missing anything that‘s on. I also believe it is a wake-up call, and people have woke up. Although they still are confused as to what this world-wide war is all about. To many it’s like, “what happened,” because for years they were out of touch with reality. I can understand why to those who have not been versed on the Old Testament Bible, would not understand such (bloody, without any problem killing someone just because you don’t like them), how this could be happening. They don’t understand that God is the creator of all heaven and earth, and He is to be feared because He can destroy them just as quick as He created them. Without any warning more than what He put in His word, God can turn anyone’s sound, mind over to a reprobate mind. That means a person rejected by God.

For the past several hundreds of years people have taken God for granted, because He sent His Son to earth to die for our sins. They do not realize that God will not allow His Son to forever be mocked, and ignored for their gift of forgiveness. Old Testament prophesy has been fulfilled, is still being filled, and will continue to be fulfilled till all of it is finished. This is what so many people don’t want to believe, and try to brush it off as fake teaching. When I read in the Old Testament where killings were just no more than killing a fly, I have a hard time understanding, but today I am seeing the same things happening. “My God,” I plead, “how can some of these terrible things happen?” This Heavenly Father helps me to accept that which I cannot change, and move on to another day.  The terrible memories linger, for a reason unknown to me, but God lets me endure the bitter image of what I carry in my mind. I do want to be that faithful servant for as long as God wants to to.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Boots Are On God's Table In My Home"

Jean's Comment's: "My Boots Are On God's Table In My Home": This is what I do on a cold day when I get home from eating a big meal at Senior Citizens. 10-27-2017 Perryton, TX                      ...

"My Boots Are On God's Table In My Home"

This is what I do on a cold day when I get home from eating a big meal at Senior Citizens. 10-27-2017 Perryton, TX
                                  I am so comfortable it hurts. 10-27-2017 Perryton, TX

We are having some freezing weather now in Perryton, Texas. It got below 31 degree last night. I wore boots, and a fur vest to the Senior Citizen’s dinner today. As usual I ate too much, and had to relax awhile before doing anything else. I did enjoy my friends at the center, and was blessed with a big delicious meal. I thank God for every day I am privileged to do this, because we never know when it might abruptly end. According to what I see and hear on the news, our freedom is being challenged more, and more, every day. By the moment more evil is being uncovered on some whom we had always considered our most trust worthy patriots. I wish I didn’t have to say this, but I feel as though our country is too far gone to ever be restored to the original land of the “free and the brave.” I know nothing is impossible, but only a miracle can make it happen. I’m going to back up and say, I haven’t given up yet. I believe God will hear the Christian’s prayers, and use our President Trump to destroy all this terrible evil that controls our nation today. I’m just not surrendering to any of this filthy, rotten, belief that God does not care what we say or do, and we have to give into it if we want to keep living. I truly believe that God expects us to fight till the end, or we will not receive a home in Heaven. No evil can ever enter Heaven no matter who mocks that true fact from God’s Word. I am busy every day in some way declaring that God is real, powerful, and ready to answer our prayer if we truly believe in Him. I’ve been through some pretty tough battles, but probably will go through many more even tougher ones, before my time to die comes. God has always come to my rescue, and I know He will always do the same. I shed tears every day, but always I laugh afterward. God does wipe our tears away, and He declares that some day there will be no more tears.

I look forward to better days on this earth than I have now. Although that may sound contradictive to some, God does change our mind from time to time, and the bible tells us He also changed His mind a few times. This is called living and growing by faith. I’m not discouraged, maybe a little impatient, but I always become empowered with a new day. Most of the time I am excited about something great happening to our country. God is just that big, and no one can change that. Let me share with you my greatest love for all who believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is part of the Three in One. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. No love can be greater than this.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Straight Without Contradictive"

Jean's Comment's: "Straight Without Contradictive":                   My computer screen as it looks 24 hours a day. 10-26-2017 Perryton, TX   I am so pleased to sit down at my computer an...

"Straight Without Contradictive"

                  My computer screen as it looks 24 hours a day. 10-26-2017 Perryton, TX

I am so pleased to sit down at my computer anytime during the day and view all the pictures I have displayed on it. The picture that covers the total  screen is my dinning room with President Donald, and First Lady, Melania Trump. The smaller pictures are of myself, my family, and some friends. The picture I have posted on this blog does not show as clear as it does on my screen, but it is somewhat recognizable. I spend hours each day here in my computer room communicating with most of these persons showing on my screen, except the few that have deceased. Oh course this is only a few of my regular contacts. I do enjoy sharing my opinion with others no matter what scale of intelligence they may be on. It gives me pleasure to be a part of anything that I feel is important to our country. I believe more people should determine to be more of the same. We are all here for a purpose, and not just to survive. Energy, both physically, and spiritually, should be sought after daily. Blessings come to those who seek, and believe; not to those who are trying to impress people. The latter is far greater in number than the first, and I sometimes have to admit  that I, myself fall into that category. Why is it so hard for us to be ourselves, even though we do need to be thoughtful of others, not to embarrass them? This is a gift that most of us won’t claim, even though it’s free.

If we’re seen as weird by others, so be it. We have to live with ourselves, and what’s weird to others may be our best proud trait. I would rather die alone and have God hovering over me, than to have a thousand by-standers who don’t even know who God is. Jesus died alone upon the cross, yet He had ten thousand angels hovering over Him. You may have one friend, or one thousand friends, but let us not try to gain friendship by being someone we are not. Now I must say some people are not just weird, they are down right stupid. They somehow seem to think they are God themselves, and refuse to act like a normal being. These types of people usually do have just one, or maybe no friends at all. But I can say they do not have a happy life, and are always complaining about others being selfish, and ungodly.
What good that may exists in some people can be wiped off with one dirty swipe. The song go’s like this. I learned it as a child.  “Be careful little children what you do, be careful little children what you say, There’s a Father up above looking down with tender love, be careful little children what you say.” As a child we were taught to stay away from  undisciplined children. When they grow up, they are the full grown of undisciplined. The same applies as when they were a child.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Toothpick Is Needed"

Jean's Comment's: "Even A Toothpick Is Needed": One of the few butterflies left enjoying the taste of my flowers. Upper felt hand corner. 10-25-2017 Perryton, TX                       ...

"Even A Toothpick Is Needed"

One of the few butterflies left enjoying the taste of my flowers. Upper felt hand corner. 10-25-2017 Perryton, TX
                              The last days of summer are close. 10-25-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s a nice day here in Perryton, Texas. The sun is shinning bright, and a slight cool wind is perfect for an outside walk. The fall flowers are still blooming, and the last of the butterflies are still zooming. I saw a few bees trying to get in on the last of the nectar. I should go ahead and clean out my flower garden of all old dead, and live flowers, but like the butterflies I still want to enjoy them to the last drop. When I no longer can see a flower, I no longer will be going outside to the yard. I will mostly hibernate for the long winter. I will still be able to interact with friends on face book, and the news communicators that I daily respond to. I am so thankful for this great privilege. I feel like there is no excuse for people to be ignorant about what’s going on in the world today. With God’s help I can weed out all the fake, or unsubstantiated news. I can always add my opinion to the conversation, and feel like I cast a vote. It makes me feel good to think that I am contributing to the service of keeping America strong, and safe. A toothpick in a pile of lumber is not considered part of the good, but it is a part of the pile regardless of what you think. It originated from the tree just like the logs that were made into lumber. It serves a purpose, even though it is small. I will claim my worth even though it may be small. Don’t let anyone make you feel useless.

I had my happy hour at the Senior Citizens luncheon today. It is lasting for the rest of the day. When we eat, laugh, share, and love everybody, we are happy for a long time. We are able to take the bad with the good without caving into depression. We have been prepared to hear it all, and know how to respond to the worry that often comes with these news bites. The strength that friends give is many times unknown to them. But the fact remains, and will produce much good in those who were receivers of such. God will always make a way if we truly want to be a blessing to others. I sit in wonderment now as why certain things that I saw today at the luncheon happened. By faith I believe everything has a purpose, and I trust that I helped with whatever the purpose was meant for. We do not need to know what our presence could have done to possible help someone who was struggling, but we do need to know that God never leaves us useless. I would that all claim that promise from God, and respect Him for letting us be used by Him. I am ready for a second blessing today. I want to be humble, and not miss it.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Woke Up To This Bright Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "I Woke Up To This Bright Sun": After the sunset I posted last night here is the same sun this morning. 10-24-2017 Perryton, TX                  Have to love that sun w...

"I Woke Up To This Bright Sun"

After the sunset I posted last night here is the same sun this morning. 10-24-2017 Perryton, TX
                 Have to love that sun when it come up in the morning. 10-24-2017 Perryton, TX

Before I quit face book last night, I posted the sunset as I viewed it from my back yard. This morning I am posting that same sun with it’s white shinning light giving hope for all Americans, that the light of the world, Jesus Christ, is still lightening the way. What a beautiful sight to see the sun this morning with jet streams passing every direction under it. The crisscrossing of the jet streams are a symbol of the busy life that makes this world move. Yes, the world is moving in many directions, and we the mortals need to be warned of the many roadblocks ahead. These warning are all printed in the bible, and the only requirement to get them is, “read your bible.” As long as we read our bible, and keep trusting God, we will keep moving steadily on. We will not encounter any roadblocks. Faith, hope, and charity is a promise to us that if we possess these three characters we will never become lost. It’s amazing that I can stand in my yard of Perryton, Texas and look up to see the “Light of the World” shinning so brightly, even on me. I would like to stress that even when we can’t see this bright sun for some reason, it is still there behind the curtains. The curtain will be pulled when it’s time for the show. Let us be patient, for in due time we will reap blessing if we faint not.  Let us be thankful for what we have, and have faith to receive more, for our Heavenly Father said, “ask and you shall receive.”

My afternoon is filled with a list of things to do. We do have to stay busy as much as possible. The bible also tells us that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The hardest job I have had after retirement is trying to stay busy. I think if I don’t have to punch a time clock then I don’t have to do nothing. Wrong. We do have to do something every day to keep our minds from failing us. Little things that require little effort are a must if we want to stay healthy, and happy. I must send off a “thinking of you” card today to a couple who sat at my table for two years at the Senior Citizen’s Center. The lady had a stroke, and her daughter had to move them to a nursing home close to her. The husband had Parkinson Disease and his wife was very good with taking care of him. Now they both need help with their daily life. I have to put color on my hair also, and I do hate that job. I try to keep it looking natural, as if grey isn’t natural. Tomorrow I will be going out for lunch again, and it’s important I look my best. I have cooked Bar-B-Q  beef ribs already, and must fix something to eat with them. That’s part of what’s on my list, but not all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "There's Beauty Then There's The Beast"

Jean's Comment's: "There's Beauty Then There's The Beast":     Rose Hips are very attractive after the blooming season is over. 10-23-2017 Perryton, TX        Chives are more appetizing looking n...

"There's Beauty Then There's The Beast"

    Rose Hips are very attractive after the blooming season is over. 10-23-2017 Perryton, TX
       Chives are more appetizing looking now than ever before. 10-23-2017 Perryton, TX

I have no roses left on my bushes, but what I saw in their place this afternoon stirred up my curiosity. These bright red balls were attractive, and made an interesting conversation subject. I took the picture and looked up the information I needed to identify them on the internet. I learned that these attractive little red balls are seed from the roses. They are called Rose Hips, and can be used for seasoning food, also. The rose hips are rich in vitamin C, A, and B. They have been valued for their nutritional, and medicinal, benefits for hundreds of years, I read. Today the hips are primarily appreciated for their sweet-tart flavor. They are also enjoyed for their ornamental effect. I can agree with the last statement. I will let them be attractive under my window as long as possible. The next picture I posted is a planter of chives that I have had growing for years. They are greener and more appetizing now than have been all summer. The chives are also a great seasoning for foods. They make a baked potato taste scrumptious. I have let some of my other food seasonings plants die out since I didn’t use them much. The sage was not ever used by me, and the garlic cloves were just not as good as the ones I buy, All of these herbal seasonings plants I have mentioned are continuous growing plants the year round if taken care of. I like to see them live on even though I may not necessarily use them for what they can benefit me.

I am staying mostly silent today on the world conditions of God’s great earth. The evil damage continues to hammer away and darken the light of this, once beautiful world. The Mueller investigation of Russia is nothing more than a plan to behead our God-elected President, Donald Trump. It becomes more obvious every day. This moron approach to reverse the peoples choice of what our country needs, is the most stupid that America has ever had to deal with. No doubt this fictitious plot by the losing liberals, and a few of the GOP establishment, was created as a last resort to give our country away to a “One World Order.” The fight will continue for years, because God will not withdraw from his righteous people. The ignorant idol-worshippers will never give up until there are no more left. I said I was going to keep silent today, but every time I think of this corruption we’re living in, I just have to speak out. In someway, and somehow, I feel like I must let my position be known. I represent a Christian belief that will never deny the power of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. All other beliefs are without merit or substance. Watch for the real truth to happen before the end of this war is over. We haven’t seen nothing yet. Mark my word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Almost A Perfect Score"

Jean's Comment's: "Almost A Perfect Score":                 Check marked sky. Everything is O K. this morning. 10-22-2017 Perryton, TX I was amazed at the several check marks I saw...

"Almost A Perfect Score"

                Check marked sky. Everything is O K. this morning. 10-22-2017 Perryton, TX

I was amazed at the several check marks I saw in the sky this morning. When I was in school a check mark meat you had it right. I took it this morning that these check marks in the sky means everything is all right. I’m facing another happy day. Can’t wait for another one tomorrow. Glory! Glory! Glory! Depending on how long I can stay strong in trusting God, depends on how long I will have these happy days. Satan will never stop challenging us for sure. If it’s not physical pain he puts on us, it’s doubts he puts in our mind. Some days he is not allowed to touch us, but some days he is given the challenge, all because of our faith in his worse enemy, the Lord God Almighty. God demands our complete love, and respect. I am happy to give my all to Him.

I enjoyed a wonderful time last evening with my widowed friends at the regular Saturday night dinner. It is obvious that everyone else enjoys it also, or there would not be so many show up each time. We all try to look our best, and act the same. We truly have been a blessing to each other. I believe it is important that everyone dress up, and put on a smile at least once a week, and go out to eat with friends. I am finding myself doing it several times a week now. I feel so much more confident of not only myself, but of the friends whom I hardly knew before we became widowed. There is something about everyone of them that is special to me. It’s almost like we have a beauty contest every time we gather. I know our deceased husbands would be surprised at how much more beautiful we are now than when they claimed us as wives. I think most of us are dressing up for our husbands even though they aren’t going to be there. We all know they are looking down from heaven. We are getting along fine without them, and want them to know that. I believe that makes their spirits in heaven rejoice even more.

We have to beat the odds of being widowed. Loneliness, worry, and quietness brings about all kinds of problems. These attacks are so often landed upon widowed men, and women. I say to all of you half-beings, because your better half has been taken from you, grow another bit stronger, and become as one again. I don’t mean to marry again, but live as though you are married. This is also my advise to those who have been left alone because of divorce or some other reason. We can be what we want to be if we try. We are all to good to be looked upon as worthless. A lot of us has learned to mow our yards, fix the fence, and a lot of other things our husbands did. The men has learned to cook, wash their cloths, and make sure they have their shoes on the right foot. It’s all in caring about what you look like. Congratulations to all who are trying.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Help Build A Fence"

Jean's Comment's: "Help Build A Fence":      Had to do a little fence fixing this morning. High wind, you know. 10-21-2017 Perryton, TX My wood fence has seen better days, just...

"Help Build A Fence"

     Had to do a little fence fixing this morning. High wind, you know. 10-21-2017 Perryton, TX

My wood fence has seen better days, just like I have. The wind keeps trying to take it a part. A hammer and nails helps put it back in place until another big wind comes. I had to compare my own life to this fence after reading and hearing a lot of late news on the computer and television. Just when I think our President is gaining ground, then another big wind comes by and blows everything apart again.

I am so disappointed to have heard an ex Republican president this past week taking the opportunity on National Television to blast President Trump. After staying silent for eight years while Obama was the Democratic President, saying he didn’t want to offer any pro or con, he now stands before the entire world and cuts our present President down. To all who didn’t already know, I am offering my take on the condition of this world. First let me say things are much worse than anyone imagined. This evil controlled world is now at the highest risk for total destruction than ever before. I have no solutions to offer, because the best thing that could ever have happened to save this country was getting President Trump elected. At least we have a God-fearing, believing, President who understands that only God can save us. That is the most, important quality that any human being  can possess. I also believe that like always before, this President will never be out smarted by people like the so-called smart people such as stood up on National Television this week, and tried to make our President seem stupid. That reflection was on the speaker himself.

All of us in the practice field need to boldly come to the front line and throw  our strongest punch possible to knock the cheating players out cold. We must use our best defense to guard this President. The game is not near over, and may go into overtime several times before a winner is declared. If you can do nothing else but raise your hand to be counted with our President, please do that. A dollar donation is the best vote one can give him, if this is necessary to be counted. A vote for Trump is a vote for God. Surly there are many out there that don’t know this, and you think you are for God even if you don’t acknowledge our President, but I believe you are dead wrong. God demands a vote, because He said, “either you are with Me or you are against Me.” Matthew 12:30. Where is your vote? Of course I cannot say you are not a believer of God just because you don’t like President Trump, but even the idol worshipers believe in God. They believe in their own God. I urge you to give this some thought, and consider the greatness of what has to be the one, and only God, who can hear and answer prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Real Chrysanthemum's Are Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "Real Chrysanthemum's Are Beautiful":                          My neighbor's Chrysanthemums are beautiful. 10-20-2017 Perryton, TX These flowers are two doors down from ...

"Real Chrysanthemum's Are Beautiful"

                         My neighbor's Chrysanthemums are beautiful. 10-20-2017 Perryton, TX
These flowers are two doors down from me. I can enjoy them every day. 10-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I just got home from a nice luncheon at the Center. It was a great time of food and fellowship. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, and a nice crowd attended. As I drove past my neighbor’s house I was imbued by these lovely, pink, Chrysanthemums lining the short fence between two of my neighbors homes. The sun was shinning brightly on them, and I felt so emotionally encouraged about something. Why am I so excited, I asked myself? I still don’t know, but I will keep you posted on any good news that may be coming my way. Today has just been a good day, after an attack by Satan yesterday. I must be prepared for tomorrow, for he does keep trying to sap my victory.

For anyone who watches the news each day, it is clear that this world is in a fast spin, and needs to be slowed down. We have no doubt that that will ever happen. Many people believe that President Trump is an Angel sent by God to save our country from total destruction. I have to agree with that. I believe he would have already been defeated if he were not strengthened by God. This President is gaining momentum every day, and he will get everything he promised accomplished. No human could do that without the power of God upholding them. My special request to God is that He would have mercy on many unbelievers, and let them off lightly. I’m speaking of those who are blinded by ignorance, and not the wicked ones who simply want to destroy God, and his almighty power. There is a big difference. There is no doubt in my mind that many Trump-hatters will be damaged for the rest of their life before they accept the truth. “Trump is the one appointed by God.” This cannot be explained by any human being. Some things are just not meant to be understood by mortals. These are God’s own words. All I can say is that too many people want it their way, or no way. I don’t claim to know about what tomorrow holds, but I do claim to know who holds tomorrow. Leave it all up to Him, and take your peace in living each day a blessed life. Do unto ALL others what we would have them do unto us, not what we think they deserve. Not one of us deserves any good thing.

Today I will eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may not come. But if it does come, I will do the same thing then. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Nothing can be sweeter than an attitude like this. I admit that I am weak in the flesh, but I am supported by the Holy Spirit who will never leave me nor forsake me.

Now I will go and catch up on the news. I can’t leave my President alone to fight this awful enemy called, Satan.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Victorious Again"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Victorious Again":                           Bony fingers grab for someone to eat. 10-19-2017 Perryton, TX I wanted to post another picture from my neigh...

"I Am Victorious Again"

                          Bony fingers grab for someone to eat. 10-19-2017 Perryton, TX

I wanted to post another picture from my neighbor’s ghostly yard. This ghost has long, bony fingers reaching out as if to grab somebody. I rave over this extremely, ghost decorated yard, because it has so many figures of every kind of related ideas of Halloween. With it’s size, and arrangement of so many ornaments one could spend an hour or so laughing while walking through this yard. I love this kind of fun. The next holiday occasion will be Thanksgiving. This same yard will be decorated to the same degree for that special time of the year. I must say this good neighbor helps bring about a happier spirit for the Holidays.

At this time I feel influenced to share a recent miracle. A miracle can be considered large, or small, important or non-important, but my definition  of miracle is when I ask God for something that really concerns me, and within seconds I definitely receive it. A few days ago I scraped the skin off my arm by raking it over the latch while going through the door. It bled a lot, and I put a band aide over the wound. There was no pain, and I was not concerned about infection since it was such a small area. Because I wanted to protect the wound from further bleeding while it healed, I left the band aide on for several days. Yesterday I removed the covering so it could get air and continue to heal. Immediately my entire arm began to itch. Starting at the tips of my fingers and going up to my shoulder the itching was unbearable. I scratched being careful not to touch the unhealed area, but the more I scratched the more it itched. I did get to close to the wound. It broke open and began to bleed heavily. I pressed the blood vessel to stop the bleeding, but the itching didn’t let up. I had never in my life had anything like this happen to me. I decided I was going to have to call an ambulance, but I could not stand to let up a second from the scratching. After about five minutes of unbearable itching I called upon God to stop the itching. Really? You asked God to stop your arm from itching? Absolutely! This was worse than any pain I had ever had. And yes, I was surprised when the itching stopped immediately. I was just grasping for straws, and the fist straw I reached for was God. When all else fails, try Jesus. I am still stunned at the quick response from my request. I’m not saying this was the first time I definitely realized a miracle had happened, but it was the first of such a minor little thing. And usually my request are not immediate, at least to my knowledge.

Now for the aftermath. Today has been a struggle with that evil one who has tried to make me forget about yesterday. He has reminded me all day about things in my past that upset me. I even had to call a couple of friends and tell them about my insults from days past. How stupid can a person of a miraculous happening just the day before, actually be. I am more convinced now than ever, that nothing worth having in this live is easy to keep. We have to be fight for our God-given rights. And fight I am going to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Fake And The Real"

Jean's Comment's: "The Fake And The Real":                                      Neighbors ghostly yard. 10-18-2017 Perryton, TX                         Front view of Halloween dec...

"The Fake And The Real"

                                     Neighbors ghostly yard. 10-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                        Front view of Halloween decorated yard. 10-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                  The cow and her baby are not afraid of ghost. 10-17-2017 Perryton, TX

My neighbor who lives two blocks down the street from me decorates her yard for every occasion. She lives on a corner lot, and both sides of her house yards are decorated to the hilt. I took several pictures of this Halloween attraction, and chose three to post today. People from all around come to view the most interesting sight of every kind of Halloween figure imaginable. It is all lit up at night, and makes a nice, thrilling feeling for anyone who stops to view it. It will almost make even an adult believe in ghost. I am guessing that maybe two hundred objects of Halloween nature are planted all through this large yard area, and even in the trees. It sure creates a spirit of  Halloween fun. I am a firm believer of holding onto our American traditions, and never letting any of them go. I do not always decorate for special occasions anymore, but I do encourage others to keep it up. There comes a time when age takes a toll on you. I never will get too old to enjoy the artistic work of others.

Before I left for the Senior Citizens luncheon today I watched a big part of the Congressional hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I had to pull myself away from that emotional hearing, and now I wish I had of stayed. I was so proud of the Attorney General for the way he kept control of the intended beatings from the liberal Democrats. He put them all in their place. I don’t know what all I missed, but I hope the targeted Jeff Sessions got the last lick, and knocked them all out. We have a disgraceful bunch of Congress members who are fully pledged to turn our country over to the crooks, and evil power seekers, who  the last administration had given unbelievable control. The present President is undoing a lot of the illegal, unconstitutional deeds that the past President dishonorably made. It is taking a war of, fight like never before, or lose everything our brave Military service men and women have fought and died for. I give a lot of this blame to some of my own party members, the GOP establishment who tried to ride the fence so they could get re-elected. Those same unfaithful, elected members are still refusing to let go of their support from the liberal wealth that helps them get elected. I hope in the next election people will finally realize that they have been fools to believe in these so called Republicans. It is so obvious till I wonder how they can keep believing in these hypocrites. I say vote them everyone out who are rebelling against our elected President. Some of them are wounded ducks, but are still doing harm by being let stay in power. I have complete faith that our President will gain control of all our GOP Congressional members, but not until after a bloody battle has happened. It’s already happening, and I am praying for victory for our country every day. Enough lives has already been lost. Let us surrender to our God, and our Country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Memories That Linger"

Jean's Comment's: "Memories That Linger":                                  The golden trees that enrich my heart. 10-17-2017 Perryton TX This morning I passed by a lovely home...

"Memories That Linger"

                                 The golden trees that enrich my heart. 10-17-2017 Perryton TX

This morning I passed by a lovely home of some old friends of mine, and was grabbed by the beautiful, golden trees in their yard. The lady friend has passed away, and her husband has moved closer to his children. There is no way I can forget them when almost every day I pass by their house on my way to town. I had shared friendship with this couple for over sixty years. It was a great loss to me, but the lovely home, that they made into a beautiful place of peace, and precious memories makes me to know that heaven is real. There is just some things that Satan cannot take away from us.

Yes, autumn is here, and the beautiful colors are breath taking. The Happy Timers Luncheon was another place of autumn beauty today. The tables were decorated with orange and purple cloths, and adorned with bouquets of fall flowers. Candle’s were placed on each table, and all the serving dishes were orange and purple. The food was delicious, and the speaker gave an interesting speech on theory dogs. She had a little poodle with her who also performed. Dogs can be a big help in treating humans for loneliness, and encouragement. The poodle the speaker used seemed to understand every word she said to it. A nice crowd attended this meeting, and it was definitely a blessing to all.

I am a little dumbfounded right now as to why the most important part of this blog got deleted. My thought is that it was not supposed to be published. I will accept that, and let it be. That means I have nothing more to say at this time. Except that I must follow my own assertion. I truly believe someone above is watching over me. I probably got a little too overbearing with my disgust for some who are mistreating our president. I would like to call judgement upon them, and I know that is God's job. Oh, if only we could have more patience with people. Yet there does come a time when we must make a choice between right and wrong. Help us Lord to know when. I still wish I could retrieve those words I wrote earlier, but again it cannot happen. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to re right them in a little less  abrasive way. Until then I pray for peace to sustain me, and make me completely restful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "It's A Gost Of A Time"

Jean's Comment's: "It's A Gost Of A Time": This black cat was on the coffee table this morning at Senior Citizens.I forgot it was ahllaween time. 10-16-2017 Perryton, TX Of all th...

"It's A Gost Of A Time"

This black cat was on the coffee table this morning at Senior Citizens.I forgot it was ahllaween time. 10-16-2017 Perryton, TX

Of all things. When I was getting coffee this morning at the luncheon this big black cat with it’s mouth wide open scared me for a second. I had forgotten about it being Halloween. It was fun at it’s best just to see all the decorations as I began to move around the dinning room. A little bit of everything was used to make the place look haunted. It even made we old people feel younger. The bar-b-q ribs were good, and all the other stuff that went with it. It’s always nice to visit with friends, and learn all the latest news. After I left the Center I went to do some shopping for cloths, and found too many bargains. That hour and one-half was about as much fun as having lunch at the Center with black cats, witches, and friends. I am anxious now to wear some of my new stuff, and show off my creative taste. I love, love to shop for bargains. My next outing will be tomorrow for the Happy Timers luncheon at the First Christian Church. This is always an interesting meeting also. A speaker is selected for the multiple types of interest among the attendees. It works out real well. The food is always delicious, and entertainment is also provided.

I’m not sure what’s going on with the political news these days. It seems as though everything important has come to a halt. I am thinking it is going to explode one of these days. Something drastic will happen without the people knowing it until after the fact. With all the problems America has they can’t just be solved so quietly, and peaceably. It appears to me that we are in that kind of mode now. I will use this quite and peaceful time to rest my weary mind, and take to the dance floor. There is nothing like dancing your troubles away. But I must be clear, I don’t mean the kind of dancing that involves drinking, or cheating. There is such a thing as waltzing across America one day at a time. It makes for a good try. Happiness don’t come easy. We must work on it. We can, if we will, be happy, and contended, in all things The Apostle Paul told us that in God’s word. The Senior Citizen’s dance I attended a few weeks ago was everything but wild. It was all about God and country. We sang, “God Bless America,” and gave a pledge to the flag. Not one person in the large crowd knelt on one knee. How proud I am of our Senior Citizens. Woe be to this younger population  when the older ones are all gone. Is it too late to preach to them? Just in case it’s not, I will keep trying. I am positive that many will return to their Christian bred when the darkness falls upon them, but can they ever receive full pardon? If I were you, dear deserter of your creator, I would be begging at this moment for forgiveness. There may be a time when God says enough is enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Never Let The Smile Fade"

Jean's Comment's: "Never Let The Smile Fade": Smiling at the great feeling of being blessed in church this morning. 10-15-2017 Perryton, TX I have felt so elevated by the Holy spirit...

"Never Let The Smile Fade"

Smiling at the great feeling of being blessed in church this morning. 10-15-2017 Perryton, TX

I have felt so elevated by the Holy spirit today. I had some very bad luck with my computer programs this past week, and I was about ready to trash it. But I kept trying to stay positive, in spite of all the doubts Satan kept throwing at me. I finally got everything working properly, and now I am super happy. I have enjoyed several meeting this past week with friends sharing good food and fellowship. That helped me to bear my computer problems. I attended church this morning and heard a good message. I have already planned several meeting for this next week, and I am excited. After feeling the deepest of depression this past week, I am now feeling the highest of great expectations. I really need to come back down to earth a bit. Hallelujah to his name. No doubt that will happen, probably sooner than later. Roll-a-coaster world we live in every day. Thrills, and scares, and shouts of joy. I just have about a dozen more problems to work out, then I will have a clean slate to start all over. I am not a quitter, and will be suiting up every day for the game. I will also stand, and place my hand over my heart when the pledge of allegiance is being given. I love my country, and will fight in every way I possibly can to keep it free. America doesn’t need anything but God to keep it safe and secure. But God needs us to let Him know we are still trusting Him.

I just finished my Sunday dinner of roast beef, carrots, potatoes, bread with gravy poured over it, and a piece of cake with fudge icing. I didn’t have room for the fresh, home-grown cantaloupe that Chuck brought me. I will have it for supper. My tummy is calling for a “lay me down for awhile.” Shame on me. Eating is one of the struggles I deal with every day. My greatest desire is to keep those extra pounds off. Yet I want to stay healthy, and eat enough of even the high calorie foods to give me enough energy. I realize how important it is to eat a balanced diet, but sometimes the child in me gets it’s way. I can’t blame, eating out, for my weight problem, because I cook foods that would put weight on a flea. My love for cooking needs to be overhauled as well as my love for eating. I will not lie about it. If I am overweight I become very depressed. I can’t ask God to fix that, because it is all my own fault, however, I do ask Him sometimes to help me be a normal eater. I can assure you He does answer that prayer when I apologize for being disgusting. To sum it all up we never get to the place of perfect laziness without paying a dear price for it. God would not have us be lazy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "No Sign Of Doctrate Degree"

Jean's Comment's: "No Sign Of Doctrate Degree": The speaker at the "Leadership Perryton," 10- 12-2017 meeting. 10-14-2017 Perryton, TX Tonight I was privileged to hear a mot...

"No Sign Of Doctrate Degree"

The speaker at the "Leadership Perryton," 10- 12-2017 meeting. 10-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Tonight I was privileged to hear a motivational speaker at the Frank Phillip’s College, Allen Campus, Perryton, Texas. This meeting was sponsored by “Leadership Perryton.” Speaker Dr. Shirley Garrett. CSP.  The title of her message was, “Spiraling Upward-Making Positivity Happen.” It was an interesting speech, and was seasoned wit lots of humor. A nice crowd was present. I am noticing a lot of people now a days who are becoming more and more impressed with the thought of needing to enhance their ability to lead. My thoughts on this matter is that I think people have realized the time has come when every man, woman, or child, is needed to help with the safety of our country. Everyone knows that learning through highly educated teachers cannot be time wasted. The teacher this evening had a Doctorate Degree, but was such a “down to earth” positive speaker.

 The meeting tonight was for the public, but tomorrow it will be for business, and civic leaders. An all morning session will be held. This type of motivational training is another reason to make Perryton proud. She is on the up hill run, and is gaining speed every day. If only we can keep it that way forever. I see people starting to come out of community bickering, and joining hands with those whom they highly disagreed with before. I wish our United States Congress could do that. If they don’t change their attitude before long, our President will change it for them. He is very capable of doing that, but it may create more outrage among the liberals to the extent that many more will die from their own self conflict. I can’t see anything but lingering fighting for America until a mighty miracle happens. We can hope and pray, and even deny that this will happen, but that don’t change God’s plan.

Even with this feeling I struggle with, I will stay positive because I believe that is what faith is all about. Every person has to live till God calls them home, and I think we need to be happy, and expect miracles every day until that time. My dad used to say about people, “they need to keep their own nose clean instead of trying to clean everyone else’s.” I think that idea would be good for us today to consider. I am the one who God will judge on that great and notable day. I can’t make you more innocent even if I tried. You too will be judged by the Almighty King. Let us do our own discipline and ask God to forgive us while we are doing it. We will be more happy, and I’m sure will be less disciplined by the Father. I will never be that perfect mortal, and that is why I don’t try. I do try to follow Jesus example the best I can, but must know I don’t come close to his perfection. I believe everyone should do their best to be like Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "A Day Isn't A day Without Frustrations"

Jean's Comment's: "A Day Isn't A day Without Frustrations": This this the fourth picture of Wolf Creek  Park. Turkey's at the left can be seen better if double click. 10-14-2017 Perryton, TX ...

"A Day Isn't A day Without Frustrations"

This this the fourth picture of Wolf Creek  Park. Turkey's at the left can be seen better if double click. 10-14-2017 Perryton, TX

I am a day late with this blog, since my program on the computer got blocked yesterday by a rotten company wanting to sell me a new blog website. I had to wait for someone to come to my house to unblock it. This evil world is getting worse by the day. We must not give up even though sometimes if feels like we are going to have to. I keep reminding God that He is in control, and I need Him to help me. He never fails.

I am posting another picture of the scenery at Wolf Creek Park area in Ochiltree County Texas. about twenty miles from Perryton. In this picture you can see more of the tall, red rock walls of some of the hills. Also to the left, near the tree line can be seen a flock of turkeys. If this picture is enlarged the turkeys show up much better. I will mention again that darkness is beginning to fall, and the sinking sun made such a pretty view. The partly dead leaves , and others that have turned into fall colors, are so pretty with the last bit of sun shinning on them.  We parked the car and just sit and watched the turkey’s and a badger, which rushed out in sight momentarily, then quickly disappeared into the bushes. It was dark when we left the lake area to come home. We had had a great time just sightseeing.

I have spent a lot of time today trying to unblock my blog account, but finally had to give up. I hate it when I have to waste precious time that I need to be getting things done that might help fight the evil demons that have ambushed our country from every angle. Time is so valuable now, and we must use it with hast, and accuracy to reclaim our country. Everyone’s job is important when it comes to working for America. Even the right attitude is sometimes worth as much as a strong man setting up a room full of chairs for a motivational speaker who will prep a crowd to get the ball rolling. Yes, every hand, and every voice is important in winning a war against good and evil, If we let the moss grow on us, we will be like the rock that could not move. I am reminded again of the little quote I saw recently.

If you can’t fly, then run.
If you can’t run, then walk.
If you can’t walk, then crawl.
If you can’t crawl, then wiggle,
But whatever, keep moving.

Let us all be thankful for our ability to still be able to work for Jesus.
We can rightly even boast of this strength. I am a booster fan for both God, and Country. I am a supporter of our President, Donald Trump. and trust his leadership. I wouldn’t trade this privilege for all the money in the world. Just don’t take my bible away, and I might live forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Deer Deer It's Nearly Dark"

Jean's Comment's: "Deer Deer It's Nearly Dark": Two of the deer we saw at Wolf Creek Park. Sun was down and pictures are dark. 10-11-2017 Perryton, TX   Red rock walls of canyon see...

"Deer Deer It's Nearly Dark"

Two of the deer we saw at Wolf Creek Park. Sun was down and pictures are dark. 10-11-2017 Perryton, TX
  Red rock walls of canyon seen behind the trees. Windmill is also visible. 10-11-2017 Perryton, TX

This is the third picture I have posted from our trip last Sunday, 10-8-2017, to Wolf Creek Park, Ochiltree county, Perryton, TX. The two deer are barely visible, because the sun had already set when we saw them. There were more deer, but not close enough to get in the picture. The second picture I have posted is a scene of the tall, red, rock, canyon walls showing through the trees. An old windmill can been seen also. I don’t know why a windmill would be there among all the water that runs from the creek. It is old, I’m sure, however we were not allowed to get out of the car to explore the wild life area. We wouldn’t have anyway because too many rattlesnakes, and badger, etc were around. A huge dam was built many years ago to make the big lake that the park proudly boast of. I could ask someone, but as of now I can’t tell you why cattle are in open range at the, many acre, pasture land. There are several cattle guards while driving to the lake, but no fence can be seen. Often you have to stop until the cattle decide to move. Once a cow stuck her head up to my window while we were waiting for them to move. She mooed at me. I spoke to her, and she finally moved.

The lake is stocked with rainbow trout, among several other kinds of fish. I like to fish for crappie. They are very good to eat, and easy to clean. I have been fishing at this lake many of times. We used to take our children water skiing with our boat there. I must say this is a small, but fun lake to visit, and could be called a small resort area. It’s camping facilities are very accommodating, and offer a lot of spaces. Houses with people living in them are close together for a rural area. Some residents of this area are from three or four generations back. There is even a graveyard, or two, in some of the yard space. A friend of mine put her husband near his parents, and grandparents a few years ago, just a few yards from her house. She still lives there alone. The area I am talking about used to be an old Indian camp. It boast of a buried city, and has been purchased by a millionaire for further exploration. It is thought by many that hundreds of Indian skeletons are buried throughout the several square-mile area.  Thousands of arrow heads have been gathered from this place, with some being placed in the city’s museum. I believe many of us Perryton residents are failing to feel all of the pride we should feel by living, and owning property here. We complain about being too remote, and not close enough to big hospitals. However, we have a very good hospital, and doctors, who will take care of us while being transferred to a larger hospital. We have ancestry marking all around us, and that in it’s self is phenomenal.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Twelve Point Buck Elk Is In My View"

Jean's Comment's: "A Twelve Point Buck Elk Is In My View": A 12 point buck Elk who resides in a pasture 8 miles form Perryton, Texas. 10-10-2017 Perryton, TX My painting of the old house on the p...

"A Twelve Point Buck Elk Is In My View"

A 12 point buck Elk who resides in a pasture 8 miles form Perryton, Texas. 10-10-2017 Perryton, TX
My painting of the old house on the pasture where the Elk is residing. 10-10-2017 Perryton, Tx

This is the second picture I am posting today of my recent trip of the Wolf Creek Lake area. This picture of a big buck Elk was taken on a pasture where an old historical mansion stands, about eight miles south of Perryton, Texas. It is not part of the Wolf Creek Park area, but it is close to it. I painted the old landmark mansion about three years ago as you will see at the bottom of the Elk picture. The 12 point Elk is lying  down and you can see part of the old mansion. Several elk are enclosed in this pasture owned by a private individual. They have been pasturing there for several years. The Elk attraction is an interesting place for many people traveling on highway 83 to stop at view. Most of the time the elk are close to the highway. I took this picture last Sunday October 8 2017 while traveling to our, close by, Wolf Creek Park area to watch a lot of other wild life roaming around before bedding down for the night. Some of those pictures will be posted each day for awhile. I guess this is the month I am suppose to share with you some of God’s wonderful nature I am privileged to live near.

As I mentioned on my blog yesterday two friends picked me up last Sunday evening to take a cruse down to our near-by hilly, and small mountainous  area to view the wild life that have been living there for many years. Wolf Creek runs through this beautiful hill, and tree, forest-like land, and creates a perfect home for many different wild life. Late in the evening is when it’s most likely to see a lot of these inhabiters slowly engaging in bedding down for the night. It is an most interesting sight to watch. After driving for several minutes through the landscaping of this large wild life area, we drove to the lake part of the park. The water on the lake was a sparkling white, wavy, picture enhanced by the low setting of the sun. The black frame around the lake gave it a special beauty of calmness. Several campers were enjoying this beautiful, natural spot of God’s creation. The three of us was pleased to return home with a spirit of thankfulness for God’s blessings to us. The memories will linger on for some time, erasing many old memories that are not so good. I also thank God for my friends who are so good to me. I look forward everyday to chilling with my friends, and making new ones. We all need each other to trod the paths of this dangerous world we live in. It is an absolute must to share in friendship with others. Happiness cannot be stolen from us when we band together to share our joys and concerns. Our spirits will be lifted up when we hear the words. “ stay positive. God is with you, and I will call your name to Him every day you are in need of healing.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Indian's Food Is Still Good"

Jean's Comment's: "The Indian's Food Is Still Good":                  Wild turkey in Wolf Creek Park, Ochiltree county, Perryton TX. 10-9-2017 Yesterday afternoon two friends came by and go...

"The Indian's Food Is Still Good"

                 Wild turkey in Wolf Creek Park, Ochiltree county, Perryton TX. 10-9-2017

Yesterday afternoon two friends came by and got me to take a cruse around our beautiful Wolf Creek Park area. This park is located about 20 miles from my home in Perryton, Texas. It covers many acres, although some of it is owned by private owners. However, most all of it is open for public viewing of the beautiful sights of nature. The many roads winding all through the park are cliché, and nice to travel on. The high mountain-type hills are mostly seen as straight walls of stone surrounded by trees and grass. The flat valley areas are a roaming place for many wild life. The picture I have posted today is some of about one hundred of a flock of wild turkey’s.  Darkness was starting to fall, and some of the pictures I will be posting will be somewhat dark. A nice size lake is centered in this interesting place of natural beauty. As late as it is in the season, October, 8, 2017, many campers were still enjoying some time of peace and quite of nature.

We never got out of our car once as there is no need to walk in the areas where you can see all the wildlife. In fact, it probably would not be allowed to walk around in the private areas. The county owned property is open to all visitors, and offers a lot of accommodations. A large restaurant is enjoyed by many. While on our short time of site-seeing, we took pictures of elk, turkeys, deer, and some lovely scenery.We saw a badger, but it was too far away, and with the darkness already setting in, we didn’t get a picture. It swiftly ran into the bushes. It’s amazing how a short time of driving around the areas of God’s most interesting places of nature, can lift one’s spirits, and make them feel free from all the bad news. Sometimes it’s a must for us to get away.

I will be putting more pictures of the wild animals, and scenery on my blog each day for awhile. I would like to do them all at once, but haven’t mastered that yet. I might add that some dinosaur skeletons have been excavated from some of the walls of this natural area, and have been reconstructed and displayed at the Museum of The Plains, Perryton’s wonderful place of memories. It also is a place that many people, both far and near, find most interesting. Welcome signs are out every day of the week. One cannot leave that place without feeling more appreciative of their ancestors. It also carries a modern, pleasant, atmosphere of calling for a celebration. We have many events going on there all through the year. I encourage all who have not joined the membership of this community “place of pride.” to do so now. The yearly dues are minimal, and offers so much. Some of Perryton’s nicest people are donating many hours of work and friendship to this place of special attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Here's The Proof"

Jean's Comment's: "Here's The Proof": Look what God put in my hand today. That butterfly that will carry my message to heaven.10-8-2017 Perryton, TX                         C...

"Here's The Proof"

Look what God put in my hand today. That butterfly that will carry my message to heaven.10-8-2017 Perryton, TX
                        Couldn't be happier about this mail carrier. 10-8-2017 perryton, TX

OMG, I just caught a butterfly after saying yesterday it was impossible. They usually won’t let me get close enough to take a good picture of them. I gently closed my fingers around this little angel, and opened it’s wings to show it’s beautiful colors. I didn’t kiss it like the informant said to do, before I said “I love you,” but I did tell it to take my message to Heaven like the informant also said to do. Then I turned it loose and it flew away like a bullet. This happened today after I came home from church, and after hearing one of the best sermons I’d ever heard. I told the butterfly to take the Pastor’s sermon to Heaven, and ask for a return blessing for this young minister of God. I feel good about this childish request, because I still have a lot of my “little girl” in me. She is helping to keep me young.

Seriously speaking I did enjoy a wonderful church service this morning. The crowd was larger than it had been in a very long time. The sermon was seemingly especially prepared for this very crowd, although the Pastor always prepares his sermon during the week. The monthly dinner was extra delicious, with so much food of every description. I believe every person present would have to say that they  received a special blessing. I don’t know what God is getting us ready for, but I will trust Him all the way. Nothing can be sweeter than feeling a sweet spirit among a large crowd of believers. My cup certainly got filled, and is running over this morning. We still share the sadness of so many people who have lost loved ones, who were in no way doing wrong, but God just lets us wipe our tears, and keep on traveling. He said the battle was His, and not ours to fight. But that is to say, I believe, that we must listen for his voice to direct our path. When we fall, He will lift us up. When we faint, He will revive us. When we miss church without a good reason, He will scold us, but not to the point of making us dislike Him. It only makes us love Him more. After all, He is our Heavenly Father, who loves us with unconditional love.

Let us start off our new week with more faith than ever before. The news sounds bad, but we must not forget what the Lord promised us. He will fight our battles for us. Let us keep a positive attitude, and never, never doubt God’s word. He will be with us in every time of sorrow we may have to endure. My line is always open for an SOS call. Never hesitate to call me. I don’t have to depend on a butterfly to take my message to heaven. I have a direct line.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp