Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"I Woke Up To This Bright Sun"

After the sunset I posted last night here is the same sun this morning. 10-24-2017 Perryton, TX
                 Have to love that sun when it come up in the morning. 10-24-2017 Perryton, TX

Before I quit face book last night, I posted the sunset as I viewed it from my back yard. This morning I am posting that same sun with it’s white shinning light giving hope for all Americans, that the light of the world, Jesus Christ, is still lightening the way. What a beautiful sight to see the sun this morning with jet streams passing every direction under it. The crisscrossing of the jet streams are a symbol of the busy life that makes this world move. Yes, the world is moving in many directions, and we the mortals need to be warned of the many roadblocks ahead. These warning are all printed in the bible, and the only requirement to get them is, “read your bible.” As long as we read our bible, and keep trusting God, we will keep moving steadily on. We will not encounter any roadblocks. Faith, hope, and charity is a promise to us that if we possess these three characters we will never become lost. It’s amazing that I can stand in my yard of Perryton, Texas and look up to see the “Light of the World” shinning so brightly, even on me. I would like to stress that even when we can’t see this bright sun for some reason, it is still there behind the curtains. The curtain will be pulled when it’s time for the show. Let us be patient, for in due time we will reap blessing if we faint not.  Let us be thankful for what we have, and have faith to receive more, for our Heavenly Father said, “ask and you shall receive.”

My afternoon is filled with a list of things to do. We do have to stay busy as much as possible. The bible also tells us that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The hardest job I have had after retirement is trying to stay busy. I think if I don’t have to punch a time clock then I don’t have to do nothing. Wrong. We do have to do something every day to keep our minds from failing us. Little things that require little effort are a must if we want to stay healthy, and happy. I must send off a “thinking of you” card today to a couple who sat at my table for two years at the Senior Citizen’s Center. The lady had a stroke, and her daughter had to move them to a nursing home close to her. The husband had Parkinson Disease and his wife was very good with taking care of him. Now they both need help with their daily life. I have to put color on my hair also, and I do hate that job. I try to keep it looking natural, as if grey isn’t natural. Tomorrow I will be going out for lunch again, and it’s important I look my best. I have cooked Bar-B-Q  beef ribs already, and must fix something to eat with them. That’s part of what’s on my list, but not all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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