Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"The Fake And The Real"

                                     Neighbors ghostly yard. 10-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                        Front view of Halloween decorated yard. 10-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                  The cow and her baby are not afraid of ghost. 10-17-2017 Perryton, TX

My neighbor who lives two blocks down the street from me decorates her yard for every occasion. She lives on a corner lot, and both sides of her house yards are decorated to the hilt. I took several pictures of this Halloween attraction, and chose three to post today. People from all around come to view the most interesting sight of every kind of Halloween figure imaginable. It is all lit up at night, and makes a nice, thrilling feeling for anyone who stops to view it. It will almost make even an adult believe in ghost. I am guessing that maybe two hundred objects of Halloween nature are planted all through this large yard area, and even in the trees. It sure creates a spirit of  Halloween fun. I am a firm believer of holding onto our American traditions, and never letting any of them go. I do not always decorate for special occasions anymore, but I do encourage others to keep it up. There comes a time when age takes a toll on you. I never will get too old to enjoy the artistic work of others.

Before I left for the Senior Citizens luncheon today I watched a big part of the Congressional hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I had to pull myself away from that emotional hearing, and now I wish I had of stayed. I was so proud of the Attorney General for the way he kept control of the intended beatings from the liberal Democrats. He put them all in their place. I don’t know what all I missed, but I hope the targeted Jeff Sessions got the last lick, and knocked them all out. We have a disgraceful bunch of Congress members who are fully pledged to turn our country over to the crooks, and evil power seekers, who  the last administration had given unbelievable control. The present President is undoing a lot of the illegal, unconstitutional deeds that the past President dishonorably made. It is taking a war of, fight like never before, or lose everything our brave Military service men and women have fought and died for. I give a lot of this blame to some of my own party members, the GOP establishment who tried to ride the fence so they could get re-elected. Those same unfaithful, elected members are still refusing to let go of their support from the liberal wealth that helps them get elected. I hope in the next election people will finally realize that they have been fools to believe in these so called Republicans. It is so obvious till I wonder how they can keep believing in these hypocrites. I say vote them everyone out who are rebelling against our elected President. Some of them are wounded ducks, but are still doing harm by being let stay in power. I have complete faith that our President will gain control of all our GOP Congressional members, but not until after a bloody battle has happened. It’s already happening, and I am praying for victory for our country every day. Enough lives has already been lost. Let us surrender to our God, and our Country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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