Saturday, October 21, 2017

"Help Build A Fence"

     Had to do a little fence fixing this morning. High wind, you know. 10-21-2017 Perryton, TX

My wood fence has seen better days, just like I have. The wind keeps trying to take it a part. A hammer and nails helps put it back in place until another big wind comes. I had to compare my own life to this fence after reading and hearing a lot of late news on the computer and television. Just when I think our President is gaining ground, then another big wind comes by and blows everything apart again.

I am so disappointed to have heard an ex Republican president this past week taking the opportunity on National Television to blast President Trump. After staying silent for eight years while Obama was the Democratic President, saying he didn’t want to offer any pro or con, he now stands before the entire world and cuts our present President down. To all who didn’t already know, I am offering my take on the condition of this world. First let me say things are much worse than anyone imagined. This evil controlled world is now at the highest risk for total destruction than ever before. I have no solutions to offer, because the best thing that could ever have happened to save this country was getting President Trump elected. At least we have a God-fearing, believing, President who understands that only God can save us. That is the most, important quality that any human being  can possess. I also believe that like always before, this President will never be out smarted by people like the so-called smart people such as stood up on National Television this week, and tried to make our President seem stupid. That reflection was on the speaker himself.

All of us in the practice field need to boldly come to the front line and throw  our strongest punch possible to knock the cheating players out cold. We must use our best defense to guard this President. The game is not near over, and may go into overtime several times before a winner is declared. If you can do nothing else but raise your hand to be counted with our President, please do that. A dollar donation is the best vote one can give him, if this is necessary to be counted. A vote for Trump is a vote for God. Surly there are many out there that don’t know this, and you think you are for God even if you don’t acknowledge our President, but I believe you are dead wrong. God demands a vote, because He said, “either you are with Me or you are against Me.” Matthew 12:30. Where is your vote? Of course I cannot say you are not a believer of God just because you don’t like President Trump, but even the idol worshipers believe in God. They believe in their own God. I urge you to give this some thought, and consider the greatness of what has to be the one, and only God, who can hear and answer prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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