Saturday, October 14, 2017

"A Day Isn't A day Without Frustrations"

This this the fourth picture of Wolf Creek  Park. Turkey's at the left can be seen better if double click. 10-14-2017 Perryton, TX

I am a day late with this blog, since my program on the computer got blocked yesterday by a rotten company wanting to sell me a new blog website. I had to wait for someone to come to my house to unblock it. This evil world is getting worse by the day. We must not give up even though sometimes if feels like we are going to have to. I keep reminding God that He is in control, and I need Him to help me. He never fails.

I am posting another picture of the scenery at Wolf Creek Park area in Ochiltree County Texas. about twenty miles from Perryton. In this picture you can see more of the tall, red rock walls of some of the hills. Also to the left, near the tree line can be seen a flock of turkeys. If this picture is enlarged the turkeys show up much better. I will mention again that darkness is beginning to fall, and the sinking sun made such a pretty view. The partly dead leaves , and others that have turned into fall colors, are so pretty with the last bit of sun shinning on them.  We parked the car and just sit and watched the turkey’s and a badger, which rushed out in sight momentarily, then quickly disappeared into the bushes. It was dark when we left the lake area to come home. We had had a great time just sightseeing.

I have spent a lot of time today trying to unblock my blog account, but finally had to give up. I hate it when I have to waste precious time that I need to be getting things done that might help fight the evil demons that have ambushed our country from every angle. Time is so valuable now, and we must use it with hast, and accuracy to reclaim our country. Everyone’s job is important when it comes to working for America. Even the right attitude is sometimes worth as much as a strong man setting up a room full of chairs for a motivational speaker who will prep a crowd to get the ball rolling. Yes, every hand, and every voice is important in winning a war against good and evil, If we let the moss grow on us, we will be like the rock that could not move. I am reminded again of the little quote I saw recently.

If you can’t fly, then run.
If you can’t run, then walk.
If you can’t walk, then crawl.
If you can’t crawl, then wiggle,
But whatever, keep moving.

Let us all be thankful for our ability to still be able to work for Jesus.
We can rightly even boast of this strength. I am a booster fan for both God, and Country. I am a supporter of our President, Donald Trump. and trust his leadership. I wouldn’t trade this privilege for all the money in the world. Just don’t take my bible away, and I might live forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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