Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Almost A Perfect Score"

                Check marked sky. Everything is O K. this morning. 10-22-2017 Perryton, TX

I was amazed at the several check marks I saw in the sky this morning. When I was in school a check mark meat you had it right. I took it this morning that these check marks in the sky means everything is all right. I’m facing another happy day. Can’t wait for another one tomorrow. Glory! Glory! Glory! Depending on how long I can stay strong in trusting God, depends on how long I will have these happy days. Satan will never stop challenging us for sure. If it’s not physical pain he puts on us, it’s doubts he puts in our mind. Some days he is not allowed to touch us, but some days he is given the challenge, all because of our faith in his worse enemy, the Lord God Almighty. God demands our complete love, and respect. I am happy to give my all to Him.

I enjoyed a wonderful time last evening with my widowed friends at the regular Saturday night dinner. It is obvious that everyone else enjoys it also, or there would not be so many show up each time. We all try to look our best, and act the same. We truly have been a blessing to each other. I believe it is important that everyone dress up, and put on a smile at least once a week, and go out to eat with friends. I am finding myself doing it several times a week now. I feel so much more confident of not only myself, but of the friends whom I hardly knew before we became widowed. There is something about everyone of them that is special to me. It’s almost like we have a beauty contest every time we gather. I know our deceased husbands would be surprised at how much more beautiful we are now than when they claimed us as wives. I think most of us are dressing up for our husbands even though they aren’t going to be there. We all know they are looking down from heaven. We are getting along fine without them, and want them to know that. I believe that makes their spirits in heaven rejoice even more.

We have to beat the odds of being widowed. Loneliness, worry, and quietness brings about all kinds of problems. These attacks are so often landed upon widowed men, and women. I say to all of you half-beings, because your better half has been taken from you, grow another bit stronger, and become as one again. I don’t mean to marry again, but live as though you are married. This is also my advise to those who have been left alone because of divorce or some other reason. We can be what we want to be if we try. We are all to good to be looked upon as worthless. A lot of us has learned to mow our yards, fix the fence, and a lot of other things our husbands did. The men has learned to cook, wash their cloths, and make sure they have their shoes on the right foot. It’s all in caring about what you look like. Congratulations to all who are trying.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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