Sunday, October 8, 2017

"Here's The Proof"

Look what God put in my hand today. That butterfly that will carry my message to heaven.10-8-2017 Perryton, TX
                        Couldn't be happier about this mail carrier. 10-8-2017 perryton, TX

OMG, I just caught a butterfly after saying yesterday it was impossible. They usually won’t let me get close enough to take a good picture of them. I gently closed my fingers around this little angel, and opened it’s wings to show it’s beautiful colors. I didn’t kiss it like the informant said to do, before I said “I love you,” but I did tell it to take my message to Heaven like the informant also said to do. Then I turned it loose and it flew away like a bullet. This happened today after I came home from church, and after hearing one of the best sermons I’d ever heard. I told the butterfly to take the Pastor’s sermon to Heaven, and ask for a return blessing for this young minister of God. I feel good about this childish request, because I still have a lot of my “little girl” in me. She is helping to keep me young.

Seriously speaking I did enjoy a wonderful church service this morning. The crowd was larger than it had been in a very long time. The sermon was seemingly especially prepared for this very crowd, although the Pastor always prepares his sermon during the week. The monthly dinner was extra delicious, with so much food of every description. I believe every person present would have to say that they  received a special blessing. I don’t know what God is getting us ready for, but I will trust Him all the way. Nothing can be sweeter than feeling a sweet spirit among a large crowd of believers. My cup certainly got filled, and is running over this morning. We still share the sadness of so many people who have lost loved ones, who were in no way doing wrong, but God just lets us wipe our tears, and keep on traveling. He said the battle was His, and not ours to fight. But that is to say, I believe, that we must listen for his voice to direct our path. When we fall, He will lift us up. When we faint, He will revive us. When we miss church without a good reason, He will scold us, but not to the point of making us dislike Him. It only makes us love Him more. After all, He is our Heavenly Father, who loves us with unconditional love.

Let us start off our new week with more faith than ever before. The news sounds bad, but we must not forget what the Lord promised us. He will fight our battles for us. Let us keep a positive attitude, and never, never doubt God’s word. He will be with us in every time of sorrow we may have to endure. My line is always open for an SOS call. Never hesitate to call me. I don’t have to depend on a butterfly to take my message to heaven. I have a direct line.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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