Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Walking Straight To Victory"

I wasn't expecting these two red roses this morning. I felt a special touch from God. 10-7-2017 Perryton, TX

Nothing like late comers to cheer you up. I had thought all the roses were gone for the winter, but this morning I got a surprise. We have had over six inches of rain recently, and two beautiful, crimson red, roses came from somewhere, somehow. I needed them this morning, since the world around me was looking so gruesome. They spoke to my heart by their brilliant beauty. If possible I would sent them to the grieving families of the shooting victims of Las Vegas. We must not soon forget those dear mourners, and be prepared for more of the same. Madness is showing up on everything God created. The sky, the waters, the ground, the peaceful entertainers, the millions of followers of Christ, and the weak and emotionally ill. We all human beings are subject to be hit by this world-wide madness. I saw a declaration on face book this morning that read something like this.

If you can't fly, then run.
If you can’t run, then walk.
If you can’t walk, then crawl,
If you can’t crawl, then wiggle,
But whatever, keep moving on.

I am a firm believer of this statement. All of us need to be using our muscle power, and vocal cords to proclaim the power of God. A quitter is always a loser. Insults should not stop us from being who we are. The good person will always win over the bad, even though the licks may hurt a lot. Of course there are some who are victims of deceit, but even then they will lose in the end. “Test the spirits and see if they are from God.” 1 John 4:1.

I just got back to this blog after taking an hour or two to get my television back on. I needed these two beautiful roses more than I realized. No doubt now that they came directly from the Masters bouquet. I hope He has more for the future. 

More and more every day I am finding out that we are living in changing times. The older people have to learn the same new technology as the young, It is much harder for the older because the younger have not been living for many years with one set of rules. The older people have to change everything they have been used to for sometimes fifty years. The younger ones never learned the same methods that their grandparents learned. It is easy for them to learn what words mean that their grandparents have never heard. It’s almost like they were born with a different set of brains. I’m saying all of this because I have no younger children, or grandchildren to call for help when my new Dish television service goes off. All my younger family lives many miles from me. It has happened twice since I changed to Dish just two months ago. I have had to spend 30 to 45 minutes each time on the telephone with a person of a foreign dialect, trying to interpret them while trying to learn the meaning of their words after I make them out. Lord help us! I had to change to Dish because the T V service I had used for fifty years could not keep their cable service operating half the time. It looks like I might be able to go to work as a Dish technician before I learn how to keep my own T V working. I didn’t want  anymore schooling, but do we really have any choice?  We older retirees just thought we could retire. We have to work harder now than ever before just keeping our spirits up. Thanks to the roses, I made it through the day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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