Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Never Let The Smile Fade"

Smiling at the great feeling of being blessed in church this morning. 10-15-2017 Perryton, TX

I have felt so elevated by the Holy spirit today. I had some very bad luck with my computer programs this past week, and I was about ready to trash it. But I kept trying to stay positive, in spite of all the doubts Satan kept throwing at me. I finally got everything working properly, and now I am super happy. I have enjoyed several meeting this past week with friends sharing good food and fellowship. That helped me to bear my computer problems. I attended church this morning and heard a good message. I have already planned several meeting for this next week, and I am excited. After feeling the deepest of depression this past week, I am now feeling the highest of great expectations. I really need to come back down to earth a bit. Hallelujah to his name. No doubt that will happen, probably sooner than later. Roll-a-coaster world we live in every day. Thrills, and scares, and shouts of joy. I just have about a dozen more problems to work out, then I will have a clean slate to start all over. I am not a quitter, and will be suiting up every day for the game. I will also stand, and place my hand over my heart when the pledge of allegiance is being given. I love my country, and will fight in every way I possibly can to keep it free. America doesn’t need anything but God to keep it safe and secure. But God needs us to let Him know we are still trusting Him.

I just finished my Sunday dinner of roast beef, carrots, potatoes, bread with gravy poured over it, and a piece of cake with fudge icing. I didn’t have room for the fresh, home-grown cantaloupe that Chuck brought me. I will have it for supper. My tummy is calling for a “lay me down for awhile.” Shame on me. Eating is one of the struggles I deal with every day. My greatest desire is to keep those extra pounds off. Yet I want to stay healthy, and eat enough of even the high calorie foods to give me enough energy. I realize how important it is to eat a balanced diet, but sometimes the child in me gets it’s way. I can’t blame, eating out, for my weight problem, because I cook foods that would put weight on a flea. My love for cooking needs to be overhauled as well as my love for eating. I will not lie about it. If I am overweight I become very depressed. I can’t ask God to fix that, because it is all my own fault, however, I do ask Him sometimes to help me be a normal eater. I can assure you He does answer that prayer when I apologize for being disgusting. To sum it all up we never get to the place of perfect laziness without paying a dear price for it. God would not have us be lazy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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