Thursday, October 19, 2017

"I Am Victorious Again"

                          Bony fingers grab for someone to eat. 10-19-2017 Perryton, TX

I wanted to post another picture from my neighbor’s ghostly yard. This ghost has long, bony fingers reaching out as if to grab somebody. I rave over this extremely, ghost decorated yard, because it has so many figures of every kind of related ideas of Halloween. With it’s size, and arrangement of so many ornaments one could spend an hour or so laughing while walking through this yard. I love this kind of fun. The next holiday occasion will be Thanksgiving. This same yard will be decorated to the same degree for that special time of the year. I must say this good neighbor helps bring about a happier spirit for the Holidays.

At this time I feel influenced to share a recent miracle. A miracle can be considered large, or small, important or non-important, but my definition  of miracle is when I ask God for something that really concerns me, and within seconds I definitely receive it. A few days ago I scraped the skin off my arm by raking it over the latch while going through the door. It bled a lot, and I put a band aide over the wound. There was no pain, and I was not concerned about infection since it was such a small area. Because I wanted to protect the wound from further bleeding while it healed, I left the band aide on for several days. Yesterday I removed the covering so it could get air and continue to heal. Immediately my entire arm began to itch. Starting at the tips of my fingers and going up to my shoulder the itching was unbearable. I scratched being careful not to touch the unhealed area, but the more I scratched the more it itched. I did get to close to the wound. It broke open and began to bleed heavily. I pressed the blood vessel to stop the bleeding, but the itching didn’t let up. I had never in my life had anything like this happen to me. I decided I was going to have to call an ambulance, but I could not stand to let up a second from the scratching. After about five minutes of unbearable itching I called upon God to stop the itching. Really? You asked God to stop your arm from itching? Absolutely! This was worse than any pain I had ever had. And yes, I was surprised when the itching stopped immediately. I was just grasping for straws, and the fist straw I reached for was God. When all else fails, try Jesus. I am still stunned at the quick response from my request. I’m not saying this was the first time I definitely realized a miracle had happened, but it was the first of such a minor little thing. And usually my request are not immediate, at least to my knowledge.

Now for the aftermath. Today has been a struggle with that evil one who has tried to make me forget about yesterday. He has reminded me all day about things in my past that upset me. I even had to call a couple of friends and tell them about my insults from days past. How stupid can a person of a miraculous happening just the day before, actually be. I am more convinced now than ever, that nothing worth having in this live is easy to keep. We have to be fight for our God-given rights. And fight I am going to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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