Saturday, October 28, 2017

"Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth"

Just finished making my family's favorite cracker spread. Recipe posted. 10-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I had a craving this morning for a certain spread that my family loves and I had to make it. Every member of my family including children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and all others like this cream cheese spread, and most of them make it regularly. Here is the recipe if anyone wants it.

Pecan Cream Cheese Spread.

1, 8 oz. container whipped cream cheese. Comes in a plastic carton

3, green onions finely chopped

¾ jar of  4.5 oz dried beef. (most stores have it but sometimes need help to find it.) Chop it fine before adding to cream cheese.

1, teas. Accent.

Approximately 1 cup chopped pecans. 

Mix all the ingredient’s well. Except pecans. Form into a ball. It will stick to your hands so you need to place your hands (after some of the cheese has stuck to your hand). in the chopped pecan plate to coat them. Place the ball into the chopped pecan plate and start rolling around till all of the ball has been covered with pecans. Place cheese ball on a small plate or a dish with cover to keep it moist, and let the mixture spread through the cheese  ball. Let set for an hour or so in frig, Slice and place on Ritz crackers.

The is the appetizer before my message today.

Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth

I believe that more people are watching the news today than ever before. It has become a mystery novel, except it’s real, and continues to terrify people every day. I know some who have never cared to watch the news before, but are now not missing anything that‘s on. I also believe it is a wake-up call, and people have woke up. Although they still are confused as to what this world-wide war is all about. To many it’s like, “what happened,” because for years they were out of touch with reality. I can understand why to those who have not been versed on the Old Testament Bible, would not understand such (bloody, without any problem killing someone just because you don’t like them), how this could be happening. They don’t understand that God is the creator of all heaven and earth, and He is to be feared because He can destroy them just as quick as He created them. Without any warning more than what He put in His word, God can turn anyone’s sound, mind over to a reprobate mind. That means a person rejected by God.

For the past several hundreds of years people have taken God for granted, because He sent His Son to earth to die for our sins. They do not realize that God will not allow His Son to forever be mocked, and ignored for their gift of forgiveness. Old Testament prophesy has been fulfilled, is still being filled, and will continue to be fulfilled till all of it is finished. This is what so many people don’t want to believe, and try to brush it off as fake teaching. When I read in the Old Testament where killings were just no more than killing a fly, I have a hard time understanding, but today I am seeing the same things happening. “My God,” I plead, “how can some of these terrible things happen?” This Heavenly Father helps me to accept that which I cannot change, and move on to another day.  The terrible memories linger, for a reason unknown to me, but God lets me endure the bitter image of what I carry in my mind. I do want to be that faithful servant for as long as God wants to to.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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