Wednesday, October 25, 2017

"Even A Toothpick Is Needed"

One of the few butterflies left enjoying the taste of my flowers. Upper felt hand corner. 10-25-2017 Perryton, TX
                              The last days of summer are close. 10-25-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s a nice day here in Perryton, Texas. The sun is shinning bright, and a slight cool wind is perfect for an outside walk. The fall flowers are still blooming, and the last of the butterflies are still zooming. I saw a few bees trying to get in on the last of the nectar. I should go ahead and clean out my flower garden of all old dead, and live flowers, but like the butterflies I still want to enjoy them to the last drop. When I no longer can see a flower, I no longer will be going outside to the yard. I will mostly hibernate for the long winter. I will still be able to interact with friends on face book, and the news communicators that I daily respond to. I am so thankful for this great privilege. I feel like there is no excuse for people to be ignorant about what’s going on in the world today. With God’s help I can weed out all the fake, or unsubstantiated news. I can always add my opinion to the conversation, and feel like I cast a vote. It makes me feel good to think that I am contributing to the service of keeping America strong, and safe. A toothpick in a pile of lumber is not considered part of the good, but it is a part of the pile regardless of what you think. It originated from the tree just like the logs that were made into lumber. It serves a purpose, even though it is small. I will claim my worth even though it may be small. Don’t let anyone make you feel useless.

I had my happy hour at the Senior Citizens luncheon today. It is lasting for the rest of the day. When we eat, laugh, share, and love everybody, we are happy for a long time. We are able to take the bad with the good without caving into depression. We have been prepared to hear it all, and know how to respond to the worry that often comes with these news bites. The strength that friends give is many times unknown to them. But the fact remains, and will produce much good in those who were receivers of such. God will always make a way if we truly want to be a blessing to others. I sit in wonderment now as why certain things that I saw today at the luncheon happened. By faith I believe everything has a purpose, and I trust that I helped with whatever the purpose was meant for. We do not need to know what our presence could have done to possible help someone who was struggling, but we do need to know that God never leaves us useless. I would that all claim that promise from God, and respect Him for letting us be used by Him. I am ready for a second blessing today. I want to be humble, and not miss it.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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