Saturday, October 7, 2017

"The Brownie Butterfly"

              Odd ball butterfly. First I've seen all summer like it. 10-7-2017 Perryton, TX

I couldn’t resist putting this Odd-ball butterfly on my blog today. It is the only one of it’s kind I have seen all summer. There have been hundreds of others, but none like this. It may be plain, but so unusual. I wondered if this was the butterfly I was suppose to kiss.

I read on face book this morning that if you would catch a butterfly and kiss it, and say “I love you,” It would fly to heaven and take your message. Well I could never catch a butterfly because they won’t let you get close to them. However, I silently gave this butterfly the message, now let’s see what happens. I did get a good picture of it. I searched the internet for a picture of one like it, but after viewing many butterflies I did not find one like this. Someone out there may can tell me what kind it is. I’m just curious. I’m really not obsessed with butterflies, but this has been a most unusual summer for them. I have a large flower garden with many variety of flowers. It has been very entertaining all summer long to walk out my back door and see hundreds of butterflies fluttering over the flowers like bees swarming. This goes on all day long, and I guess all night. Since the rain this past week the flowers have all livened up, and are still pretty, However the many that had already died makes the bed look bad. Probably as long as there is a live flower, there will be live butterflies. And that’s the end of my butterfly story.

Now I have to get ready for the Widow and Widower’s  dinner this evening. I am excited to go be with friends and find out all the news besides the bad stuff we hear on TV. One of the Las Vegas survivor’s was from Beaver Oklahoma, a city close to my city of Perryton, TX. I am wondering if she may be related to some of the friends I have dinner with every Saturday night. I find this group of wonderful people to be encouraging, and fun to be with every time I go. These meetings prepare me for the Sunday morning church service as most of them attend church regularly. At the end of the week, it has been a blessing that I can see, and feel close to. I am part of several different group-meetings that meet weekly, and some monthly, but each meeting seems to have a different crowd. Not everyone likes the same type of church, or entertainment, but some, like myself, attend them all. We are a blessed, and safe community so far. May God always keep His hand on us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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