Friday, October 20, 2017

"Real Chrysanthemum's Are Beautiful"

                         My neighbor's Chrysanthemums are beautiful. 10-20-2017 Perryton, TX
These flowers are two doors down from me. I can enjoy them every day. 10-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I just got home from a nice luncheon at the Center. It was a great time of food and fellowship. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, and a nice crowd attended. As I drove past my neighbor’s house I was imbued by these lovely, pink, Chrysanthemums lining the short fence between two of my neighbors homes. The sun was shinning brightly on them, and I felt so emotionally encouraged about something. Why am I so excited, I asked myself? I still don’t know, but I will keep you posted on any good news that may be coming my way. Today has just been a good day, after an attack by Satan yesterday. I must be prepared for tomorrow, for he does keep trying to sap my victory.

For anyone who watches the news each day, it is clear that this world is in a fast spin, and needs to be slowed down. We have no doubt that that will ever happen. Many people believe that President Trump is an Angel sent by God to save our country from total destruction. I have to agree with that. I believe he would have already been defeated if he were not strengthened by God. This President is gaining momentum every day, and he will get everything he promised accomplished. No human could do that without the power of God upholding them. My special request to God is that He would have mercy on many unbelievers, and let them off lightly. I’m speaking of those who are blinded by ignorance, and not the wicked ones who simply want to destroy God, and his almighty power. There is a big difference. There is no doubt in my mind that many Trump-hatters will be damaged for the rest of their life before they accept the truth. “Trump is the one appointed by God.” This cannot be explained by any human being. Some things are just not meant to be understood by mortals. These are God’s own words. All I can say is that too many people want it their way, or no way. I don’t claim to know about what tomorrow holds, but I do claim to know who holds tomorrow. Leave it all up to Him, and take your peace in living each day a blessed life. Do unto ALL others what we would have them do unto us, not what we think they deserve. Not one of us deserves any good thing.

Today I will eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may not come. But if it does come, I will do the same thing then. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Nothing can be sweeter than an attitude like this. I admit that I am weak in the flesh, but I am supported by the Holy Spirit who will never leave me nor forsake me.

Now I will go and catch up on the news. I can’t leave my President alone to fight this awful enemy called, Satan.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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