Thursday, October 5, 2017

"Too Dumb To Pursue My Fortune"

First cooker of tomatoes. Lots more to go. Chuck bought more jars. 10-5-2017 Perryton, TX

I may have just discovered a million dollar secret. I was scrounging around trying to find seven more jars to can the last cooker of tomatoes from Chuck’s garden. I finally found the seventh jar in the top of my cabinet above the cook top. I had poured about a fourth of a cup of vegetable cooking oil in it to keep for further cooking of French fried foods. I sealed it with the lid.  I had forgotten about putting it there so I never used it again. It’s probably been at least two or three years since I started this storage for grease left over’s. I needed that jar today so I began to clean out the sticky mess. It would not budge with the spoon I attempted to dig it out with, after I had tried to pour it out. It had turned to thick, sticky glue, and I worked for a very long time trying to remove it. After I seen I could not get any more of the sticky stuff out, I decided to pour boiling water on it. It melted a little bit, but still not enough to completely clean the jar. Anyone who knows me know that I don’t give up easy. I was mad, and I was not giving up. I poured comet in the jar, and put my steel scratchier down in it, and kept putting more comet in till I finally got the glue to turn loose. This was a thirty to forty-five minute job, but I came out a winner. Who would ever have thought that vegetable oil could be sealed in a jar for three years and turn into glue? I rinsed it again with boiling water before I  set it aside for use. But that’s not the end of the story. When I wiped off the counter top, I raked the cloth across something very sticky. It even got on my hands, and I was again trying to free myself from glue. I got the comet and the scratchier back out and started the same procedure on my hands and counter top. After awhile I had removed the last bit of sticky, and went to my recliner. I’m not sure if this secret has been discovered before, but if not, it’s the truth. Vegetable oil that we cook with can glue our insides together if we don’t have a frequent bowl movement. I am reserving my patent for a royalty commission.

I will never tell anyone which jar the tomatoes are in, when they ask about the sticky glue. It is the fourteenth jar of fresh, home grown tomatoes, and very delicious. I love them with a lot of salt and crackers. My dad swore these home canned tomatoes was a sure cure for colds or influenza. I am a witness to that theory, and I would can a lot more if I had more jars.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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