Tuesday, October 17, 2017

"Memories That Linger"

                                 The golden trees that enrich my heart. 10-17-2017 Perryton TX

This morning I passed by a lovely home of some old friends of mine, and was grabbed by the beautiful, golden trees in their yard. The lady friend has passed away, and her husband has moved closer to his children. There is no way I can forget them when almost every day I pass by their house on my way to town. I had shared friendship with this couple for over sixty years. It was a great loss to me, but the lovely home, that they made into a beautiful place of peace, and precious memories makes me to know that heaven is real. There is just some things that Satan cannot take away from us.

Yes, autumn is here, and the beautiful colors are breath taking. The Happy Timers Luncheon was another place of autumn beauty today. The tables were decorated with orange and purple cloths, and adorned with bouquets of fall flowers. Candle’s were placed on each table, and all the serving dishes were orange and purple. The food was delicious, and the speaker gave an interesting speech on theory dogs. She had a little poodle with her who also performed. Dogs can be a big help in treating humans for loneliness, and encouragement. The poodle the speaker used seemed to understand every word she said to it. A nice crowd attended this meeting, and it was definitely a blessing to all.

I am a little dumbfounded right now as to why the most important part of this blog got deleted. My thought is that it was not supposed to be published. I will accept that, and let it be. That means I have nothing more to say at this time. Except that I must follow my own assertion. I truly believe someone above is watching over me. I probably got a little too overbearing with my disgust for some who are mistreating our president. I would like to call judgement upon them, and I know that is God's job. Oh, if only we could have more patience with people. Yet there does come a time when we must make a choice between right and wrong. Help us Lord to know when. I still wish I could retrieve those words I wrote earlier, but again it cannot happen. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to re right them in a little less  abrasive way. Until then I pray for peace to sustain me, and make me completely restful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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