Friday, October 27, 2017

"My Boots Are On God's Table In My Home"

This is what I do on a cold day when I get home from eating a big meal at Senior Citizens. 10-27-2017 Perryton, TX
                                  I am so comfortable it hurts. 10-27-2017 Perryton, TX

We are having some freezing weather now in Perryton, Texas. It got below 31 degree last night. I wore boots, and a fur vest to the Senior Citizen’s dinner today. As usual I ate too much, and had to relax awhile before doing anything else. I did enjoy my friends at the center, and was blessed with a big delicious meal. I thank God for every day I am privileged to do this, because we never know when it might abruptly end. According to what I see and hear on the news, our freedom is being challenged more, and more, every day. By the moment more evil is being uncovered on some whom we had always considered our most trust worthy patriots. I wish I didn’t have to say this, but I feel as though our country is too far gone to ever be restored to the original land of the “free and the brave.” I know nothing is impossible, but only a miracle can make it happen. I’m going to back up and say, I haven’t given up yet. I believe God will hear the Christian’s prayers, and use our President Trump to destroy all this terrible evil that controls our nation today. I’m just not surrendering to any of this filthy, rotten, belief that God does not care what we say or do, and we have to give into it if we want to keep living. I truly believe that God expects us to fight till the end, or we will not receive a home in Heaven. No evil can ever enter Heaven no matter who mocks that true fact from God’s Word. I am busy every day in some way declaring that God is real, powerful, and ready to answer our prayer if we truly believe in Him. I’ve been through some pretty tough battles, but probably will go through many more even tougher ones, before my time to die comes. God has always come to my rescue, and I know He will always do the same. I shed tears every day, but always I laugh afterward. God does wipe our tears away, and He declares that some day there will be no more tears.

I look forward to better days on this earth than I have now. Although that may sound contradictive to some, God does change our mind from time to time, and the bible tells us He also changed His mind a few times. This is called living and growing by faith. I’m not discouraged, maybe a little impatient, but I always become empowered with a new day. Most of the time I am excited about something great happening to our country. God is just that big, and no one can change that. Let me share with you my greatest love for all who believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is part of the Three in One. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. No love can be greater than this.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

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