Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"The Best Is Saved For Last"

looking forward to this event this Saturday. I will be having out of town company. 10-31-2017 Perryton,TX

I have accepted an invitation to an event this coming Saturday which I am excited about. An out of town friend is coming to spend a couple of nights with me, and will be joining another friend and I, to take in this special all day meeting. I attend this event most every year as it is a regularly scheduled yearly event at this Church. I have always enjoyed the speakers, the fellowship, and the good lunch that is provided. Between  three and four hundred women from many other cities are present. This year’s special speaker is Jolena Watson with “Believe In His Name,” Amarillo Texas. I am so looking forward to this week-end of fun, spiritual up-lifting, and relaxing with friends. I already know what I’m going to wear. For those who read my blog yesterday, I’m wearing my new high top, silver studded, beige  boots. I will be showing them off in a black outfit that I found buried in my closet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going just for a show-off, but I do enjoy putting together an ensemble of clothing that I have found in the bargain department. It makes me feel like I have a talent of conservatism, and awesomeness. My dad always told me I inherited this talent from his sister. He was quite proud of me. I still miss him after 39 years of no see.

I must now get down to the real McCoy of life. Our country, and the uprising evil tension it is experiencing. It is as clear as day that the efforts of the American rebels are not going away. Their goal is to completely destroy America, and put it into what they are calling, “a one world order.” I believe this is when the anti-Christ will appear and be the controlling power over God’s world. (could that anti-Christ already have been in power?) Just how close we are to this transition I can’t say, but I feel like until this happens America will continue to be in chaos. By this I mean Satanic power will get stronger, and more evil by the day. People who are not rooted and grounded in God’s Word will be turned into a reprobate mind, and will no longer have a conscience. This is bible teaching, and I have given the reference many times before, but will not go that far again. It is a very serious matter of truth, and many cannot retract what they have already been made into. As far the Christians who are still untouched by the deceiving, super power promises of the already, God rejected, leaders of our country, you are in for a lot of suffering. Never, never  give into the lying spirit of the Devil. God is still in control, and without Him we are nothing. I support the belief that “He that is in us is greater than he that is without us.” This is also scripture. Make sure that Christ dwells within you daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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