Monday, October 23, 2017

"There's Beauty Then There's The Beast"

    Rose Hips are very attractive after the blooming season is over. 10-23-2017 Perryton, TX
       Chives are more appetizing looking now than ever before. 10-23-2017 Perryton, TX

I have no roses left on my bushes, but what I saw in their place this afternoon stirred up my curiosity. These bright red balls were attractive, and made an interesting conversation subject. I took the picture and looked up the information I needed to identify them on the internet. I learned that these attractive little red balls are seed from the roses. They are called Rose Hips, and can be used for seasoning food, also. The rose hips are rich in vitamin C, A, and B. They have been valued for their nutritional, and medicinal, benefits for hundreds of years, I read. Today the hips are primarily appreciated for their sweet-tart flavor. They are also enjoyed for their ornamental effect. I can agree with the last statement. I will let them be attractive under my window as long as possible. The next picture I posted is a planter of chives that I have had growing for years. They are greener and more appetizing now than have been all summer. The chives are also a great seasoning for foods. They make a baked potato taste scrumptious. I have let some of my other food seasonings plants die out since I didn’t use them much. The sage was not ever used by me, and the garlic cloves were just not as good as the ones I buy, All of these herbal seasonings plants I have mentioned are continuous growing plants the year round if taken care of. I like to see them live on even though I may not necessarily use them for what they can benefit me.

I am staying mostly silent today on the world conditions of God’s great earth. The evil damage continues to hammer away and darken the light of this, once beautiful world. The Mueller investigation of Russia is nothing more than a plan to behead our God-elected President, Donald Trump. It becomes more obvious every day. This moron approach to reverse the peoples choice of what our country needs, is the most stupid that America has ever had to deal with. No doubt this fictitious plot by the losing liberals, and a few of the GOP establishment, was created as a last resort to give our country away to a “One World Order.” The fight will continue for years, because God will not withdraw from his righteous people. The ignorant idol-worshippers will never give up until there are no more left. I said I was going to keep silent today, but every time I think of this corruption we’re living in, I just have to speak out. In someway, and somehow, I feel like I must let my position be known. I represent a Christian belief that will never deny the power of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. All other beliefs are without merit or substance. Watch for the real truth to happen before the end of this war is over. We haven’t seen nothing yet. Mark my word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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