Saturday, September 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Miraculous Outcome"

Jean's Comment's: "A Miraculous Outcome":                      A self portrait of Myrtle Jean Sharp, age 83. 9-30-2017 Perryton TX I am using a poem that I wrote to President Tr...

"A Miraculous Outcome"

                     A self portrait of Myrtle Jean Sharp, age 83. 9-30-2017 Perryton TX

I am using a poem that I wrote to President Trump for my blog this morning. I have a signed seal from President Ronald Reagan  for a poem I wrote and sent him while he was president. I hope to get another signed seal from President Trump, but if I don't he will still know how much I believe in him. That is all that matters. I love my country, I love God, and I love the way God is using President Trump to make America Great again.

A Miraculous Outcome

                                            by Myrtle Jean Sahrp
Life is a frustration,

as all around we can see.

It’s all about skin and blood,

far too much has been taken from thee.

Yet the spirit from deep within

keeps fighting on,

this war we will to win,

It’s a war against evil

Which you did not began.

They said it was impossible

For you to be president.

Some even refused ,

And many were hesitant,

But did pretend

Although your Inauguration they did not attend.

It’s been said that a man is not welcome in his own nation,

But that did not stop the chosen one

from hastening on to fulfill the will of the people,

Like a favorite son.

A winner you were, a winner you are,

A winner you will be when the worlds on fire.

Thank you Mr. President, Donald Trump,

You are taking us over the hump, 

All the evil will all go to the dump.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Remembering The Poor Wise Flowers That Smiled At ...

Jean's Comment's: "Remembering The Poor Wise Flowers That Smiled At ...:                               The snake was hungry this morning. 9-20-2017 Perryton, TX He found the little squirrel. Good-bye friend, ...

"Remembering The Poor Wise Flowers That Smiled At Me"

                              The snake was hungry this morning. 9-20-2017 Perryton, TX
He found the little squirrel. Good-bye friend, you've served me well. 9-29-2017 Perryton, TX

The rainy season has arrived. It has been raining slowly for a week. The rain gage has measured almost 4 inches already. The overcast is showering us with a fine mist at this time. The stump snake I have in my flower garden looked so wet, and hungry this morning. I fed him with my little friend, the squirrel. It’s fun to walk in the mist viewing the “has been,” beautiful flowers. I have to let them know I still care. They will all be back next spring with a brand new hair style, and make-up job. The big snake will be ready to take his place as master of the flower garden. But until then, my life is going to be dull, and probably meaningless The holidays are coming up, and my children will be taking me to their homes for, a several day, visit. My blogs will be taking a vacation also. But there comes a time when everyone should take a break from a hard, troublesome life. I will not miss many days of writing my blogs. I do look forward to visiting my family, and being waited on. No one could ask for better children, and grandchildren, than what I have. God must have liked me a lot. “Thank you Lord.”

I have been in disbelief for some time now as to why so many
American people cannot see the wisdom of our President. I tried to label it as foolish, selfish, jealousy, power cravers, Satanic followers, and a lot of other different stupid ideas. I was involved with trying to show people how wrong they were to disgrace our President, and First Lady, and those of us who supported him. I became a victim of the same evil obstructionist as our President. Then the Holy Spirit directed me to the book of Ecclesiastes. The first verse in the first chapter reads. “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. The entire book of Ecclesiastes is devoted to showing people the real part of life that matters to God. It explains how the rich are not the wise that can save a nation. It gives an example in chapter 9, verse 14, how a small city became besieged by a great king. And no one was able to save it. Finally there was a poor wise man found in the besieged city. Chapter 15. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man. My take on this. I can label President Trump as a poor wise man, before he became a rich wise man. His wisdom made him rich. But it is not his riches that is now making him wise. His wisdom came first. He is going to save this great American nation, but like the word says, he will soon be forgotten. Evil will never be wiped out for good. I want to be known as a poor, wise person who understands the will of God. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Cheers And Tears For The World To See"

Jean's Comment's: "Cheers And Tears For The World To See": Steve Scalise, ( LA republican representative,) back on House Floor today after 3.5 months recovering from a gun shot wound. 9-28-2017 Per...

"Cheers And Tears For The World To See"

Steve Scalise, ( LA republican representative,) back on House Floor today after 3.5 months recovering from a gun shot wound. 9-28-2017 Perryton, TX

A very exciting, and emotional moment this morning on the Senate floor when LA state representative, Steve Scalise walked through the door on crutches. This was his first appearance since being shot on the baseball practice field three and one-half months ago. A loud applause welcomed him for several minutes. As Steve began to speak, the applause continued. His speech was so touching it brought both tears, and cheers. Steve gave God  credit for him being there today, although he mentioned several brave, and honorable people who were remarkable with helping him to recover. The highlight of this important event is Steve Scalise has rebounded and is back on the Senate floor today.

Now for my comment. I am saying again for the numerous time, that this great nation we know as America, is under attack from enemies within our own citizens. It is not Democrats, or Republicans, but an evil spirit that has filtered within both, and some of neither party, trying to conquer the freedom God gave us two hundred and forty seven years ago. Although I am not a prophet I am trying to be positive, and say our freedom will never be taken. But I have to say it’s a long way off. Much fighting, and bloodshed will happen before victory can be completed. I also believe God is calling all men, women, and children to the action line. Every human will be required to take a stand for, or against, God. There are many laughing at us now, but rest assured they are the haters of God. Everyone will be tested to prove their loyalty to God.

Steve Scalise was tested, and he stood firm on his belief in God. After three and one half months of struggling for his life, he is still standing firm on God. Our President Trump has been tested every since taking the oath of office. Unbeknown to the average person this President has been dragged through the fire as well as his family. His strength, and power comes from the Heavenly Father. He will fight for us till the last breath has been exhausted. Only God knows when that will be. Our Vice-President is also of the same blood-of-the Lamb. There is no doubt that this is a fierce battle between God and Satan, but “He that is in you is greater than he who is without.” John 4:4. Only those that are sure God is within them, will be winners over Satan. Those of you who mock the Christian believers will surely be put to death. That is not to say that some Christian believers will not die also, but their reward in Heaven will be great. Hell fire will be the reward of the unbelievers. As we live we serve one of two masters, either God or Satan. The bible says we cannot serve both. Matthew 6:24. You, and I, are servers, even though we may not know it. I know whom I serve. I will not be shy in letting that be known. Choose ye today in whom you will serve.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A New Life A New Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "A New Life A New Joy":                                    The tell end of the flower crop. 9-27-2017 Perryton, TX The continuous drops of rain have given ext...

"A New Life A New Joy"

                                   The tell end of the flower crop. 9-27-2017 Perryton, TX

The continuous drops of rain have given extra life to my flowers. We have now had over 3 inches in the past few days. It’s still cloudy, and looks like more rain is coming. It is so very welcome in our community since we were experiencing a very dry spell. Our farmers are smiling from ear to ear. I will soon be calling on the lawn guy again. I thought it was over for the year, but not now. I actually am enjoying the new life my flowers have been given by all this rainwater. I’ll take as much summer as I possible can. I certainly am not a winter person. I do have some winter mums, and some other late fall flowers, but not enough to make my yard pretty.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. A good crowd attended, and the food was very delicious. Everyone seemed to be happy about the good rain. I got to visit with a few who hadn’t been in awhile, and that was really great. A good spirit was extremely encouraging, and I believe everyone left with a wonderful feeling of being blessed. “How great, is our God!” Nothing is impossible with Him. I am waiting, and looking everywhere for that one miraculous happening, that will tickle clear to the toes.

I have been so excited all day after reading in 2 Chronicles, chapter 20, last night where several nations came together against Jehoshaphat, leader of Judah. Jehoshaphat had been warned, and was very frightened. He called a fast throughout all Judah. Then he stood in the midst of the great crowd, and prayed to God vigorously. He reminded God of all the great things he had done for Israel, and told God that now a big army was coming against Judah, and it was impossible for his army to win this battle. It was then that the spirit of the Lord came upon this great multitude and began to speak. Chapter 15, And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king. Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Then the Spirit of the Lord continued to instruct Jehoshaphat what to do the next morning, and where to go. Chapter 17, Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you. At the end of this prophesy Jehoshaphat called singers, and musicians together to sing praises unto the Lord. The next morning when they went to the place the Lord had told them to go, they saw a large valley full of dead bodies. Not one was living. It took the people of Judah three days to gather all the riches these dead bodies had on them. There is no one who can make me doubt this story. It is a true, and miraculous promise God gave to the people. It happened, and we serve the same God today. Let us all move in closer to the Lord, and begin to sing praises unto Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Death To Everything But America"

Jean's Comment's: "Death To Everything But America": The asparagus plants just keep on living. Should be dead by now. 9-26-2017 Perryton, TX Another fall morning is in the air. Cool, damp, ...

"Death To Everything But America"

The asparagus plants just keep on living. Should be dead by now. 9-26-2017 Perryton, TX

Another fall morning is in the air. Cool, damp, dark, and lots of dead foliage to be seen. The asparagus plants are still very green, and are bending to the ground. I’m anxious to cut them back, and cover for the winter, but they refuse to die. The last few apples that fell to the ground are so dried up till they could be bagged and stored as dried apples. No thanks. I don’t want dried worms mixed with my apples. All the other fruit, and vines, are dead except the blackberries. They still are lively, and look better than ever before. The recent rain is keeping some of the flowers alive, but they don’t smile at me anymore. Very near death. So it’s time to go inside, and wait out a long, cold winter.

My next big, “happy time” coming up is Thanksgiving. My youngest son has told me he planes to come and get me and take me to his home in Abilene, Texas for the Thanksgiving holidays. This is always one of my favorite get-a-ways. My children, and grandchildren, make me feel young again. We always have a laughing, good time, not to mention all the delicious food. I don’t know how many of our family will be there, but my son, and daughter-in-law, usually invites his sister and her family also. They have a large house, and can sleep several. I’m sure I will be gone for several days.

I am sorry to have to say I am withdrawing my blessings from the NFL. This national sport has been the number 1 for many years, and has helped to make America the great nation it is. But now that the NFL has decided to join forces with all the other nitwits, who want to give our Great Country away, I can no longer be proud to promote them. I am predicting that the NFL support from millions of fans will quickly vanish. We everlasting lovers of America must now take a stand, or none of us will be Americans ever again. This tug-of-war between good, and evil, must go on even if we lose everything we once stood for. At least we must fight back, and show our patriotic strength, in spite of giving up some of our cherished, and exciting events. God, and country absolutely must come first. There is no place in either of these two great principals for stupidity to abide. I am calling on all American lovers to kiss the NFL good-bye. If they can’t control their players, then they can’t have our money. I believe I am right when I say, I have millions of likewise patriots standing with me. My advise to any who may be discouraged, don’t give in to pure pressure. God has been in our country’s beliefs from the very beginning. The National anthem,  the Pledge if Allegiance, The Ten Commandants, America The Beautiful, and many more identity symbols to bind us all together. There is no America without these blessed symbols. It will be an evil country gone stronghold with the evil demons who overpowered us. Let us keep singing, “God Bless America.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Was it A Bomb"

Jean's Comment's: "Was it A Bomb":              Wonderful rain. 2, 1/2 inches already, and still raining. 9-25-2017 Perryton, TX I was awaken this morning by a loud thun...

"Was it A Bomb"

             Wonderful rain. 2, 1/2 inches already, and still raining. 9-25-2017 Perryton, TX

I was awaken this morning by a loud thunder that sounded like a bomb went off. My first thought was that North Korea finally kept their word and sent us a bomb. I got up and saw it had been raining heavily. It is still raining, so I put a plastic bag over my head to go to the rain gage. It had just over 2 ½ inches. It’s dark out, and probably will rain a lot more. “Thank you Lord.” This is about the first rain we’ve had in two months. Everything that didn’t get watered was dead.

My daughter just called to share a “happy birthday wish to her dad.” She had to shed a few tears, and I had to tell her about the dream I had about him last night. He has been gone almost five years, and we wonder why we can’t forget. I am trying hard to make a new life for myself, but not sure it will ever happen. I don’t know how to stop those dreams that happen so frequently. They seem to linger through most of the day, causing me to think about all the love he had for his children, grandchildren, and me. His spirit has never left this house. Yet I think I am doing good as far as moving on to make a different life. I believe I need to do just that. Anything else would be total stupidity.

I have a lot of wonderful friends who share the same loneliness of being a widow. Together we stick together, and share each others hopes, and dreams. Together we share our humor that takes the place of tears. Together we’re looking for that male companion who can make us feel less lonely. Together we’re looking for that man just like the man we married, but lost. Together we’re looking for that strong arm to hold onto when we are about to fall. That courage that keeps keeping on. In case some of you may not know, that is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But it possible can be found. Give us an amen please! The fact is we can love each other with, or without a male companion. Life should be nothing but peace, joy, and happiness. Just don’t try to convince me that a woman can take a man’s place. Nothing but a sick person could believe that. Adam and Eve were the two examples of God’s choice of a man and a woman. Nothing in heaven or on earth can ever change that. Women, let us keep our womanly love for a man, and keep our friendly love for a woman. I get sick to my stomach when I see anything different. I too believe in freedom of speech, and I am using my freedom to condemn the same sex love, as the bible makes plain is wrong.  I won’t be that nice person who won’t speak out against sick, and evil people of the same sex, who clam to be normal when they live together like a man and a woman. . You are not normal, and your sins will be punished to the emp degree. The bomb that we fear which will finally destroy the world, may be minor compared to the bomb which will be exploded on the deniable sex choice decided by the Heavenly Father. A double explosion on those parents who chose themselves to change the sex on their precious, innocent, little children. I am joining with our President to call it like it is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing More Could Be Added"

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing More Could Be Added": Two happy chicks, had two days and nights together to recall old childhood memories. 9-24-2017 Perryton, TX. This Sunday afternoon I am ...

"Nothing More Could Be Added"

Two happy chicks, had two days and nights together to recall old childhood memories. 9-24-2017 Perryton, TX.

This Sunday afternoon I am happy to say I had a great weekend with an old childhood friend. I just said good-bye to her as she left to go back home in Panhandle, Texas. She and I, and another friend attended a senior citizen’s dance in Liberal, Kansas last Friday night. We had a good time of dancing, and sharing good food with a large crowd. The following night we attended a Bar-B-Q dinner at the Senior Citizen’s Center in Perryton, Texas. Again we enjoyed another evening of good food, and wonderful fellowship. Saturday at lunch we ate at Margarita’s Steakhouse, here in Perryton, so needless to say I gained several pounds. I will spend this next week taking them off. I was able to introduce my friend to several of my friends here. It has just been a full weekend of fun and feasting. We are planning on doing this more often.

A nice shower last night really cooled things off. It should be easy to pull up dead flowers out of my flower garden tomorrow. I am so ready to get it all done, and forgotten about. I will wait out the long winter months so I can do it all again. I gotta have my flowers smiling at me every day. I won’t miss them too much through the winter since it will be too cold to go outside. I will be painting them on canvas, and hanging them on the walls. There is no way I can leave them dead. The memories will never be forgotten. That is what my friend and I said to each other today before she left.

 Good memories will never be forgotten. We have a barrel of them from this past weekend to add to the tons from the past. We laughed, and yelled with belly-shaking fun at some of the things that happened at the dance this past Friday night. I can’t stop laughing. This should add ten more years to my life. One of the funniest things we heard was when the tall, slender, 92 year old man, who was dancing with my friend, said to her, “I will come by and pick you girls up and take you to another dance tomorrow night. There were three of us, and how exciting can it get? My friend was quick to explain to him that we already had other plans. This elderly gentleman said he went dancing three times a week. He really did bless our hearts. I could add that he was a successful, retired, oil business man. He shared with me some past business he had done here in Perryton with some people whom I knew well. He lived in Garden City, Kansas, and we were dancing at Liberal Kansas. My friend said, “we can truly say we found a boyfriend when the old jealous gals start questioning us.” He seemed to like all three of us. He really was a nice, never-give-up type of man. He told my friend he was shooting for 100 years, just eight more left to go. We gotta love this young man.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "One Of My Unloving Pets"

Jean's Comment's: "One Of My Unloving Pets":                 Little squirrelly says best food ever. Pecan Friday.9-22-2017 Perryton, TX At 6 a.m. this morning this little squirrelly...

"One Of My Unloving Pets"

                Little squirrelly says best food ever. Pecan Friday.9-22-2017 Perryton, TX

At 6 a.m. this morning this little squirrelly was eating a pecan in my front yare. I took the picture through my front window. I am mad at the squirrels, but I still think they are neat, standing on their two hind feet holding a pecan with their paws. They really are a pest, and want to sleep in my attic. Every year we fight with everything we have to keep them out. So far no lasting luck. My neighbor takes pride in her big pecan tree that keeps the squirrels happy. It overlaps my front yard. I have to say it produces the best pecans ever. If anyone needs a pecan tree I’ve got plenty in my flower beds.

I am waiting for my friend to get here from out of town. We have a big night planned, and I hope we can still dance. It’s been a long time since I have danced, and I always danced best with my husband. Time does change everything. I have heard this place is really nice, and does not allow any smoking or drinking. Everyone takes some finger foods, and when they get tired they join hands in prayer, and enjoy a little feast together. They do have a live band, and I’m anxious to see what kind of music they play. Three or four of us widows will be traveling together to take it in. I never thought I would see this day, but I am so thankful I am still able to act young. Tomorrow evening we will be attending a very nice bar-b-q dinner here in Perryton at the Senior Citizens Center. I have attended several of these before, and they are always fun. My friend will be spending two nights with me. She said she is putting us first, and the doctor last. She thinks he is ‘crazy, and she don’t have to listen to him. Her children have a different opinion of that. As headstrong as she is I‘m glad she has children close to her every day. She and I are ready to take on anyone who is against out President and First Lady. That’s one thing we totally agree on. We know he is putting America first, and that makes us very relaxed, and happy. We can go kick our heels up while our President is being stabbed constantly. But we never forget to hold him up in prayer every nigh before we go to bed. We will be celebrating tonight and, tomorrow night, because we have someone who can keep us safe.

I will stayed tuned in with you, although I may miss a day or two of writing a blog, because of all the activity. I will not be off long, and I trust you all have a great week-end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Wish You Were Here To Enjoy My Party"

Jean's Comment's: "Wish You Were Here To Enjoy My Party":         Bierox, wine, and coconut cream pie for dinner tonight. 9-21-2017 Perryton, TX I have my house cleaned, and made bierox and co...

"Wish You Were Here To Enjoy My Party"

        Bierox, wine, and coconut cream pie for dinner tonight. 9-21-2017 Perryton, TX

I have my house cleaned, and made bierox and coconut cream pie for dinner tonight. Since my friend likes wine I bought a bottle of White Zinfandel, Barefoot Gold. When I attempted to open it I just remembered I had never uncorked a bottle of wine before. I found a cork screw that my kids had left here, but had no luck trying to use it. I had to call upon my good neighbor again. He found a cork screw that was all there. and opened the bottle easily. Mine didn’t have a top on it to pull up on. I will swear that you never get too old to learn something new every day. I am delivering my good neighbors a nice big bierox, and a piece of coconut pie for their dinner. He didn’t want to take the glass of wine I offered him. God has blessed me with some very good neighbors. I am ready for a full week-end of fun and food. I am proud to be introducing my friend to some of my friends here. I can never pay her back for all she’s done for me. She informed me to never mention paying her back again. That’s hard for me to do. I’ve always been a better giver than receiver.

This week I have been too busy to listen to much news. It seems nice to be places other than in front of the television. I try to get enough that I won’t be to surprised if North Korea sends a big bomb to the U. S. I feel pretty safe knowing that our President will take care of us. I say this because I am sure God is directing him, and that says it all. I am not saying we are going to be kept free from wars for that  has never been the history of creation. I am saying God is on our side, and we will be a victorious nation no matter how bloody the wars may get. God is not on our side just because President Trump Is on His side. God is on our side if we Trust Him, and turn away from all wickedness. It is not a , “do as you please,” situation. Some people think they can do that and God won’t care. How wrong can you get. But whatever people want to do, they are going to do it. Fools are swarming like flies. In the end they will be killed. There is no filth allowed in God’s presence. I’m so thankful for that. I am so tired of hearing vulgar words coming from the mouths of,  so called, good people. I would hope God doesn’t hear it, but that is a stupid thing to hope for. The fact of the matter is, it’s getting worse by the day. I have seen pictures on face book that would make a devil turn his head. Sickening, to say the least. Nothing funny about it at all. Oh well! Keep me true dear Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Young And The Old"

Jean's Comment's: "The Young And The Old":                Some of the FFA students from Perryton High school. 9-20-2017 Perryton, TX I am happy to post a team of Future Farmers of...

"The Young And The Old"

               Some of the FFA students from Perryton High school. 9-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I am happy to post a team of Future Farmers of America from the Perryton high school who presented the program at Happy Timers yesterday. They were dressed in their FFA outfits, and looked very professional. The group was divided into two different teams. They were debating on some new technology aimed at improving the American farm, and agriculture  industry. It was quite interesting, even to an audience of senior citizens. Needless to say, none of us were able to argue either team’s point, when the session was opened for questions, or discussion. Technology is over most of our heads, but we all did enjoy the program. We enjoyed a good meal, and shared our friendship. The ladies who host this luncheon does a wonderful job in serving light lunches, and decorating the tables with much beauty, and seasonal interest. They can never be thanked too much.

I began my day with both anxiety, and tranquility. I am preparing for company that will be staying with me for two days and nights. This person is an old childhood friend who loves, and respects me in every way. I have never had her spending a night with me before. In fact she has only been in my house once, since she lives some distance away from me. For several years we have met in other places and spent much time together. She is a perfectionist in my opinion. She is very comfortable money wise, and never hesitates to think about the cost if she decides to do something. Her house is always ready for openness to anyone or anything, On the other hand, I am totally relaxed in my modest home, and scream “OMG,” if I hear I am going to have company. So the past week I have had to get a move on me and try to make things more presentable for my perfect friend. This is a bit of an overstretch, but I can’t help but feel that way. Sometimes honesty is a big insult to those you love and even cherish. Also I would not trade my life for hers. I know she has earned every dollar she has, and I would not have put out that effort. I am happy in my own skin, and that is to say I am happy for my friends success. We have a lot of fun together, and I am excited to have her visiting me. We have some things planned to do while she is here, and that is why I am feeling serene. I will be introducing her to some of my best friends. I have made up my mind to just be me. I will not pretend, nor even be saddened by my lack of perfection. I often think of my dad’s words when my mother was worried about having company that was above her life-style. Dad would tell her, “If they don’t like your way of living, let them go home.” I always thought he was being mean to say this to mom, but again honesty does make sense sometimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Cooking Good Stuff Together"

Jean's Comment's: "Cooking Good Stuff Together": My son, Chuck, cooking Rib eyes steaks. also hamburger patties, and winners. (-19-2017 Perryton, TX My son, Chuck, and I had a cook out ...

"Cooking Good Stuff Together"

My son, Chuck, cooking Rib eyes steaks. also hamburger patties, and winners. (-19-2017 Perryton, TX

My son, Chuck, and I had a cook out last night. We cooked Rib eye steaks, hamburger patties, and winners. It all tasted very good. We don’t cook out as often as we used to since the most of the time no one is here to help us eat. In past time we cooked out a lot. Now it’s easier to go to an invited cookout. That happens pretty often. I am always excited to attend a community dinner where lots of friends are gathering. I am blessed to live in a community like that.

Today I will be attending a luncheon called, “Happy Timer’s.” It is also a community gathering sponsored by my church. A great meal is always prepared by some great cooks. A short time of singing old time songs,(I want a gal just like the gal that married dear old dad, A bicycle built for two, I’m looking over a four leaf clover,) and many more of the old romantic  tunes. It’s amusing to see, and hear the humorous comments, and see the body movements of some of these elderly people when the music starts. After lunch a speaker gives an interesting, and often, an informative speech. It is a special time for old friends and acquaintances to meet.

I just finished listening to the President speak at the U N meeting. He is giving great speeches every time he appears before an important group. It seems to me like every speech he gives is even better than the last. This President is in it for the long haul. I believe his supporters also are forever. A spirit of victory is spreading faster now through out the nation, than the evil spirit that almost destroyed our country. I feel ten years younger than I did before President Trump got elected. I am even showing my youth more now. I can’t stop laughing at crazy us, when we gather to let our hair down. It is fun, it is therapy, and it is strengthening our faith. It makes us want to live another one hundred years. Our concerns for family, and friends, are still plentiful, but we just don’t let them bother us as much. The joys seems to be overtaking them. I know I am preparing myself for a crash tomorrow, but I have insurance. I will not be stranded for long. I am so often reminded of the old quote, “if life gives you lemons make a pie.” What a good idea. I love lemon pie.

I must stop and get ready for the luncheon. Maybe I can share some of the good stuff about it with you tomorrow. I know there will be interesting things to take home with us. Such as jokes, and seriousness, as well. I am looking forward to a grand time today. I must decide what to wear, and that takes a lot of time. My mood doesn’t always cooperate with my wardrobe. Funny? I know it, but can’t do nothing about it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hard At Work But Taking A Break"

Jean's Comment's: "Hard At Work But Taking A Break": Me this morning after pulling up tons of dead flowers. What fun exercise. 9-18-2017 Perryton, TX I am happy to report that we got ½ inch...

"Hard At Work But Taking A Break"

Me this morning after pulling up tons of dead flowers. What fun exercise. 9-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I am happy to report that we got ½ inch of rain last night. It was easy for me to pull up dead flowers this morning, but it was still a tiring job. I took this picture of me resting, and leaning on the trash can. I did make a showing, but have lots more to do. I am thankful for the little bit of rain, as I was not expecting it after a rainbow appeared in the sky yesterday morning. Hopefully the grass will green up a little. Another good thing about the rain, the weather is much cooler.

I am in a work mood this morning. Not because I want to, but because I am expecting company this Friday for a couple of days. I had to pray for help to get my house in order. Living alone does make a person lazy sometimes. I couldn’t see cob webs, but I knew they were there. It took me several tries to sweep all the walls and ceilings. Vacuuming and dusting is another thing I neglect to do, therefore I have dozens of nick knacks, and such, that has to be cleaned. My art exhibit is needing to be rearranged, and my famous persons, photographs, and my grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, pictures need to be adjusted. My little world crammed into one small room, does get trashy-looking. A little guy mowing my yard one time told me the easiest way to clean house is to carry everything to the dumpster. He insulted me, since I have high praise for my possessions. Life to me would be very boring without my outreach into other parts of the world, and bring as much as I can into my own little world. It makes me feel big in my own eyes, and important to my crazy mind. To tell you the truth, I believe that is the goal of most people in the world today. Act small, but feel large. Be humble, but feel important. Feel poor, but know you are rich, if you believe in God. Laugh when you feel like crying. Cry when you feel like laughing. When the top stops spinning it rests on it’s side, not the tip. What a thrill to watch it slow down.

Great is our reward in heaven when all tests have been graded, and an A+ stamped at the top. God never puts more on us than we can do. That is His own words. So we need to muscle up and get it done. I’m for everyone who sweets blood to show their love for God and country. Our President, Donald Trump, and Vice-President Mike Pence, is two of those who are doing it every day of their lives. I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of those who don’t agree with that. They will be judged, and the punishment will not be commuted. I hope they re-check their test papers before they turn them in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "What Happened To Yesterday"

Jean's Comment's: "What Happened To Yesterday": You can see my shadow reaching out over the butterfly to take the pic. (-17-2017 Perryton, TX I got a pic of a white butterfly, but it i...

"What Happened To Yesterday"

You can see my shadow reaching out over the butterfly to take the pic. (-17-2017 Perryton, TX
I got a pic of a white butterfly, but it is small. It is near the top of pic close to left side.9-17-2017.

It has just been recently that white butterflies have been visiting my flowers. They are very small, and don’t land very often. I finally got a shot of one this morning near the bottom of a bush. You can barley see it, but it’s there near the top of the picture, and a little to the left. Even though most of the flowers are dead there is still lots of live activity in the flower garden. Dozens of butterflies are zooming around constantly. I will miss them when the last flower dies.

I had hoped for rain last night, and when I awoke this morning it was real hazy. I was encouraged thinking that rain would be here latter in the day. After church I went to the grocery store. The lady that carried out my groceries said at 7:30 this morning she saw a rainbow in the sky. I think that means no more rain. I was up at 7:30, but never thought of looking for a rainbow. I would love to have gotten a picture of it. So I won’t be trying to keep the flowers alive any longer. The ground is just to dry to water.  I will be spending this next week cleaning dead flowers and foliage out of the yard. Not a fun thing to think about.

This day has been both peaceful, and troublesome. Church did not allow me to leave with a good feeling this morning. Several bad things had happened to people in the church, then the pastor preached a sermon that one almost never hears preached. It was on forgiveness, and he made it sound like no matter what someone did to you, even murder your child, you must say I forgive you. At the last he tried to put some common sense into it, but it just didn’t make any sense to me. I have been  carrying this eerie feeling around all day. It’s like life is an impossible peaceful journey no matter how much you try to do the right thing. And death comes to the most loving, and most successful who tries the hardest to deny the threat of pain while thinking, “I have too much left to do on earth to think seriously about needing a doctor.” It doesn’t seem fair to take a life that was making a difference in troublesome children’s lives. A shocked family is left to try to understand what life is all about. Friends, and Communities are looking for answers. Must we quickly forget and move on, or should we keep seeking the cause of such misfortune. No one on this earth is exempt from pain, misfortune, sarcasm, frustration, depression, fear, and all the other unlovable evils that must be applied from time to time. Does it not sound reasonable that death is the better choice? But it will not happen just because we want it to. We must make the best of life regardless of the gruesome pain we must endure. We better not tell God enough is enough and take our own lives. He is in charge, and will tell us when enough is enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping My Sins Under The Blood"

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping My Sins Under The Blood":                                 My photo today 9-16-2017 Myrtle Jean Sharp  Perryton, TX I am posting a picture of myself after I have g...

"Keeping My Sins Under The Blood"

                                My photo today 9-16-2017 Myrtle Jean Sharp  Perryton, TX

I am posting a picture of myself after I have gotten ready for the Widow and Widower’s dinner tonight. I don’t want anyone to forget how I look. Sometimes I hardly recognize myself. I can’t quite explain that, although I have trouble recognizing some of my friends sometimes. I think older people are more apt to change faster than do younger ones. At least I know I am changing day by day, both physically, and mentally. If I can manage to keep my weight down, remember to color my hair, and not let it get too long, I think people will recognize me. I have been so surprised at times when I needed to go to the store for something, but I had been working in the yard most of the day, and had sweated my butt off. I thought, well maybe nobody will recognize me, or possibly I won’t see anyone that knows me. How wrong I was. It was these times that people seem to be the most friendly, and wanted to hug me. Through my embarrassment, I pretended to be normal. What a sad day when we have to pretend we are something we are not. At the same time I think God expects us to use our make-up talent to be the most beautiful person we can be. I don’t waste much time in trying to be pretty, but I am going to a special dance next Friday night, and I plan to take all day to pretty myself up. I heard there would be some men there. At least I’m going prepared.

I don’t know why I have been feeling so blessed lately. But I have been through a few trials recently, and I think I have conquered most. I have to believe that. At least I am not going to be defeated while I wait for the next trial to come. I have even been doing some house cleaning that I thought I would never do again. What a joy to see my glass storm doors sparkling again. To open drawers that have been eradicated of junk, and find a certain outfit I want to wear without going through six closets of clothes. Yes, that makes an old person feel young again. The only thing I regret doing is fulfilling my desire to cook. I have gained back two pounds since I started baking again, and I can’t seem to stop it. My brain is loaded with delicious recipes that I love to fix, and then eat. The wonderful cook my mother was, taught me too much. My husband loved my mom’s cooking, so I tried to make him love mine. I succeeded in that endeavor. After I lost my husband I lost several pounds, but I miss the good food almost as much as I miss him. Life is a daring experience every day, but if we determine to be good mortals, and have patience,  we will  come through with flying colors. I seek this personal advise every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Love This Symbol Of American Grace And Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "Love This Symbol Of American Grace And Beauty": The focal point of my dinning room. Keeps me dancing all the day long. 9-15-2017 Perryton, TX I have finished posting my few daily mess...

"Love This Symbol Of American Grace And Beauty"

The focal point of my dinning room. Keeps me dancing all the day long. 9-15-2017 Perryton, TX

I have finished posting my few daily messages describing my feeling about our President, Donald Trump. I answer to several conservative’s comments who post regularly, mostly positive, about our President. But now since the President has invited the Democratic leaders to the White House for dinner, and discussion, some of those, has been conservatives, are comparing him to the famous President George W. Bush comment, “read my lips.” no new taxes. I wasted no time this morning in replying to a few of those who disliked the idea of crossing the aisle to interact with other Americans who also have a mind of their own.  Not all Democrats are rebels, or traitors, although I believe many are. Since the, “never Trumpeters‘ on the Republican side of the aisle have refused to co-operate with the President, he had no choice but to reach out to the Democrats for help to get his agenda passed. We do not have a president who says, “either my way or the highway.” I believe all of us has a bit of that characteristic trait in us, but only those who admit that we are not perfect reap the full benefit of loving all.

I said to several conservatives this morning on my web page, please do not criticize the president you have supported all this time just because he is trying to keep his promise you loved so much. Let him do what he has to do in order to make America Great again. He is the same man you put in office. He has not changed a bit. He did not tell you how he was going to do things, he just told you he would do it. Now that he is doing it, some of you don’t like it. This President is not politically correct, and he told you that from the start. You liked that remark then, but now some of you seem to want him to be more politically correct. Listen to me people, this President knows exactly what he is doing, and if you will take a back seat, and let him go with it, you will be grateful in the end. I’m glad our president is not a bully, neither is he a push-over. You all ought to feel comfortable just knowing that this president is not selling our country out, and is putting America first. If he has to destroy a lot of her enemies, God Bless him. It won’t be because he didn’t love them, but of course he must stick to his promise of keeping America safe. I am so at peace with this President, and Vice-President, I can never tell you how blessed I feel. I feel no evil, for God is with us. I am dancing in the spirit of love, forgiveness, and Glory Halleluiah in the highest. His love endures forever. If you ever thought of jumping off the Trump train, don’t do it. Ride it all the way to victory, which is still a long way off, but will get there eventually.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Touch Of Blue And A Lot Of Rainbow"

Jean's Comment's: "A Touch Of Blue And A Lot Of Rainbow":      I had just a few blue flowers  in my flower garden this summer. 9-14-2017 Perryton, TX Of all the different color of flowers I ha...

"A Touch Of Blue And A Lot Of Rainbow"

     I had just a few blue flowers  in my flower garden this summer. 9-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Of all the different color of flowers I had in my flower garden this summer, I had only a few blue ones. They didn’t grown tall, and it’s hard to see them, but I love their brilliant blue color. I didn’t realize there could be so many different shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, gold, white, purple and other colors. Putting them all together in one large arrangement made me one happy owner of this flower garden. It was worth all the work I put into it. I’m afraid I will be right back into it again next spring, after I vowed that this would be my last year of raising flowers. The body must have a certain amount of exercise if it keeps functioning properly. I have never liked the kind of exercise you have to do to keep active that doesn’t change things  around me. Walking doesn’t make anything look better, and so why do it. Bicycling doesn’t make anything cleaner around the house, nor does push-ups clean the weeds out of the garden. Therefore I really need to keep doing the kind of exercise that brings joy after I have busted my butt. The body doesn’t want to be pushed around in a wheelchair, so I must keep it in good shape by using it’s work force for glorifying my place of abode. Pain will be the same whether I achieve, or deceive, and I will stay out of the wheelchair.

Now that the hurricanes have done their damage, Politics have come back on the news. I have to say I’m getting bored with both of them. The hurricanes are not really boring, but are so depressing. I can’t allow myself to watch for very long at a time, else I nearly go crazy. I pray every day for those devastated people who lost their homes, and everything they had. I am also beyond understanding how those who are without electricity, having children at home trying to reorganize their school schedule, no water, and very little means of communicating; How do they keep their spirits up? I’m sure they are strengthened by seeing all the others who don’t even have a home left. When all the shock and awe lets up, the faith has been restored, and the realization of how fortunate they are to still have each other, these hurricane victims are going to be stronger than ever before. I have great faith especially in Texas, and Florida, knowing that they voted for a president whom I believe is God’s choice for this troublesome time. That’s not saying I don’t have faith in the other states affected by this catastrophe, but I am so overwhelmed by the two larger states who put so much hard work, and prayers in getting President Trump elected. I believe they will be greatly repaid for their losses from this disaster. I feel sure everyone will be super astonished at the fast, and  excellence rebuilding of those heavily damaged places. Please join with me in claiming victory for this devastating hurricane.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Flower Garden Friends"

Jean's Comment's: "My Flower Garden Friends":                                  Still hanging onto the last hope. 9-13-2017 Perryton, TX                                             ...

"My Flower Garden Friends"

                                 Still hanging onto the last hope. 9-13-2017 Perryton, TX
                                            The best of the rest. 9-13-2017 Perryton TX

With the two and one-half hours of sleep I got last night, I was destined to fall asleep in my chair shortly after 5 o’clock this morning. I was waiting for the coffee to make, but decided to move to the couch and stretch out. I woke up about 9 o’clock. There is just nothing like having to sleep when the body gets good and ready. This kind of night is happening too often anymore; But I refuse to take any kind of sleeping pills. I will take my sleep when it comes to me, although I miss the “all at once” nights sleep like I enjoyed for years. I am told that everyone in life goes through a second childhood. First childhood stages starts with a body growing process, with learning abilities, and developing muscles day by day. When the body reaches a certain growth stage the brain has also matured to a point where it says, now you must work for your bread. This time period last for a better part of our life. Finally the body begins to wear out, and since the brain is part of it, it also starts to default. Unlike the healthy, growing young child, the older child comes back to us with unhealthy, organs, and weakening muscles. The mind starts to think like the younger child thought. All of this is partly good, since we no longer have to work for our bread. But the bad part is just like the younger child’s mind, who thinks they know more than they do, the same  dominates the older child we now are. This is where the theory of, “a second childhood,” comes from. This certainly does sound like a person in their second childhood. I must be in that very first stage of a babies life, since I don’t want to sleep all night. I knew of a lady who at ninety six years old still lived in her country home alone. She finally had to give in and move to town with some help. A short time before her death she moved into the nursing home, and like the others, learned how to be dependent. A first childhood trait that she never liked. I hope I can be as long about denying my second childhood as this lady was. Although not as sharp as once was, and maybe not as fast on foot as used to be, this lady died with everything still operating fairly well. God bless her merry soul.

I am 84. I got up at 3:30 a.m. this morning. I made coffee and got some news before I took another nap. I skipped breakfast, because I was waiting to eat some bar-b-q ribs I had marinated all night. I put on a pot of beans, and made potato salad. Then I pealed some home-grown apples, and made a big juicy pie. I read all my face book friend’s postings, and am now writing my blog. I forgot to mention at 4 o’clock this morning I was reconciling my bank statement. That took awhile since I had skipped it for a few days. I won’t be doing that again any ways soon. I am planning to go out after I post this blog and remove the screen from my kitchen window and clean the glass. I am determined to be careful when I climb the ladder. I am slower in getting things done, but I finally do follow through.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Bit Of Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Bit Of Beauty": They lived their live while spreading beauty. Good-bye and thank you. 9-12-2017 Perryton, TX Feeling sad this morning as I prepare to cr...

"The Last Bit Of Beauty"

They lived their live while spreading beauty. Good-bye and thank you. 9-12-2017 Perryton, TX

Feeling sad this morning as I prepare to cremate some deceased lovely flowers. I will miss them, but there will be offspring appear in their place next year. Just like our deceased loved ones, we have to learn to live without them. We have the offspring still with us, but they can never take the place of the first fruits. My husband’s birthday is in two weeks. He has been gone four and one-half years. A very few nights pass that I don’t dream about him. Sometimes at night a loud sound outside wakes me up and my heart starts pounding. I feel like someone is breaking in. Oh! How I need my husband. This happened to me twice last night, and I refused to call the police. I just cannot make that a habit. The first time it happened last night I had not gone to sleep yet. It was 1:30 a m. For some reason I wasn’t sleepy. The loud sound made me think someone pulled my storm door open with force. The main door was locked, and it would have been harder to break in. I was ready to push the lock button on my bedroom door then call police. Nothing else gave alarm so I went to the living room to see that no one was there. My heart finally quit pounding and I slowly drifted off to sleep. A little later an unfamiliar noise woke me up It definitely was something slammed against my house, but I was not able to discern it.

I have been very out spoken on the internet about the trust I have in our President. I have made no excuses for the wicked, evil, acts of Satan as he uses people to try and destroy God’s kingdom. I say it like I see it, and that is pretty blunt, and hit’s a lot of people in the middle. I know I could be hunted down and made to look like a suicide case. I believe many have already been victims of such deadly evil. I cannot be silent in times such as these. I am trusting God to keep me safe so I can continue to speak out for Him. I am learning this morning that our Vise-President almost got assassinated yesterday while giving an emotional speech at the 911 ceremony. Millions of people are praying every day, and night, for God to place a spiritual shield around our President, and Vice-President. I believe God answered that prayer yesterday. I believe He answered also when I was kept safe last night. In the name of Jesus we must declare that God is still in control, and He still answers prayer. We must not let fear stop us. If our hearts is right with God He will take care of us. If our hearts are not right, we must make them right without delay. Out greatest fear should be not knowing for sure if our hearts are right with God. I feel so close to God, and know that He will have His way with me, whatever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "When You Can Work No More Try Dancing"

Jean's Comment's: "When You Can Work No More Try Dancing": An upper shot of the flower garden. Sun is too bright for the flowers to be distinct. 9-11-2017 Perryton, TX                      Across...

"When You Can Work No More Try Dancing"

An upper shot of the flower garden. Sun is too bright for the flowers to be distinct. 9-11-2017 Perryton, TX
                     Across the fence is my neighbor's pretty roses 9-11-2017 Perryton, TX
  Next door to the south is my other neighbor's pretty front porch.9-11-2017 Perryton, TX.

The weather is still hot here in Perryton, Texas. The flowers are giving way to age, and some are ready for the grave. They bloomed for several months. I am tired of taking care of them. and am ready to bury them all. I need to retire from all yard work, and most of the house work also. I will be giving that more though before another summer comes. It’s hard to admit that age can take a lot of life out of you before you realize it. I somehow am a firm believer that a big change in one’s lifestyle can cause the body to become less tolerant of positivity, and may bring about depression unnecessarily. It’s for this reason that I have refused to leave this big house with it’s large yard, and move closer to my children. I am riding out the storm, and hoping for the best. Mostly trusting the Lord to guide me in the right direction. When you’ve lived in one house for fifty years, it’s hard to leave it and move into an apartment in another city so as to be closer to a doctor. I am not worried, just thinking about all my options. What is really bad is the thought of where to move. It seems like every place that comes to my mind, upon second thought it’s like, no I don’t want to live there. I am about to decide this is the time in life that no one wants to approach. My children are all very understanding, and that means a lot to me.

I have invited a friend from another city to come and spend the night with me in a few days. We are going to a Bar-B-Q dinner at the Citizen’s Center. I want her to meet some of my wonderful friends. She is excited about coming. She drives an Alexis, and is always on the go. She does no yard work or not much house work. She hires everything done. She has a successful business, and her family now mostly run it. She is still the CEO, but only works one day a week. I am not that fortunate, but I am so thankful for her success. We were raised up together and went to the same church. She has been a widow for over thirty years. I hope I can be a good host, and keep her entertained. In my small city there is not much for widows to do for fun and excitement. There is a possibility that we might arrange for a few other widows here to join us, and go dancing at a senior citizen’s dance in some towns near by. I have never been much to dance, but every since my friend has been a widow she has made dancing her number one priority. She is very good, and can follow any partner with precise movement. I hope everything works out for us. It has taken me a long time to make this decision. .

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before Anger"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before Anger": I finally got a butterfly on a yellow flower. They really like the red and pink ones best. 9-10-2017 Perryton, TXBeauty before anger I cam...

"Beauty Before Anger"

I finally got a butterfly on a yellow flower. They really like the red and pink ones best. 9-10-2017 Perryton, TXBeauty before anger
I came home from church today feeling so blessed. The pastor delivered a wonderful sermon, and the dinner after church was ever so good. I ate too much, and had to lie down and rest awhile after I got home. After all I have just told you about the blessing I received from church, the enemy still caught me off guard, and tried to make me angry. We were waiting in the dinning room for the line to form for the food, and I suddenly felt snubbed by one of my dear friends. I had thought we were going to sit together, but without a word of anything different, my friend walked away to another person. This friend is one of quick mood changes, but I wasn’t expecting her mood to change this morning. She and I had left the widower, and widow‘s,
meeting last evening agreeing to see each other today at church. I was a little late for church so I had to sit apart from her. I would have had to crawl over another lady to get to my friend. I just took the next open seat. I don’t know If this is what made her act this way toward me, but I really don’t intend to let it anger me. The sermon this morning won’t allow for me to do that. However, the human nature in me wanted to make me say, “kiss my foot.” I ended up sitting with some very nice people at the dinner, that made me proud. They chose to sit by me. I noticed my friend had to change her first, and second, chose of seating because someone else had it taken.

This is not the response one usually gives after hearing a great sermon at church like this morning. I believe that sermon made the demon spirit mad, and he went to work quickly to tear down any good it might have been to the members. The sermon was, “Owe no one nothing but Christian love.” Romans 13: 8-14. The Pastor said we owe God a Christian debt, that can only be paid by loving all Christians. This message was powerful, especially since our church experienced a split a few years ago. Because of disagreement among the members, some decided to leave and start another church. That church has now been dissolved, and some of the members might like to come back to us. I’m not sure, but possible some of the original members may be having a problem with that. I took the message that way.

Well guess what. Satan was in our service today, and he didn’t like the though of our church making restitution, and joining together again to praise God for all of His wonderful blessings. I feel like I was one of the first he attacked, but he can just forget it. I’m on a solid rock, (Christ Jesus,) and I shall not be moved. I had no idea I was going to write this message when I sat down at the computer, but it came out with a fighting spirit against no one, but Satan himself. I am looking forward to great blessings for the Church I have attended for over 35 years.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Prized Possession"

Jean's Comment's: "A Prized Possession": My personalized, signed, photograph of President Donald Trump, wife Melania. received this morning. 9-9-2017 Perryton, TX. My biggest b...

"A Prized Possession"

My personalized, signed, photograph of President Donald Trump, wife Melania. received this morning. 9-9-2017 Perryton, TX.

My biggest blessing for today is receiving this personalized, signed, photograph of President Donald J. Trump, and wife Melania. I have a space reserved for it to hang along with other of my favorite American Presidents, however, this President is the most favored of all. I am so proud to be one of his advisory members, (as I’ve been told,) also a clean-up worker to help clean out the swamp. I am a daily supporter of his message, on foot, on computer, or any other way I can find, to “Make America Great Again.” I have been shouting victory ever since this man was elected President. I am positive he is the real deal, and I am seeing that more positively every day. His gorgeous wife is such a blessing to America by being it’s First Lady. She not only possesses beauty, but all the traits that make a beautiful woman. Charm, dignity, grace, poise, self-confident, and self possession. She knows her duty as both a wife, and a mother, as well as being First Lady. Intelligence is one of her strongest attributes. In my judgment she has scored an A+ in all of her performance so far. She is that lady I would look to for guidance if I were a young girl. I am saying nothing regarding religion. I understand our First Lady to be very respectful of others religion. I am saying all religions should reflect beauty, grace, respect, love, and trust in a higher power. No religion should demand the rights of others to be censured. But I do not try to change others ways of belief. Neither do I think others should try and change my beliefs. I think this is the same attitude of our First Lady. It takes a special kind of person to balance all the acts of do’s, and don'ts I just mentioned, but I do pray for more wisdom every day. I don’t compare my wisdom to Melania Trump’s.

We all are American’s first. Let us be happy with who we are, and try to make others happy for who they are. That is not condoning things contrary to the bible. But remember we are not God’s judges, and thank God others are not our judges unless we disobey the law of the land. I learned long ago not to let others make a punching bag out of me. No one knows my heart but God, and He is the only one that knows others heart. He is a just God, and needs no help in judging his people. When it comes to leadership over a nation, the one in power must make judgment calls. Nations against nations, must be judged, but the judge over all is still in control. Let us trust, and believe, that  our President is leaning to God for his understanding. Six million plus people, are believing the same thing is true with our President. I am a firm believer that six million more will soon be joining the present number. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Bird Leftovers"

Jean's Comment's: "Bird Leftovers":         Some of the bird's leftovers. I have to clean up their plates. 9-8-2017 Perryton, TX This is not a good way to start off the...

"Bird Leftovers"

        Some of the bird's leftovers. I have to clean up their plates. 9-8-2017 Perryton, TX

This is not a good way to start off the day. Almost every morning I have to pick up about one-half of a bushel of partly eaten apples that the birds leave on the ground. I do this after I’ve eaten breakfast or I wouldn’t want anything to eat. In a few days there will be no more apples left for the birds to eat. I suppose that will be when they start grabbing insects for food. The Word of God tells us that God feeds the sparrows of the air. Matthew 6:24-34. It also says He will take care of us. The difference is the birds don’t have brains to have to deal with like human’s do. They have no worries, because God created them that way. What a difference in the way he created man. The birds don’t have to trust, but humans do. I want to be that humankind that remembers every day what God said about the birds. “Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and more than raiment? My interruption. “Go ahead, be as proud as a peacock. I gave you that trait, and I expect you to show off the personal, likes you possess, even though others may not like them. You are my child of originality, and I want you to never change that. I will make you happy in whatever state you are in. If you want to wear your pajama’s all day, go ahead. If you want to wear your painting cloths all day, go ahead. Don’t go to the store in pajamas, but you can go in your painting cloths. Be a simple you when in common places.  If you want to go before the world and show it your true personality, wash your face, give the cheeks a rosy glow. Highlight the brow’s, and underline the eye lids. Show that you do have lips as sweet as a honeycomb with pink trimming. Let your hair be what it chooses, after you’ve done your best to make it flow the way you wanted it to go. Bald spots don’t matter, even though you don’t like them. They are your sign of wisdom in the making. There is a time, and a purpose for all things. I do require you to not take this advise uncaringly because you have discarded your pride. I demand that your pride remains strongly in place. The children of my family are always listening to my word I have provided for them. I tell you all these things, and all other things are of the demolishing spirits. I have warned you of then in my word. I am a simple, angelic-like spirit who never adds or takes away from my word.
Follow me and you will always be fed and cared for.” 

Sincerely God, your Heavenly Father.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Angle Was Here Today"

Jean's Comment's: "My Angle Was Here Today": Butterfly larger than the zinnia. So beautiful, and let me put camera right on top of it. 9-7-2017 Perryton,TX I feel so lucky today whe...

"My Angle Was Here Today"

Butterfly larger than the zinnia. So beautiful, and let me put camera right on top of it. 9-7-2017 Perryton,TX

I feel so lucky today when the butterfly I am posting let me put the camera almost touching it. Then it opened it’s wings wide for the picture. Could this be one of God’s angels posing for me? I have tried all summer to get a good picture of a butterfly with it’s wings open, but I never could make it happen. Today was a special day for a special purpose. No doubt God was speaking to me through this butterfly. I feel it all the way to my toes. I was discouraged today after two days of painting on a portrait, and was only making it look worse each time. I will get the right brush, and the right color together tomorrow, and make a better image, I’m sure. I feel like I could do it now, but I’m too tired. I certainly have been rejuvenated for sure. Our God is so great. When I get a touch like this from the Holy Spirit I just want to share it with all my readers. I think if I could just touch them physically they too would feel this overwhelming joy. That is impossible I know, but it is possible that these words can touch some heart, and make it rejoice also. That is my sincere prayer. There are many people needing a touch from God this very moment. Never be discouraged to the point of giving up. Keep a sweet spirit, and God will deliver you a message, maybe through a butterfly. If not through one of those little beauties, there will be something else.

I know it’s easier to think positive of yourself, than to produce from yourself. But after all positive results do come from positive thinking, else there would be no joy when you hit a home run. You had to first make a strike. You had to believe you were going to hit it hard and spot on. I don’t know my future, but I do know my future is in God’s hand. He will take good care of me. In the mean time I will trust Him for my daily bread, and drink. I will trust Him for my health, and I will trust Him for an eternal home when it’s my time to leave this world. It’s true since I have grown older I cannot do all the work I used too, but if I use what energy I still have I will accomplish more than a little when it’s all said and done. There is a spiritual eye that sees more than the natural one. “Only believe, and you will receive.” I truly believe God uses wisdom just like He asked us to do. He lets us rest when our bodies are tired, but He could strengthen and let us do more. That would be going against His plan for the natural body, so He lets us be like all other human bodies that walked the same path we are walking. The body only lives for awhile then It must die and be separated from the soul. I am happy to be what I am, and I am thankful for the Love of God in my heart.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before Nuts"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Before Nuts":                            7 a m time for morning glories to go to sleep. 9-6-2017 Perryton, TX I was up early enough this morning to g...

"Beauty Before Nuts"

                           7 a m time for morning glories to go to sleep. 9-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I was up early enough this morning to get a picture of the morning glories before they went to sleep for the day. They are day sleepers, but are so pretty when they are out of the light. Most of the other flowers are about through living for this year, but the glories are just starting to come to life. I have a few more weeks left to enjoy them. Only a few apples remain on the trees, then all living plants and fruit will be over for another year. The thought of cleaning up all the dead stubble makes me tired already. My mother always told me the thought was always worse than the actual work. I’m not sure about that.
I did enjoy my time at the Citizen’s Center today. The food is always good, and the fellowship is wonderful. Mind you this is a Senior Citizen’s place, and imagine how long it’s been since most of us have been in school. Since this month was back-to-school month the decorators decided to use school books, and a short lesson or two for table decorations. We were given a short sentence on a card-board and told to diagram it.  On another cardboard was written a word that most of us couldn’t pronounce, let alone give the meaning of it. Ha ha, one person looked it up on their I-phone and wrote it down for all the rest of us to see. It meant a person who was always thinking of new ideas. I considered myself one of those whatever it was called. For a short time it seemed almost like we were back in junior high. That was a good idea, and I suppose that’s why the word was put on the card for us to define. One could not ask to be in better company than that at the Senior Citizen’s Center.

It’s after we get home, and no one is there but yourself, hour after hour, day after day, that life becomes boring. It never seems to get better so we must learn to cope with it. These kind of moods sometimes bring something out of us that we wanted to keep hidden. Maybe that is a good thing. Transparency it’s called, and that is not to be confused with privacy. There is a place in our lives for both characters. I notice myself wondering what has changed about me. I forget my best friend’s name at the most crucial times. A little exaggerated maybe, but it is pretty bad. When I read a few minutes ago about one of the younger, small-town doctors in our town, something she said in public, I think I am alright. She was explaining the lack of privacy in small towns. She said once she was in a clothing store when a woman with her seven year old son walked up to her and said, “ my son can’t find one of his nuts.” The doctor asked, “what is a nut?” She was serious, but hard to believe. This was her own story. I am from a small town, but I knew what the mother was talking about even though it was a stupid remark. I’m sure doctors have heard much more stupid things than that. I guess we all could stand some improvement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp