Monday, September 18, 2017

"Hard At Work But Taking A Break"

Me this morning after pulling up tons of dead flowers. What fun exercise. 9-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I am happy to report that we got ½ inch of rain last night. It was easy for me to pull up dead flowers this morning, but it was still a tiring job. I took this picture of me resting, and leaning on the trash can. I did make a showing, but have lots more to do. I am thankful for the little bit of rain, as I was not expecting it after a rainbow appeared in the sky yesterday morning. Hopefully the grass will green up a little. Another good thing about the rain, the weather is much cooler.

I am in a work mood this morning. Not because I want to, but because I am expecting company this Friday for a couple of days. I had to pray for help to get my house in order. Living alone does make a person lazy sometimes. I couldn’t see cob webs, but I knew they were there. It took me several tries to sweep all the walls and ceilings. Vacuuming and dusting is another thing I neglect to do, therefore I have dozens of nick knacks, and such, that has to be cleaned. My art exhibit is needing to be rearranged, and my famous persons, photographs, and my grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, pictures need to be adjusted. My little world crammed into one small room, does get trashy-looking. A little guy mowing my yard one time told me the easiest way to clean house is to carry everything to the dumpster. He insulted me, since I have high praise for my possessions. Life to me would be very boring without my outreach into other parts of the world, and bring as much as I can into my own little world. It makes me feel big in my own eyes, and important to my crazy mind. To tell you the truth, I believe that is the goal of most people in the world today. Act small, but feel large. Be humble, but feel important. Feel poor, but know you are rich, if you believe in God. Laugh when you feel like crying. Cry when you feel like laughing. When the top stops spinning it rests on it’s side, not the tip. What a thrill to watch it slow down.

Great is our reward in heaven when all tests have been graded, and an A+ stamped at the top. God never puts more on us than we can do. That is His own words. So we need to muscle up and get it done. I’m for everyone who sweets blood to show their love for God and country. Our President, Donald Trump, and Vice-President Mike Pence, is two of those who are doing it every day of their lives. I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of those who don’t agree with that. They will be judged, and the punishment will not be commuted. I hope they re-check their test papers before they turn them in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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