Friday, September 1, 2017


Empty humming bird feeder. 9-1--2017 Perryton, TXThe empty birdfeeder still hangs
I failed to fill the humming bird feeder this summer, therefore I had no humming birds to enjoy. For the past two years I did fill the feeder with sweet liquid, but never saw a bird around it. I decided not to bother this year. I’m not sure why the humming birds didn’t visit me, but I did invite them. The tall asparagus plants surrounding the feeder may have had something to do with it. Sometimes we just don’t know the right thing to do.

I believe if ever the world was in a state of confusion it’s now. People are fighting on every street corner without knowing what they are fighting for. It just seems to be the right thing to do. Some are getting caught inside a ring of fighters, and have to fight their way out. Our President has the eyes of a wise man, and calls it like he sees it. He says many are to blame for the Charlottesville battleground, and not just the few who started a scheduled, peaceful protest against what they believed was wrong. They had that constitutional right, but a much larger, unauthorized group chose to fight the peaceful group, causing some deaths, and much political turmoil. This evil all started to get uncontrollable, at the election of the new president, Donald Trump. It was at this time when the demonizing spirits, that had been winning over great numbers of America’s citizens for several years, realized they were now going to have to fight instead of deceive. They were already prepared if their choice of president didn’t get elected. Yes, this war of evil against good, has been going on years before President Trump became elected. The Almighty hand of God made the final decision to stop the corruption from spreading any further.

President Trump is not a raciest, nor neither am I. He is a Christian who loves everyone who lives by the principals that our country was founded on. But when you start trying to do away with our constitution, look out! the sleeping giants sleep no more. The war is in order, and the disastrous acts of nature are a sign that God will help His people no matter what it takes. The bible tells us the good have to suffer with the evil. But He has a way of saving the good through it all. Our President is an example of God at work helping those who don’t even deserve to be helped, according to the human nature. Even the animals are being rescued in this terrible, disastrous flood that now speaks great volumes of  God’s Great power. How long, and how much suffering will have to take place yet before God is finished with this horrific nightmare? We can be sure of one thing, God will never leave us, nor forsake us, if we keep trusting Him. For those of us who can’t do much but pray, let us give it our all. Remember the widow gave one mite in the offering, but Jesus said she gave more than all the rest.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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