Thursday, September 14, 2017

"A Touch Of Blue And A Lot Of Rainbow"

     I had just a few blue flowers  in my flower garden this summer. 9-14-2017 Perryton, TX

Of all the different color of flowers I had in my flower garden this summer, I had only a few blue ones. They didn’t grown tall, and it’s hard to see them, but I love their brilliant blue color. I didn’t realize there could be so many different shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, gold, white, purple and other colors. Putting them all together in one large arrangement made me one happy owner of this flower garden. It was worth all the work I put into it. I’m afraid I will be right back into it again next spring, after I vowed that this would be my last year of raising flowers. The body must have a certain amount of exercise if it keeps functioning properly. I have never liked the kind of exercise you have to do to keep active that doesn’t change things  around me. Walking doesn’t make anything look better, and so why do it. Bicycling doesn’t make anything cleaner around the house, nor does push-ups clean the weeds out of the garden. Therefore I really need to keep doing the kind of exercise that brings joy after I have busted my butt. The body doesn’t want to be pushed around in a wheelchair, so I must keep it in good shape by using it’s work force for glorifying my place of abode. Pain will be the same whether I achieve, or deceive, and I will stay out of the wheelchair.

Now that the hurricanes have done their damage, Politics have come back on the news. I have to say I’m getting bored with both of them. The hurricanes are not really boring, but are so depressing. I can’t allow myself to watch for very long at a time, else I nearly go crazy. I pray every day for those devastated people who lost their homes, and everything they had. I am also beyond understanding how those who are without electricity, having children at home trying to reorganize their school schedule, no water, and very little means of communicating; How do they keep their spirits up? I’m sure they are strengthened by seeing all the others who don’t even have a home left. When all the shock and awe lets up, the faith has been restored, and the realization of how fortunate they are to still have each other, these hurricane victims are going to be stronger than ever before. I have great faith especially in Texas, and Florida, knowing that they voted for a president whom I believe is God’s choice for this troublesome time. That’s not saying I don’t have faith in the other states affected by this catastrophe, but I am so overwhelmed by the two larger states who put so much hard work, and prayers in getting President Trump elected. I believe they will be greatly repaid for their losses from this disaster. I feel sure everyone will be super astonished at the fast, and  excellence rebuilding of those heavily damaged places. Please join with me in claiming victory for this devastating hurricane.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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