Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"Beauty Before Nuts"

                           7 a m time for morning glories to go to sleep. 9-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I was up early enough this morning to get a picture of the morning glories before they went to sleep for the day. They are day sleepers, but are so pretty when they are out of the light. Most of the other flowers are about through living for this year, but the glories are just starting to come to life. I have a few more weeks left to enjoy them. Only a few apples remain on the trees, then all living plants and fruit will be over for another year. The thought of cleaning up all the dead stubble makes me tired already. My mother always told me the thought was always worse than the actual work. I’m not sure about that.
I did enjoy my time at the Citizen’s Center today. The food is always good, and the fellowship is wonderful. Mind you this is a Senior Citizen’s place, and imagine how long it’s been since most of us have been in school. Since this month was back-to-school month the decorators decided to use school books, and a short lesson or two for table decorations. We were given a short sentence on a card-board and told to diagram it.  On another cardboard was written a word that most of us couldn’t pronounce, let alone give the meaning of it. Ha ha, one person looked it up on their I-phone and wrote it down for all the rest of us to see. It meant a person who was always thinking of new ideas. I considered myself one of those whatever it was called. For a short time it seemed almost like we were back in junior high. That was a good idea, and I suppose that’s why the word was put on the card for us to define. One could not ask to be in better company than that at the Senior Citizen’s Center.

It’s after we get home, and no one is there but yourself, hour after hour, day after day, that life becomes boring. It never seems to get better so we must learn to cope with it. These kind of moods sometimes bring something out of us that we wanted to keep hidden. Maybe that is a good thing. Transparency it’s called, and that is not to be confused with privacy. There is a place in our lives for both characters. I notice myself wondering what has changed about me. I forget my best friend’s name at the most crucial times. A little exaggerated maybe, but it is pretty bad. When I read a few minutes ago about one of the younger, small-town doctors in our town, something she said in public, I think I am alright. She was explaining the lack of privacy in small towns. She said once she was in a clothing store when a woman with her seven year old son walked up to her and said, “ my son can’t find one of his nuts.” The doctor asked, “what is a nut?” She was serious, but hard to believe. This was her own story. I am from a small town, but I knew what the mother was talking about even though it was a stupid remark. I’m sure doctors have heard much more stupid things than that. I guess we all could stand some improvement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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