Saturday, September 9, 2017

"A Prized Possession"

My personalized, signed, photograph of President Donald Trump, wife Melania. received this morning. 9-9-2017 Perryton, TX.

My biggest blessing for today is receiving this personalized, signed, photograph of President Donald J. Trump, and wife Melania. I have a space reserved for it to hang along with other of my favorite American Presidents, however, this President is the most favored of all. I am so proud to be one of his advisory members, (as I’ve been told,) also a clean-up worker to help clean out the swamp. I am a daily supporter of his message, on foot, on computer, or any other way I can find, to “Make America Great Again.” I have been shouting victory ever since this man was elected President. I am positive he is the real deal, and I am seeing that more positively every day. His gorgeous wife is such a blessing to America by being it’s First Lady. She not only possesses beauty, but all the traits that make a beautiful woman. Charm, dignity, grace, poise, self-confident, and self possession. She knows her duty as both a wife, and a mother, as well as being First Lady. Intelligence is one of her strongest attributes. In my judgment she has scored an A+ in all of her performance so far. She is that lady I would look to for guidance if I were a young girl. I am saying nothing regarding religion. I understand our First Lady to be very respectful of others religion. I am saying all religions should reflect beauty, grace, respect, love, and trust in a higher power. No religion should demand the rights of others to be censured. But I do not try to change others ways of belief. Neither do I think others should try and change my beliefs. I think this is the same attitude of our First Lady. It takes a special kind of person to balance all the acts of do’s, and don'ts I just mentioned, but I do pray for more wisdom every day. I don’t compare my wisdom to Melania Trump’s.

We all are American’s first. Let us be happy with who we are, and try to make others happy for who they are. That is not condoning things contrary to the bible. But remember we are not God’s judges, and thank God others are not our judges unless we disobey the law of the land. I learned long ago not to let others make a punching bag out of me. No one knows my heart but God, and He is the only one that knows others heart. He is a just God, and needs no help in judging his people. When it comes to leadership over a nation, the one in power must make judgment calls. Nations against nations, must be judged, but the judge over all is still in control. Let us trust, and believe, that  our President is leaning to God for his understanding. Six million plus people, are believing the same thing is true with our President. I am a firm believer that six million more will soon be joining the present number. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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