Thursday, September 7, 2017

"My Angle Was Here Today"

Butterfly larger than the zinnia. So beautiful, and let me put camera right on top of it. 9-7-2017 Perryton,TX

I feel so lucky today when the butterfly I am posting let me put the camera almost touching it. Then it opened it’s wings wide for the picture. Could this be one of God’s angels posing for me? I have tried all summer to get a good picture of a butterfly with it’s wings open, but I never could make it happen. Today was a special day for a special purpose. No doubt God was speaking to me through this butterfly. I feel it all the way to my toes. I was discouraged today after two days of painting on a portrait, and was only making it look worse each time. I will get the right brush, and the right color together tomorrow, and make a better image, I’m sure. I feel like I could do it now, but I’m too tired. I certainly have been rejuvenated for sure. Our God is so great. When I get a touch like this from the Holy Spirit I just want to share it with all my readers. I think if I could just touch them physically they too would feel this overwhelming joy. That is impossible I know, but it is possible that these words can touch some heart, and make it rejoice also. That is my sincere prayer. There are many people needing a touch from God this very moment. Never be discouraged to the point of giving up. Keep a sweet spirit, and God will deliver you a message, maybe through a butterfly. If not through one of those little beauties, there will be something else.

I know it’s easier to think positive of yourself, than to produce from yourself. But after all positive results do come from positive thinking, else there would be no joy when you hit a home run. You had to first make a strike. You had to believe you were going to hit it hard and spot on. I don’t know my future, but I do know my future is in God’s hand. He will take good care of me. In the mean time I will trust Him for my daily bread, and drink. I will trust Him for my health, and I will trust Him for an eternal home when it’s my time to leave this world. It’s true since I have grown older I cannot do all the work I used too, but if I use what energy I still have I will accomplish more than a little when it’s all said and done. There is a spiritual eye that sees more than the natural one. “Only believe, and you will receive.” I truly believe God uses wisdom just like He asked us to do. He lets us rest when our bodies are tired, but He could strengthen and let us do more. That would be going against His plan for the natural body, so He lets us be like all other human bodies that walked the same path we are walking. The body only lives for awhile then It must die and be separated from the soul. I am happy to be what I am, and I am thankful for the Love of God in my heart.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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