Sunday, September 17, 2017

"What Happened To Yesterday"

You can see my shadow reaching out over the butterfly to take the pic. (-17-2017 Perryton, TX
I got a pic of a white butterfly, but it is small. It is near the top of pic close to left side.9-17-2017.

It has just been recently that white butterflies have been visiting my flowers. They are very small, and don’t land very often. I finally got a shot of one this morning near the bottom of a bush. You can barley see it, but it’s there near the top of the picture, and a little to the left. Even though most of the flowers are dead there is still lots of live activity in the flower garden. Dozens of butterflies are zooming around constantly. I will miss them when the last flower dies.

I had hoped for rain last night, and when I awoke this morning it was real hazy. I was encouraged thinking that rain would be here latter in the day. After church I went to the grocery store. The lady that carried out my groceries said at 7:30 this morning she saw a rainbow in the sky. I think that means no more rain. I was up at 7:30, but never thought of looking for a rainbow. I would love to have gotten a picture of it. So I won’t be trying to keep the flowers alive any longer. The ground is just to dry to water.  I will be spending this next week cleaning dead flowers and foliage out of the yard. Not a fun thing to think about.

This day has been both peaceful, and troublesome. Church did not allow me to leave with a good feeling this morning. Several bad things had happened to people in the church, then the pastor preached a sermon that one almost never hears preached. It was on forgiveness, and he made it sound like no matter what someone did to you, even murder your child, you must say I forgive you. At the last he tried to put some common sense into it, but it just didn’t make any sense to me. I have been  carrying this eerie feeling around all day. It’s like life is an impossible peaceful journey no matter how much you try to do the right thing. And death comes to the most loving, and most successful who tries the hardest to deny the threat of pain while thinking, “I have too much left to do on earth to think seriously about needing a doctor.” It doesn’t seem fair to take a life that was making a difference in troublesome children’s lives. A shocked family is left to try to understand what life is all about. Friends, and Communities are looking for answers. Must we quickly forget and move on, or should we keep seeking the cause of such misfortune. No one on this earth is exempt from pain, misfortune, sarcasm, frustration, depression, fear, and all the other unlovable evils that must be applied from time to time. Does it not sound reasonable that death is the better choice? But it will not happen just because we want it to. We must make the best of life regardless of the gruesome pain we must endure. We better not tell God enough is enough and take our own lives. He is in charge, and will tell us when enough is enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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