Friday, September 29, 2017

"Remembering The Poor Wise Flowers That Smiled At Me"

                              The snake was hungry this morning. 9-20-2017 Perryton, TX
He found the little squirrel. Good-bye friend, you've served me well. 9-29-2017 Perryton, TX

The rainy season has arrived. It has been raining slowly for a week. The rain gage has measured almost 4 inches already. The overcast is showering us with a fine mist at this time. The stump snake I have in my flower garden looked so wet, and hungry this morning. I fed him with my little friend, the squirrel. It’s fun to walk in the mist viewing the “has been,” beautiful flowers. I have to let them know I still care. They will all be back next spring with a brand new hair style, and make-up job. The big snake will be ready to take his place as master of the flower garden. But until then, my life is going to be dull, and probably meaningless The holidays are coming up, and my children will be taking me to their homes for, a several day, visit. My blogs will be taking a vacation also. But there comes a time when everyone should take a break from a hard, troublesome life. I will not miss many days of writing my blogs. I do look forward to visiting my family, and being waited on. No one could ask for better children, and grandchildren, than what I have. God must have liked me a lot. “Thank you Lord.”

I have been in disbelief for some time now as to why so many
American people cannot see the wisdom of our President. I tried to label it as foolish, selfish, jealousy, power cravers, Satanic followers, and a lot of other different stupid ideas. I was involved with trying to show people how wrong they were to disgrace our President, and First Lady, and those of us who supported him. I became a victim of the same evil obstructionist as our President. Then the Holy Spirit directed me to the book of Ecclesiastes. The first verse in the first chapter reads. “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. The entire book of Ecclesiastes is devoted to showing people the real part of life that matters to God. It explains how the rich are not the wise that can save a nation. It gives an example in chapter 9, verse 14, how a small city became besieged by a great king. And no one was able to save it. Finally there was a poor wise man found in the besieged city. Chapter 15. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man. My take on this. I can label President Trump as a poor wise man, before he became a rich wise man. His wisdom made him rich. But it is not his riches that is now making him wise. His wisdom came first. He is going to save this great American nation, but like the word says, he will soon be forgotten. Evil will never be wiped out for good. I want to be known as a poor, wise person who understands the will of God. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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