Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Death To Everything But America"

The asparagus plants just keep on living. Should be dead by now. 9-26-2017 Perryton, TX

Another fall morning is in the air. Cool, damp, dark, and lots of dead foliage to be seen. The asparagus plants are still very green, and are bending to the ground. I’m anxious to cut them back, and cover for the winter, but they refuse to die. The last few apples that fell to the ground are so dried up till they could be bagged and stored as dried apples. No thanks. I don’t want dried worms mixed with my apples. All the other fruit, and vines, are dead except the blackberries. They still are lively, and look better than ever before. The recent rain is keeping some of the flowers alive, but they don’t smile at me anymore. Very near death. So it’s time to go inside, and wait out a long, cold winter.

My next big, “happy time” coming up is Thanksgiving. My youngest son has told me he planes to come and get me and take me to his home in Abilene, Texas for the Thanksgiving holidays. This is always one of my favorite get-a-ways. My children, and grandchildren, make me feel young again. We always have a laughing, good time, not to mention all the delicious food. I don’t know how many of our family will be there, but my son, and daughter-in-law, usually invites his sister and her family also. They have a large house, and can sleep several. I’m sure I will be gone for several days.

I am sorry to have to say I am withdrawing my blessings from the NFL. This national sport has been the number 1 for many years, and has helped to make America the great nation it is. But now that the NFL has decided to join forces with all the other nitwits, who want to give our Great Country away, I can no longer be proud to promote them. I am predicting that the NFL support from millions of fans will quickly vanish. We everlasting lovers of America must now take a stand, or none of us will be Americans ever again. This tug-of-war between good, and evil, must go on even if we lose everything we once stood for. At least we must fight back, and show our patriotic strength, in spite of giving up some of our cherished, and exciting events. God, and country absolutely must come first. There is no place in either of these two great principals for stupidity to abide. I am calling on all American lovers to kiss the NFL good-bye. If they can’t control their players, then they can’t have our money. I believe I am right when I say, I have millions of likewise patriots standing with me. My advise to any who may be discouraged, don’t give in to pure pressure. God has been in our country’s beliefs from the very beginning. The National anthem,  the Pledge if Allegiance, The Ten Commandants, America The Beautiful, and many more identity symbols to bind us all together. There is no America without these blessed symbols. It will be an evil country gone stronghold with the evil demons who overpowered us. Let us keep singing, “God Bless America.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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