Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"The Last Bit Of Beauty"

They lived their live while spreading beauty. Good-bye and thank you. 9-12-2017 Perryton, TX

Feeling sad this morning as I prepare to cremate some deceased lovely flowers. I will miss them, but there will be offspring appear in their place next year. Just like our deceased loved ones, we have to learn to live without them. We have the offspring still with us, but they can never take the place of the first fruits. My husband’s birthday is in two weeks. He has been gone four and one-half years. A very few nights pass that I don’t dream about him. Sometimes at night a loud sound outside wakes me up and my heart starts pounding. I feel like someone is breaking in. Oh! How I need my husband. This happened to me twice last night, and I refused to call the police. I just cannot make that a habit. The first time it happened last night I had not gone to sleep yet. It was 1:30 a m. For some reason I wasn’t sleepy. The loud sound made me think someone pulled my storm door open with force. The main door was locked, and it would have been harder to break in. I was ready to push the lock button on my bedroom door then call police. Nothing else gave alarm so I went to the living room to see that no one was there. My heart finally quit pounding and I slowly drifted off to sleep. A little later an unfamiliar noise woke me up It definitely was something slammed against my house, but I was not able to discern it.

I have been very out spoken on the internet about the trust I have in our President. I have made no excuses for the wicked, evil, acts of Satan as he uses people to try and destroy God’s kingdom. I say it like I see it, and that is pretty blunt, and hit’s a lot of people in the middle. I know I could be hunted down and made to look like a suicide case. I believe many have already been victims of such deadly evil. I cannot be silent in times such as these. I am trusting God to keep me safe so I can continue to speak out for Him. I am learning this morning that our Vise-President almost got assassinated yesterday while giving an emotional speech at the 911 ceremony. Millions of people are praying every day, and night, for God to place a spiritual shield around our President, and Vice-President. I believe God answered that prayer yesterday. I believe He answered also when I was kept safe last night. In the name of Jesus we must declare that God is still in control, and He still answers prayer. We must not let fear stop us. If our hearts is right with God He will take care of us. If our hearts are not right, we must make them right without delay. Out greatest fear should be not knowing for sure if our hearts are right with God. I feel so close to God, and know that He will have His way with me, whatever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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